Camp Meeting on 2nd Creek
Conducted by Bro. Penn
August 1879
The members listed below joined at this Camp Meeting

 J.G. Rook                                                                      Excluded for nonattendance                       Nov. 22,1891
W.E.Saunders                                                                 Letter                                                                      1879
M.Y. York                                                                      Letter to join Nt. Calvary in Lee Co.          Sep. 21, 1879
Dr. V. R. Armstrong                                                        Letter
E.V. McClanahan                                                            Letter                                                                       1879
J. Griffin                                                                           Letter                                                                       1879
Maggie Dunham
O.L. Hundley
A.K. Houston                                                                  Letter                                                           Aug. 2, 1896
Calhoun Whittington                                                         Excluded                                                      Aug. 22, 1880
John E. Carroll                                                                 Excluded                                                      May 23, 1880
W.C. Flinn                                                                       Excluded                                                       Jan. 25, 1880
A.J. Harris
G.A. Morris                                                                     Letter
Brad Thompson                                                               Letter
Lenna Kirk                                                                      Letter
Henry Wiesner                                                                Dismissed by letter to Industry                        Sep. 21, 1879
Annie Johnson                                                                 Letter
H.G. Brown                                                                    Letter
S. Morris                                                                        Letter                                                              July      1886
P.G. Partin                                                                      Letter                                                                          1879
W.F. Newman                                                                Died
Lizzie Alvis
C.A. Holder
Annie Archer
Major Hudson                                                                Died                                                               Nov. 1884
B.S. Newman
Chas. S. Williams
W.W. Lowry
Chas. Emswiler                                                            Letter
Sister K.D. Drinkard                                                    Letter to Beaumont                                            July 1, 1906
E.W. Hudson
Thos. J. Hill
F.B. Jackson
Ellen Young                                                                 Letter                                                                Aug 2, 1896
Fannie Alton
Wm. Farr                                                                    Letter                                                                 Aug. 24, 1890
Doctor Johnson                                                           Letter
Harry Delamater
Miss Celeste Testard
Lula Reeves   (now Cromartie)                                   Excluded                                                            Apr.       1890
S.Y. Jackson                                                              Letter                                                                 Mar. 1, 1896
Nancy A. Gee                                                            Excluded                                                            June 27, 1880
Mrs. W. E. James  (Hannah E.)
G.E. James
A. Judson James  (Judd)
C.O. James                                                               Letter to Hartley                                                 Sep. 24, 1893
Miss Calista Valista James (now Ousley)                    Letter                                                                 Jan. 25, 1885
Ora Reeves (now Harris)

Last Update Monday, 07-May-2018 17:56:17 CDT

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