JUNE 1893-DECEMBER 31, 1925
 How recieved, # - Letter, O- Baptism, *Statement, + Restoration

           Name                                    Membership Date                                            How &      When Disposed of

#-Permenter, Mrs. Ida                                           1910    from Oklahoma                    Letter         June 27, 1911
#-Permenter, Miss Sallie                                        1910    from Oklahoma
#-Permenter, Miss Rhoda                                      1910    from Oklahoma                    Letter         Mar.  3, 1920
#-Permenter, Miss Addie                                       1910    from Oklahoma
#-Permenter, Eddie                                                1910    from Oklahoma                    Letter         June  27, 1911
#-Parkhill, Mrs. Sallie                                Oct.  1, 1905                                                Died
   Parkhill, Miss Mabel  (Mrs. E.B. Bue, Jr)                                                                     Letter        Oct.    7, 1908
#-Parkhill, Miss Nellie                                Oct.  1, 1905
O-Pollock, Hope  (Cobb)                          Dec.  3, 1905                                                                  Nov.       1905
    Porter, Robert C.                                                          clerk  1893-1895                    Died                         1931
    Porter, Mrs. R.C.  (LizzieB0                                                                                         Died                         1931
    Porter, Miss Lula                                                                                                          Letter                       1910
    Porter, Miss Carrie   (now Harwood)                                                                            Letter       Dec.   31, 1913
    Porter, albert
    Porter, Miss Nannie                                                                                                       Letter       Sep.     4, 1919
    Porter, Mrs. Jane
    Ponce, L.R.                                                                                                                    Died                         1907
O-Ponce, Frank                                            June  3, 1900
O-Phegley, Mattie                                                      1908
O-Parkhill, Jack                                             Dec. 5, 1909
O-Parkhill, Truman W.                                   Dec. 5, 1909
O-Parkhill, Lawrence                                Spring        1910
    Porter, Ed
    Porter, Mrs. A.D.
    Parkhill, T.B.
    Parkhill, T.W.
    Perdue, Mrs. R.M.
    Page, Mrs. Henry                                                                                                        Letter            Oct.  1, 1922
    Page, Henry                                                                                                                 Died             Feb. 17, 1917
    Perkins, MRs. E.A.                                                                                                      Letter            Oct. 24, 1915
    Perkins E.A.                                                                                                                 Letter            Oct. 24, 1915
    Porter, Alma
O-Porter, Angeline                                           Feb.  3, 1918
#-Posey, Bro. M.V.                                         Sep. 24, 1916                                            Letter            Nov.  4, 1917
#-Posey, Sis. M.V.                                          Sep. 24, 1916                                            Letter            Nov.  4, 1917
O-parkhill, Mrs. T.B.                                                      1918
#-Phelp, Mrs James
O-Phelp, Maud                                                June        1920
O-Phelp, Hubert                                               Apr.  29, 1921
O-Phelp, Pierce                                                Apr.  29, 1921
#-Porter, Mrs. John                                           Sep.       1921
#-Porter, Miss Elaine                                         Sep.       1921
#-Porter, Bill                                                     Oct.  30, 1921
#-Pledger, Rev. A.N.                                         Dec.   4, 1910
    Porter, Mr. N.E.                                                                           Aug. 22, 1915  Letter to Jayton, TX refused
    Pierce, Mrs. Joe                                                                                                                   Letter       Mar.  3, 1920
O-Porter, Katherine                                           Nov. 12, 1922
#-Porter, Bert                                                     June  26, 1923
#Porter, Charles                                                 June  26, 1923
O-Phelp, Mollie June                                          June  26, 1923
O-Porter, A.D., Jr.                                             June  26, 1923


Last Update Monday, 07-May-2018 17:56:17 CDT

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