State of Texas }
In County Court
Burleson County } July Term A D 1880
To the Honl. County Court
of Burleson County-
Your Petitioner shows that
James Fleming 12 years of ang and Walter
Fleming 10 years of age are minors and residents
of said County without any lawful
guardian of their Apersons and your petitioner
being in no way disqualified prays
that he be appointed of the persons of said
May 21 1880 W. I Allbright
The State of Texas
To the Sheriff or any Constable
of Burleson County Greetings.
You are hereby commanded
to cause to be posted, three of the most
public places in your County on of which
shall e at the Court House door and no two
in the same city, town or village copies of
the above notice The State of Texas,
To all persons Interested
in the welfare of the minors James Fleming and
Walter Fleming. William I Allbright
filed in the County Court of Burleson County, an
application for letters of Guardianship on
the persons of said minors which will
be heard on the next regular term of the County Court
Commencing on the 19th day of July next at the Court
House there of in the town of Caldwell, at which time
all persons interested in said minors may appear
and contest said application as they see proper
Herein fail not under penalty
of the law and of this work
due return.
Issued the 21st day of May 1880
W.N. Heslep, Clerk C.C.
of said Court and the Seal of Burleson Countyc/
at office in the town of Caldwell, the 21st day of May
1880 W. N. Heslep Clerk CC
Burleson County
Came to said first day of June 1880 and
executed 4,9, & 11 days of June 1880, by posting written
notices of the notice in three public places in said
County, on of which was on the Court House door
one on Lyons Store, and one on Collins Mill J.M H___
Ben A Loden Deputy
Persons and estate of
James & Walter Fleming } S. S. July 19,
This day came on to
be heard the application of W.I. Allbright
for letters of Guardianship of the persons
of James & Walter Fleming minors and the
matters and things therein being seen and
by the Court fully understood It is ordered
that said application be granted, and that
letters issue to said W.I. Allbright as Guardian
upon his filing a Bond in the sum of
($200.00) Two Hundred Dollars amd Talking
the oath prescribed by Law.
Persons & Estate of
James & Walter Fleming }
S.S. July 19, 1880
The bond of W.I. Allbright
he as Guardian of the Persons of James & Walter
Fleming, having been filed and approved,
ordered that letters of Guardianship issue to
him the said W.I. Allbright
Board of Guardian
The State of Texas }
County of Burleson } Know all men by his presents
think on William I. Allbright as Principal and S.G. Wilson
and Geo W. Eubanks as Surities are bound unto John Alexander
County Judge of Burleson County and his Successors in office
in the Sum of Two Hundred dollars, conditioned that
the Said William Allbright Shall see and perform
all the duties incumbered on him as guardian of the persons
of James Flemimg and Walter fleming Minors.
Witness our hands this 19th day of July A.D. 1880
W.I. Allbright
Approved July 19th 1880 S. G. wilsom
John Alexander G.W. Eubanks
County Judge
The State of “Texas }
County of Burleson } I W. I. Allbright
do Solemnly
Swear that I now will and truly perform all
the duties required of me by law as guardian
of said Minors
Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 19th July 1880
W. I. Heslep clerk c.c. B. Co.
It is ordered that this Court do now
adjourn to the next regular term. July 27th 1889
John Alexander
Co Judge Bur Co
Last Update Monday, 07-May-2018 17:56:17 CDT
County Coordinator:
Gayle Triller