November  1897

NOVEMBER 5, 1897

Henry GEORGE, candidate of Jefferson democracy for Mayor of New York City died at Union Square Hotel this morning. [New York, October 29]

Advertised letters: Dolores BIARRIAL, Joe DEEN, A. I. ELLIOTT, B. N. FINCH, Mrs. A. B. MYRAN, Josephine NOPSKA.

John WATKA, the Creek Indian who shot Jonas DEER, another member of his own tribe was executed for the crime. A sharpshooter shot him, in the heart, while he was blindfolded and on bended knees, the spot marked by a white cross, then stained by his red blood. The men were rivals for the same girl. [Chelesa, Indian Territory]

R. R. WILSON, a cotton picker was shot & killed near Crawford, McLennan County. He had his two daughters with him at the camp. His wife is at Sulphur Springs and he has two brothers in Zephyr, Brown County, Texas.

New York, Oct. 29: Henry GEORGE, candidate of the Jefferson democracy for mayor of Greater New York died in Union Square Hotel this morning. He was born September 2, 1839.


B. C. NELMS has lost a black horse.

Rev. Mr. COPELAND spent several days at Yellow Prairie.

The Robert THOMPSON’s entertained.

Frank NEELY has returned to his home in Hubbard City.

Ed HILL has returned to Ballinger from Yellow Prairie. His brother, John accompanied him.

Rufus PRICE is visiting his sister at Belton.

Misses Carrie THOMPSON, Mary HOLT and Sally HILL and Mr. C. CARROLL visited Milano.

Mr. J. J. MORGAN & daughter, Eunice and Capt. CLEPPER of Caldwell were callers at Dr. NEELY’S.
John PHILP of Caldwell visited his best girl at Yellow Prairie.

T. B. TAYLOR stamps the tickers at Yellow Prairie now, Mr. GREENWOOD having being promoted to the Yarborough station.

J. D. WENTZELL has returned home to Yellow Prairie from Ledbetter.

Mrs. LITTLETON and Dr. PORTER & family from Gause were at Hix.

Mr. POOL & family of Jones Prairie were visiting at Hix.

Miss CHAMBERS and Miss HARDIN began their schools Monday, one at Rita, the other at the Row.

Miss Eva LUMPKIN, daughter of Rev. Pat LUMPKIN of Waco, who is to teach at Oklahoma settlement is here and will stay at Mrs. Jeanie PORTER until time for her school to begin.

Mrs. John SPRADLEY is recovering from dengue fever.

Tom PORTER is ill.

Henry SCOTT, the artistic painter has completed the job on W. M. SHERRILL’s dwelling.

Mrs. Bill SMITH is recovering.
E. W. NIMBY hurt his eye and is now wearing green goggles. Some people will do anything to be fashionable.

There was a frost all over Texas.

Mr. KAZMIR, blacksmith at Deanville sold his blacksmith outfit to Mr. STONE. Mr. KAZMIR is going to make all he can out of his road plow.

Messrs. James A. BOWERS, James CONNOLLY and Ad DONATH are all also on a trade. [Deanville]

R. L. JOINER & his mother, Mrs. Mary JOINER visited in Waco.

J. T. REEVES paid his newspaper subscription.

Miss Lula THOMPSON left for a visit at Weatherford, Texas. She will then go to Indian Territory to visit her parents.

Homer LAMPKIN is improving on his house.

Thomas FARMER went to Dallas last week to visit the fair and then to Granger to visit his brother and came home and went to bed with dengue fever.

These people were listed as having dengue fever; Hildegard HERBST, Mrs. Addie DEAN, J. F. McIVER, Miss Madge HITCHCOCK, Mr. W. E. JAMES, Mesdames, W. T. & John BOSWELL, Den DELAMATER’s family, Judge ALEXANDER, Major Sam RAGSDALE & two children, John BOSWELL, family of W. J. HARRIS, Tola OLIVER & his father, the doctor, Charlie STONE, Dick PERDUE, T. T. MORRIS, the tailor, Val HERBST and W. T. BOSWELL.

Ft. Worth, Nov. 3: Winfield SCOTT, E. B. HARROLD, Robert McCART and C. H. BENCINE of Ft. Worth have organized for purpose of building a large cotton mill of Brownwood.

NOVEMBER 12, 1897

Bryan, Texas, Nov. 10: The little girl of Mr. J. W. MATHIS, who was badly burned a short time ago, died last night from her injuries.
W. J. PORTER is authorized traveling agent of News – Chronicle for the northern part of the county. He also has an ad in the paper to sell a large, thoroughbred Clydesdale stallion.

Last night, Henry MOSES and Miss ALLEN were married at the home of I. T. GARRISON, which was a surprise to our people, no one knowing anything about it until the eve before. A large crowd was present and after the ceremony, a dance was enjoyed by all.

The following people of Gause were listed as having dengue fever: John R. FRAIM, Prof. WRIGHT of Gause High school, Charley MOORE, Mrs. Allen VARNER, Jourd A. ELY, and Mrs. J. C. DICKINSON.

Someone stole 150 pounds of seed cotton from a pile on W. J. GAUSE farm. The cotton was owned by Chance KELLY, a Negro. [Gause]

T. H. TABOR of Chriesman was in Gause.

William GRIGSBY went to Rockdale on business.

W. J. PARNELL went to Rockdale with cotton.

William H. ELY of Hearne is in Gause on business.

Cyrus HATFIELD left Gause for Hogg community where he will be entering school.

Will MOORE left on a trading expedition in eastern Texas with a drove of horses. [Gause]

Mr. D. McGREGOR who has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Kate BLACK and Mrs. James HENSLEY returned to Brenham.

Mr. & Mrs. BOYD of Washington County are visiting Dr. McLEAN’s family.

Miss Mamie PHILP and Miss Sudie ANDREWS are visiting friends and relatives in Caldwell.

Prof. STORM & mother of Franklin, Texas are visiting Mrs. William CLINTON.

Rev. McMILLAN accompanied by his niece, Miss ADAMS preached at Yellow Prairie.

Miss Maggie HENSLEY is visiting with Mrs. NEELY.

James PHILP is improving.

R. L. JOINER returned from his business trip.

W. H. JENKINS has been buying lumber in east Texas all week.

Mrs. Mary JOINER returned from visiting friends in Waco.

Mrs. H. W. SMITH was in Waco to attend funeral of her sister, Mrs. B. H. CARROLL.

E. L. SCARBOUGH, of Hartley visited his uncle, Dr. J. H. JENKINS. He is on his way to Galveston to live.

Miss Alice BELL is in Waco with her uncle, Dr. B. H. CARROLL to help out after the death of her aunt.

REEVES & BROADDUS are now engaged in butcher business.


Ardmore, Oklahoma, November 5: Charles RINHARD, living near Ardmore cut the throat of his cousin, Miss REESE and attempted to stab her. He then cut his own throat. Dr. HARDY sewed up the wounds. Miss REESE may recover, but Mr. RINHARD is expected to die.

News reached Franklin, Texas from the Macy neighborhood, that a young man named Bennett LLOYD had been killed by his horse falling on him.

Hot Springs, Arkansas, Nov. 10: Frank KAUFMAN, Charley JOHNSON and Clara ERHART were burned to death in A. ERHART’s bakery on Central Avenue.

NOVEMBER 19, 1897

BORN: Boy to Mr. & Mrs. E. P. GILCHRIST last week. [Hix]

Advertised letters: Lizzie DEURON, P. G. JOHNSON, Frank LONGER, J. G. RAMSEY, Miss Annie VAMER, S. B. WILSON and C. E. WHITEHEAD.

N. E. PORTER is improving from dengue fever.

Willie FLANNAGAN went to Lexington to see his best girl.

Jim BROADDUS of Caldwell went to Center Point to see his best girl.

Lee GARRETT comes to the Center Point neighborhood often.

There was a singing at Mr. WHITE’s.

W. N. NELSON & sons, Hugh and Norton returned from seeing the Belton fair.

Miss Mae HOPE is teaching school.

Mrs. LACKEY is going to move to Caldwell soon. [Center Point]
Mrs. H. H. GILLEY has dengue fever. [Center Point]

Mr. & Mrs. B. A. PORTER went to Porter’s Prairie to visit.

Miss Irma PORTER & Ina ROWLAND are talking of going to Salado, Texas soon.

Mr. & Mrs. T. B. PORTER spent the day in Caldwell.

Miss Fannie MOSES of Deanville spent the day at Center Point with friends.

ORSAG & MAREK of Tunis filed with the county clerk, a deed of trust, conveying to J. W. PAGE of Tunis, for benefit of their creditors all the stock of goods (dry goods, groceries, tobacco & liquor). [Bankrupt]

C. A. ROESLER, successor to STOKES & ROESLER in the saddle business in Caldwell made a trust deed to Joseph TRUAX in favor of his creditors. [Bankrupt]

Miss Carrie THOMPSON of Yellow Prairie cut her thumb.

F. WOOD of Yellow Prairie is a successful potato grower.

Robert THOMPSON is on sick list.

Mr. & Mrs. WEYAND’s little child had dengue fever.

Notice of dissolution: The firm of (Anton) FOJTIK & (Frank) BALCAR has been dissolved.
Anton will continue in liquor business and Frank in dry goods & groceries.

Charley PORTER and Miss CHAMBERS attended the Teachers Institute at Cameron. Charley also went to see his girl at Maysfield.

Enoch DUNN and Jim WOOD attended Teachers Institute at Cameron.

Mrs. SPRADLEY, who had dengue fever now, has slow fever.

Albert DUNN had a relapse of dengue fever.

Mr. “Thump” PEEL, formerly constable here [Hix] is now employed as sergeant on WILSON farm.

Dr. SPARKS went to Gause Monday.

Misses Carrie LOVELACE, Willie SPARKS, Kate BAIN, & Ruth GRESHAM and Messrs. Alex BECKMAN, Ed DENMAN, Virgie SPARKS & Harry LIGHT have conspired to get their name in the paper.

Soney WORTHINGTON has a new stock of general merchandise in west Stone City.

V. HEJL has put in an application for naturalization.

W. M. STONE is sick.

Hal HITCHCOCK has sore eyes.

Dr. R. C. PORTER is sick.

E. W. B. LEACH and E. D. ARNOLD are in town.

M. L. WOMACK, Jr. of Houston, the son of Capt. M. L. WOMACK is in town in the interest of FOSTER Lumber Co. of Houston.

D. F. DICK, one of the prosperous farmers of Merle, paid up his subscription.

Three of S. B. MURRAY’s children are sick.

Hon. W. W. SEARCY of Brenham is attending court.

E. O. JANNETT is in bed with rheumatism.

T. H. SKRABANEK and Vic BUNATA are in Milam County on business.

Miss Clara MATTHEWS is going to Houston to visit her sister Mrs. M. L. WOMACK, Jr.

Miss Mary JENKINS, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. BARNETT in Brenham has returned home.

H. C. BARNETT & Earl of Lyons were in Caldwell.

Charles F. SMITH, cashier of First National Bank of McGregor and secretary of Texas Bankers Association is in Caldwell on business.

J. R. HAYDEN is recovering from dengue and slow fever.

C. C. NELMS has had a black stallion lost or stolen.

Tony VEAL, [c] on PARKER’s plantation had to have one of his legs amputated by Dr. Will OLIVER of Bryan, due to inflammatory rheumatism.

The REV. CHLUMSKY married JOHN DUSEK and MISS MINNIE SKRIVACEK on the 7th, at the residence of bride’s parents.

Divorces, District Court: W. F. ADAMS vs. Collie L. ADAMS, granted. Plaintiff given custody of children and homestead set aside as prayed for.  Lee WASHINGTON vs. Mary WASHINGTON, granted. Minnie PRESTON vs. George PRESTON, granted.

Brenham, Nov. 16: Well-defined case of diphtheria is in Brenham according to Dr. W. A. LOCKETT. It is the four-year-old son of Mr. & Mrs. H. R. SCHULTZ. Also the child of Mr. Henry WEHRMANN was sick about a month ago.

NOVEMBER 26, 1897

Advertised letters: Berry JOHNSTON, Henry SMITH, H. H. THAXTON, Hipolito VILLARREL, Miss Victoria WILSON

Shep JASPER, the Negro who was accidentally shot in the leg during the GERALD – HARRIS battle at Waco never took to his bed because of the wound.

Frank A. PHILLIPS, dry goods merchant of Mexia failed. [bankrupt]

HOOKER & MILLER, general merchants of Duffau, Erath County, failed. [bankrupt]

Frank A. CAPPS of Itasca failed. [bankrupt]

GARRETT & CURRY, dealers of tobaccos and the properitors of LOBBY Pool, executed a deed of trust to C. G. BOTTS. [Brenham]  [bankrupt]

Brenham, Nov. 24: At the home of Mr. & Mrs. HAMMERMANN, their seven-year-old daughter, Rosa was severely burned while attempting to light kitchen fire, when kerosene spilled. Dr. GRAUL attended her burns.

Bob WEBB, one of Birdsong’s leading young men returned from Bell County with his young wife.

Miss Alice BELL returned from Waco.

Uncle Billy HOLMES is seriously ill.

William REEVES & wife spent Thanksgiving in Brenham.

Ed CAMP of Milano is in town.

W. W. WALSTON of Lyons is in Caldwell.

Mrs. McCLANAHAN went to Brenham on morning train.

Mrs. Levi KILPATRICK has dengue fever.

Charles ROESLER & wife went to Brenham to visit.
Will THOMAS of Brenham is buying cotton at the Grange store.

W. J. PORTER of Gause is in town.

R. E. CARROLL of Beaumont is in town.

Will NABORS is in town.

Judge McIVER went to Belton to visit his wife and daughter.

Miss Clara SULLIVAN went to Temple to visit her sister.

M. M. CHILDERS of Staples, Texas s in Caldwell on business.

Billy BELL and Will GAINER of Parker’s Store attended court.

Thomas RAGSDALE, son of S. G. RAGSDALE spent Thanksgiving with his parents.

R. S. NEWSOME is in town.

W. E. MENARD and H. M. GERMAN of Bastrop are in town.

R. L. YOUNG, C. E. BRUNER and A. C. BRIETZ OF Bryan are in town.

Dr. J. H. SPARKS of Hix is in town.

W. T. HECK, S. A. BALANDER and C. S. WILSON of Giddings are in town.

W. W. WATSON brought the editor some fine ribbon cane syrup.

Jule HILL OF Gay Hill is in town.

W. M. STONE is improving.

James BROWN, promising young attorney of Giddings is in town.

Dr. Will FOUNTAIN of Bryan, an old Caldwell boy is in town.

Rev. Jeff D. RAY & family went to Brenham to spend Thanksgiving with relatives.

Dr. OLIVER moved his office to his residence lot.

Will THOMAS of Brenham went home to eat Thanksgiving turkey.

B. A. BAKER, W. L. TESCH, W. PRIESMEYER and F. LANGE of Brenham are in town.

E. O. JANNETT had dengue fever and rheumatism.

J. B. McARTHUR bought all the bankrupt stock of Charles ROESLER.

Dr. W. E. HOWARD of Dallas recently located in Caldwell.

L. W. FINE of Washington County, Arkansas, bought a part Ed ELLIS, Sr. farm in Brenham neighborhood.

Last Update Monday, 07-May-2018 17:56:23 CDT

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