Unless otherwise specificed the date of joining the church is Aug. 1887.
#-Letter, O-Baptism, X-Resotred

#-N.M. Thornton                Jan. 23, 1887                               Died                                     Aug.       1888
#-Mrs. N.M. Thornton        Jan. 23, 1887                               Letter                                   Nov. 23, 1890
#-Miss Mary Crook           Apr. 24, 1887  from Byran            Letter                                   Dec. 22, 1889
#-Miss Carrie Crook         Apr. 24, 1887  from Byran             Letter                                   Dec. 22, 1889
#-Fannie Carroll                 May 22, 1887 from Byran
#-Mr. C.S. Tebbs                July   1886     Letter Nov. 27, 1887    Excluded for drinking      July 24, 1887
O-Charles A. Gee                                                                    Excluded                              Nov. 22, 1891
O-Thomas Martin                                                                     Letter                                    Apr.  5, 1896
O-Jesse Heslep                                                                        Excluded for profanity           Nov 22, 1891
O-James Berry                                                                         Excluded                               Aug      1888
O-Albert Wilkerson                                                                  Excluded for hericy                Nov. 27, 1887
O-W.C. Longwell
O-W.A. Eddings
O-Miss Lila Collins                                                                   Excluded                                Aug. 23, 1891
O-Mrs. Maggie Longwell
O-Mrs James Berry    (Mollie)                                                   Letter                                     Aug. 2, 1896
O-Miss Mary Blackwell  (now Bell)
O-Miss Jennie Higgason  (now Snyder)                                      Letter                                     Mar. 13, 1892
O-Miss Mary Jenkins
O-Miss Nellie Broaddus
O-Miss Callie Johnson  (now Mays)
O-Miss Kate Johnson
O-J.F. Cobb
O-Miss Annie Delameter
O-Miss Hattie Sullivan                                                               Died                                         Aug.   1888
O-Mr. Jackson
O-Miss Sue Ella Hudson
O-Miss Pearl parks
O-Mr. Craiger
O-Mrs Craiger
#-Evans Ellis
#-Mrs. Mary Ellis
#-Mrs. A.E. Young                                                                    Letter                                        Aug 2, 1896
#-Miss Ellen Young                                                                    Letter                                        Aug 2, 1896
X-Dr. J.P. Oliver                 Dec. 25, 1887        Trustee-Jan 1, 1891

Last Update Monday, 07-May-2018 17:56:17 CDT

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