According to a note at the beginning of this section 59 of the names on this list joined the
Church from in July 1892 at Poor Farm Camp.

#-Letter, O-Baptism, X-Restored

X-Miss Lila Collins             July 20, 1892
#-Mrs Nannie Moorman     July 24, 1892  from Wrightsboro, Gonzales Co.
#-Miss Lizzie Moorman      July   3, 1892  from Wrightsboro, Gonzales Co.
O-Mrs. Kate Cade             July   3, 1892
O-Rosa Carland                 July   3, 1892
X-Dr. J.H. Jenkins              July   3, 1892
X-A. Curtis Mecom            July   3, 1892                                Letter to Lillian Baptist Ch.             Jan. 29, 1905
X-Mrs. A. Dean                  July   3, 1892                                Letter to Houston                          Sep. 24, 1893
#-Mrs. Anna Gee                July   3, 1892  from Macadonia Ch. At Fraimville  Letter to Gause      Sep.  2, 1894
#-Frank Jackson                                        from Salem Ch. at Cooks Point
#-Hamp Davidson                            1891
#-Miss Pearl Parks                           1891
O-Mrs. Bertha McArthur     June 12,1892
    Miss Willie Williams  (now Radford)                                       Died                                                           1886
    Miss. Sue gordon      (now Hewitt
    Mrs. Lizzie Autry                                                                    Letter                                           Aug. 2, 1896
    Mrs. E.J. Womble                                                                  Died                                             April     1890
#-A.B. duckworth              July         1886
#-Hiram Johnson                Dec.        1888                    Excluded for using intoxication liquors        Aug. 2, 1896
#-Mrs. Helen Gerald           Sep.        1888                                Letter                                            July 16, 1893
    Dr. G.W. Radford
O-Mrs. Cola Carroll            July 14, 1892
O-Miss May Hope              July 14, 1892
#-Mrs. Murray (Blind Lady) July 14, 1892
O-Miss Hettie Hope             July 17, 1892
O-Miss Minnie Johnson        July 17, 1892
O-Miss Ellen Nooreman       July 17, 1892
O-Miss Ida W. Murray         July 17, 1892                                 Letter                                           July 16, 1893
O-Miss Bessie Gregg            July 17, 1892
O-Miss Velma Jackson         July 20, 1892
 O-Miss Clara Simpson         July 20, 1892
O-Miss Birdie Jenkins           July 20, 1892
O-Miss Laura Sullivan           July 20, 1892                                 Letter                                           May 17, 1903
O-Mr. L.H. Kilpatrick           July 20, 1892                                 Letter                                           May 17, 1903
O-Tom Broaddas                  July 20, 1892                                 Excluded for selling whiskey          Dec. 4, 1898
O-Miss Alice Bell                  July 20, 1892
O-Miss Maggie Lee               July 20, 1892
O-Miss Eula Collins               July 20, 1892
O-Miss Elna Murray              July 20, 1892
O-Miss Emmie Lee                July 20, 1892
O-Mr. Cola Carroll                July 20, 1892
O-Henry Lackey                    July 20, 1892
O-Miss Lena Chiles               July 20, 1892
O-Sammie Wilson                 July 20, 1892                                  Excluded                                        Aug. 22, 1893
O-Ed Bell                              July 20, 1892                                  Excluded at his request                   May  8, 1898
X-Mr. Charles E. Broaddus   July 20, 1892                                  Excluded                                         Jan. 5, 1902
O-Mr. Jessie Jenkins              July 22, 1892
O-Miss Mary Mecom            July 22, 1892
O-Mr. Willis Hudson             July 22, 1892                                   Excluded for drunkeness                  Dec.  4, 1898
O-Miss Willie Parks              July 22, 1892                                    Letter to Llano                                Feb. 12, 1893
O-Miss Lena Jackson            July 22, 1892
O-Miss Ola Daniels               July 22, 1892                                    Letter                                              Feb.  8, 1894
O-Miss Pattie Berry               July 22, 1892
#-Mr. Jacob Wilson               July 22, 1892                                    Letter                                              Mar. 30, 1893
#-Mrs Rebecca Wilson          July 22, 1892                                    Letter                                               Mar. 30, 1893
O-Miss Maud Alexander       July 23, 1892
O-Mr. Will McArthur            July 23, 1892                                     Excluded                                          Aug. 7, 1895
O-Mr. Will Jackson               July 23, 1892
O-Mr. Charles Lackey           July 23, 1892                                    Excluded at his request                      Dec.  4, 1898
O-Mr. Buck Mosely              July 23, 1892                                    Excluded for desertion of family         Apr. 22, 1894
O-Mr. J. Watt Rowland         July 23, 1892                                    Excluded for desertion of wife            Apr. 22, 1893
O-Mr. Bob Addison              July 23, 1892                                    Excluded                                           Aug. 22, 1893
O-Mr. Cecil McArthur           July 23, 1892                                    Excluded for drunkeness                    Aug.  3, 1902
O-Mr. Jim Broaddus              July 23, 1892
O-Mr. John Hill                      July 23, 1892                                     Excluded                                           Aug. 22, 1893
O-Mr. John Berry                  July 23, 1892                                      Excluded                                           July 16, 1893
O-Miss Bessie Lee                July 24, 1892
O-Albert Murray                   July 24, 1892
O-Miss Nattie Lee                 July 24, 1892
O-Miss Addie Murray            July 24, 1892                                     Died                                                  Aug. 2, 1892
O-Miss Nannie Porter            July 24, 1892
O-Miss Lilian Moorman         July 24, 1892
O-Mr. Edgar Simpson            July 24, 1892                                     Excluded at his request                       Dec. 4, 1898
#-Mrs. M. A. L. Mosely         July 24, 1892
O-Earnest Lackey                  July 24, 1892
#-Mr. Frank Jackson             Sep. 18, 1892

Last Update Monday, 07-May-2018 17:56:17 CDT

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