JUNE 1893-DECEMBER 31, 1925
 How recieved, # - Letter, O- Baptism, *Statement, + Restoration

           Name                                    Membership Date                                            How &      When Disposed of
   Lackey, Rev. W.S.                                                                                                    Died           June   1, 1919 @7:30am
   Lackey, Mrs. W.S. (Martha)                                                                                     Died                         1926
   Lamkin, Miss Lottie                                                                                                   Excluded     Apr. 18, 1908
   Lee, Mrs. George  (Mary)
   Lee, Miss Bessie                                                                                                        Died                           1926
#-Love, Miss Lela                               Apr. 29, 1906
   Longwell, W.C.
   Longwell, Mrs. W.C.
   Long, G.W.                                                                                                                Letter            Dec. 16, 1906
   Long, Mrs. G.W.                                                                                                        Letter            Dec. 16, 1906
   Long, Elbert                                                                                                                Letter            Dec. 16, 1906
   Lamkin, Miss                                                                                                              Letter            Jan.   26, 1910
   Longmore, Mrs. Grace                        Palestine, Texas
   Lee, Miss Vivian  (now Krueger)
   Langlotz, Carle E.                                                                                                         Died            Nov. 23, 1917
#-Love, Mrs. Annie King                    Nov.   2, 1919                                                       Died            Nov. 15, 1919
O-Law, George B.                              June       1920                                                       Letter          Feb.  20, 1924
#-Lackey, Miss Nora                          May   8,  1896                                                       Letter          Sep.    6, 1903
#-Lewis, Mrs. Clint                              June 26, 1923
O-Lewis, Clint                                     Aug. 31, 1924
O-Lane, Nancy Jane                            Sep. 25, 1925
O-Lane, Margaret                                Sep. 25, 1925

Last Update Monday, 07-May-2018 17:56:17 CDT

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