JUNE 1893-DECEMBER 31, 1925
 How recieved, # - Letter, O- Baptism, *Statement, + Restoration

           Name                                Membership Date                                            How &      When Disposed of
#-Kilpatrick, L.H.                          Oct.  1, 1905                                                      Died           June 22, 1918
#-Kilpatrick, Mrs. Anna                 Oct.  1, 1905
#-Kelly, Roy                                  Aug. 13, 1905                                                    Letter          Dec. 17, 1922
#-Kelly, Mrs. Roy                          Aug. 13, 1905                                                    Letter          Dec. 17, 1922
O-Kuntz, Miss Eddie                      May   8, 1896
    Kelly, Mrs. Elna  (nee Murray)                                                                              Letter          Feb. 18, 1901
#-Kelly, Mrs. G.L.                                                   Oct. 14, 1917                            Letter         Dec.   1, 1920
#-Kelly G.L.                                                            Oct. 14, 1917                            Letter          Dec.   1, 1920
#-Kaltwasser, Mrs Bernice             Feb. 23, 1919
O-Kaltwasser, Tula B.                    June       1920     (now McLean)                         Died            Oct.  22, 1970
O-Kaltwasser, Ruby                       June       1920
Komes, Mrs. Elizabeth
#-Kennedy, Miss Blanch                Sept.    2, 1924                                                    Letter          May  25, 1925


Last Update Monday, 07-May-2018 17:56:17 CDT

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