Avery Ellis
Burleson TX Family Group Sheet for the Avery Ellis Family
Copyright Carol Costley Rabun. All rights reserved.
Submitted by: Carol Costley Rabun
Email address: <carolrabun@swbell.net>
Husband: Avery Ellis
Birthdate: 1811
Birthplace: madison County, Alabama
Death date: aft 1880
Place of death:
Father: John E. Ellis
Mother: Elizabeth Gregg
Marriage date: 1831/Apr. 1, 1852
Marriage place: Blount County, Tenn. /Caldwell County, Texas
Wife: Elizabeth Devine/ Mary Harvey
Birthdate: /1812
Birthplace: / Alabama
Death date: 1846/
Place of death: Monroe, Mississippi /
Child No. 1: Edward McMillian Ellis
Sex: m
Birthdate: Mar 1832
Birthplace: Mississippi
Death date: 1908
Place of death: Brown County, Texas
Marriage date: 1866
Marriage place: Burleson County, Texas
Spouse's name: Sarah Ann McDowell
Child No. 2: Mary Virginia Ellis
Sex: f
Birthdate: Oct. 2, 1836
Birthplace: Mississippi
Death date: Feb. 11, 1917
Place of death: Joshua, Johnson county, Texas
Burial: Crawford Cemetery, Crawford, Texas Marriage date: Jan 26, 1854 Marriage
place: Burleson County, Texas Spouse's name: William Edward Costley
Child No. 3: E.J. Bettie Ellis
Sex: f
Birthdate: 1843
Birthplace: Mississippi
Death date: aft. 1915
Place of death:
Marriage date: Jan. 5, 1860
Marriage place: Burleson County, Texas
Spouse's name: C.C. Harvey
Child No. 4: James Ellis
Sex: m
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
Child No. 5: John Ellis
Sex: m
Birthdate: 1854
Birthplace: Burleson County, Texas
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
Documentation: Endnotes
1. World Family Trees, The Ancestors of Casey and Angela Witmer Stafford by
Casey Stafford http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi- bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=:3153460&id=I04109.
2. Keith A. Reid spec9102K2@yahoo.com Ancestry.com ,
http://trees.ancestry.com/owt/person.aspx?pid=47904824 Keith has Avery's first
wife as Elizabeth Devine.
3. W.E. Costley's journal, 1913 entry Mary wrote a letter to her sister Mrs
Bettie Harvey Burleson County, Texas .
4. Burleson county Texas Marriages book 2, 46, http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/tx/burleson/vitals/marriages/books/b
urlem02.txt C. C. HARVEY to E. J. ELLIS [f] on Jan. 05, 1860 ~ pg. 46 .
5. Casey Stafford, Avery Ellis' brother James was killed at Goliad, a massacre
perpetrated by General Santa Anna during the Texas Revolution whose name was
used in conjunction with the Alamo as a war cry of Texas Independence. .
6. W.E. Costley's journal, Oct. 2, 1900, my wife is Sixty Six years old to day
She moved from missippi in 1849 and her people located in Burleson County a bout
Eleven miles south East of Caldwell in the Above county and was reared up to
woman hood in Said county and was married to one WECostley on the 26th day of
January AD 1854 then moved to Austin in travis county Texas and from that county
moved to Bastrop county in the fall of 59 and in fifty nine move to Coryelll
County and lived in the County five years. Then in the Spring of 1865 moved to
Pecon Bayou in coleman County Texas ten miles north east of New Camp Colorado
post. and there lived untill the fall of 1868 from which She moved to McLennan
County Texas Some 25 miles west of the city of Waco on the breaks of Middle
Bosque Creek from which She has lived ever Since 1868 and had borned her Seven
children five boys and too girls names as follows first Michael Second Edward
Third William Avry 4 Jackson 5 Christopher Columbus Costley girls as follows
Elizabeth Sophronia Costley and Virginia Costley Name sake of her mother.
7. Costley journal 1900, file 394, December 25th being Christmas day AD1900
hundred being the day that our Lord and Saviour was borned and also being my
birthday also making me Sixty Eight years old which makes me Sixty Eight
Christmas I have Seen in the State of Texas.
Last Update Friday, 07-Sep-2018 10:53:27 CDT
County Coordinator:
Gayle Triller