October  1897

OCTOBER 1, 1897

BORN:  Boy to Mr. & Mrs. Ed REEVES on September 24.

BORN:  Boy to Rev. & Mrs. J. S. STEVENS. Mrs. STEVENS is seriously ill with fever.

Mr. D. McGREGOR is nearly one hundred years old. [Yellow Prairie community]

Mr. & Mrs. Fritz POEHLS had their 25th anniversary on the 29th of September.

Mrs. BROEHMER [Brymer?] is quite sick and friends fear she may not recover.

Mrs. A. F. GRABOW and Mrs. CHURCHILL of Caldwell visited Dr. McLEAN & family.

Miss Carrie THOMPSON is teaching.

A. LOVE and Julius WINKLER have gone west on business.

Mr. D. McGREGOR & daughter of Brenham are visiting Mrs. BLACK and Mrs. HENSLEY. Mr. McGREGOR is nearly 100 years old.

Little Johnnie, son of Otto BROEDKER, while wrestling fell and broke his arm.

Mrs. HOMEYER of Burton, who was visiting her daughter, Mrs. MATEJOWSKY returned home.

Mrs. BROEHMER is quite sick at the home of her grandson, August POEHLS.

Mr. HELVEY passed Birch with a drove of cattle.

Denton, Denton County, Texas, Sept. 28: At Justin, on the Santa Fe west of Denton, the son of D. C. LENTY was accidentally shot with a loaded shotgun.

Capt. G. J. WILLIAMS has insurance for cotton available.

Patrick H. GRADY shot at Rev. Father DOLJE, of Abilene. [not in Burleson County]

Joe WOODS and John CHAMBERS of Lyons are in town.

Thomas GILLEY, bookkeeper for JENKINS & JENKINS is sick with dengue fever.

E. G. BANKS, Jr. will teach at Gee Prairie.

Robert HESLEP & family returned from visiting in Navasota.

Doctor GORMAN went to Giddings to visit.

Rev. Jeff RAY, J. A. STEVENS and W. E. JAMES & families returned from Rockdale where they attended the Little River Association.

Jesse JENKINS has taken his cousin, E. G. JENKINS, county assessor, as a partner.

E. J. BRADLEY of Waxahachie arrived in Caldwell to officiate on case at News – Chronicle office.

Rev. M. C. TAYLOR, pastor of Presbyterian Church will preach on 1st & 3rd Sundays.

Mr. S. R. B. SANDS, 76 and wife, 74 of Lyons were in Caldwell. They are neighbors of B. F. LYON of Lyons, who is 86 and also “Uncle Newt” MAYFIELD, who is 88.

G. COLBERG and D. LEVI are only Jews in town to celebrate the Jewish New Year.

Dave HALLOWAY, of Dallas was given 25-year sentence for an assault on a little child.

Mr. James PHILP of Yellow Prairie is sick.

Notice in paper concerning the estate of Caroline LAUDERDALE, deceased, placed by James CONNOLLY, administrator.

OCTOBER 8, 1897

Mr. STEVENS of Cameron is visiting relatives in town. [Gause]

Maj. W. J. GAUSE is preparing to build a tenant house on his farm near Gause.

Mr. HILL, nephew of townsman, Dr. John D. PORTER is visiting in town. [Gause]

Allen VARNER had attack of dengue fever.

Messrs. Manuel ELY and Andrew MINTER have bought a wheel of fortune outfit and will travel this fall with it. [Gause]

Jack P. STORY has gone to coal mines near Rockdale to accept position in a blacksmith shop.

Bob COCKRAN is Saturday seed buyer for J. R. FRAME.

R. E. WATTS is selling a lot of lumber to farmers near Gause.

James PITTS is building quite a large house. He must believe in having enough room. [Gause]

Messrs. MACAT & STRUWE bought out saloon of Mr. J. GAVENDA and plan to compete with JANCIK & RIPPLE.

James PHILP is convalescent.

Rev. McMILLAN is preaching at Presbyterian Church at Yellow Prairie. Rev. M. DALE was supposed to help.

On account of crops being gathered, Miss Carrie THOMPSON’s school will begin next Monday.

Messrs. LOVE and WINKLER have returned from trip west.

Dr. MOORE [dentist] of Atlanta, Georgia is here looking after the condition of Yellow Prairie people’s teeth.

Prof. BAILEY of Waller County is conducting a large singing school at Birdsong.

Little Ruth SPRADLEY has been sick with something similar to diphtheria.

Alex BECKHAM has had an attack of slow fever.

Mrs. Albert DUNN has been dangerously ill.

Miss Willie SPARKS has returned from Milam. Miss Eva FRAME of Milam came home with her.

Miss Blanche CHAMBERS will soon be teaching at Hix.

Miss Katy DUNN will be teaching at Providence.

Ben B. HUNT is visiting at Cooks Point.

Dr. SHERRILL is talking of building a telephone line from his office at Shady Grove to Parker’s Store.

Will R. TAYLOR is visiting parents at Cooks Point.

Mrs. J. A. STEPHENS is better.

Mrs. STEPHENS, mother of Rev. J. A. STEPHENS of Brenham is visiting here.

A. C. FARMER has moved to his new home in northwestern portion of the city.

WOMBLE & McARTHUR are advertising bacon this week at 6 ¾ cents.

Mrs. E. P. HUTCHINS formerly of Caldwell, now of Marlin is visiting her mother, Mrs. LAMPKIN.

A. D. RUST, Jr. left on a business trip.

Mrs. Hal HITCHCOCK has been quite ill with neuralgia.

Mrs. T. B. STONE of Georgetown has been visiting in Caldwell, but left for Washington County.

Judge E. B. BANKS is altering and improving his residence.

Rev. W. C. BRACEWELL, Methodist minister on Lyons circuit has a very sick child.

Mr. & Mrs. J. W. VEASEY are ill with dengue fever.

Mrs. M. JOINER returned from her trip to Nacogdoches.

Buster WILLIAMS, [c] charged with theft was handed over to await action of grand jury.

Dr. & Mrs. DARDEN and daughter, Miss Sallie of Darden Springs, Lee County are visiting their daughter,

Mr. J. A. TAYLOR went to Galveston and had an operation on his neck. He is severely ill at the present.

G. B. BOSWELL left Saturday with intentions of bringing back a few wagonloads of nuggets from the Klondike.

A. J. RADFORD of Lyons filed a deed of trust with county clerk naming O. F. LYONS as trustee for benefit of creditors.

T. O. JAMES of Coldwater, Sherman County was married in Dodgeville, Wisconsin on September 30th to Miss Mary E. MAUGHN. Mr. JAMES was formerly a resident of Caldwell.

Married at the Presbyterian Church last Sunday, Mr. Al MITCHELL and Miss MORMAN of Cedar Creek.

Advertised letters: D. CALHOUN and Jack SMITH

OCTOBER 15, 1897

Mrs. M. A. WYETT has been very ill.

J. B. TANNER of Hookerville is in town.

Rev. Ira B. GORDON of Brazos County is visiting in town.

Mrs. J. A. STEPHENS is convalescent.

Miss Bessie WHITHERS is improving.

Miss Hattie WARD one of Lyon’s fair daughters is visiting in Caldwell.

William BOYD is in town.

J. W. VEASEY is better.

Nellie JENKINS, daughter of E. G. JENKINS has been ill with fever.

Miss Irma MECOM has returned home to Lee County.

A. D. RUST, Jr. has an attack of dengue fever.

Mrs. Robert ETZEL and two children are seriously ill.

John HAMMOND [c] charged with assault to murder was arrested at Seguin, Texas last week. Sheriff CURRY went after him.

C. D. BOYDEN was arrested near Tunis last week and charged with selling merchandise without a license.

Advertised letters:  E. J. BURNS, Kitty CLABURNE, S. D. JOHNSON, James KEER, Harry WOLKOWITZ.

OCTOBER 22, 1897

Jim BURCH, convict guard on county farm near Brenham was assassinated October 10th by Negro, Bob CARTER, a former convict under BURCH. He used a double-barreled shotgun to do the deed. He has been arrested.

J. W. WATSON, a bookkeeper of Ft. Worth committed suicide Monday.

I. M. PEARSON of Buffalo, Texas failed Monday for about $100,000.

Ed WILLIAMS of Waxahachie, Texas failed Saturday for about $5,000.

A. LOWENSTEIN, dry good merchant of Dallas, Texas failed Monday for about $24, 000.

City National Bank of Sherman, Texas closed its doors Monday with liabilities of about $60,000.

Fire destroyed the residence of J. W. ELLIS of Cameron.

At Greenville on Wednesday, Henry AYCOCK, former newspaperman was shot by Emerson BARBEE, editor of Commercial Phonograph.

T. P. GORE, populist orator of Corsicana was arrested on charge of seduction. The young lady who is making the charge is blind and so is Mr. GORE.

Jim WORD has gone to Smyrna to teach. [Hix]

Charles PORTER opened his school here Monday. [Hix]

Mr. Albert DUNN is slowly improving.

Alex BECKMAN is visiting in Hix.

Mrs. Jim LITTLE was dangerously ill, but is improving. She was visited by her son, Dr. R. B. LITTLE of Tunis.

Miss Florence FRAIM is visiting at Hix.

ANNIE TOBENA, who is considered insane, has been in and out of jail again.

Married at the home of the bride’s parents on October 20th, J. C. BOSWELL and Miss Ida WHITTINGTON. They took a trip to Dallas afterward.

At the residence of Rev. W. E. JAMES, Cliff SALES and Miss Clara McLEOD were married on October 21st.  Mr. SALE is in the employ of BARNETT & NELMS.

At the Lutheran Church, east of the city, R. SURVOIC and Miss Teresa MACAT were married.

At Waco, Texas, Mark WOODWARD married Miss Jennie E. CORNIBE on October 12th.

At Gatesville, Texas on October 12th, C. L. FLACK married Miss Hattie GREEN. Mr. FLACK is proprietor of Gatesville Forum.

Mrs. John TIDWELL has an attack of dengue fever. [Gause]

Liby, daughter of Mrs. CUNNINGHAM fell from a tree and broke her leg. [Gause]

Druggist T. L. WATTS is on the grand jury. [Gause]

Mrs. LITTLETON has dengue fever. [Gause]

Mr. & Mrs. W. J. PORTER gave a social. [Gause]

Mrs. B. S. DICKINSON of Yellow Prairie is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. A. ELY. [Gause]

Morgan DICKINSON has given up his position of seed buyer for J. A. JACKSON and has gone to Yellow Prairie.

Mr. J. A. FOWLER sold his stock of goods to Capt. George ADAMS, of Milano, who will conduct business at same old stand. [Gause]

Store building of Allen VARNER is occupied by LOWENSTINE Bros. of Rockdale, who are auctioning off bankrupted stock of goods. [Gause]

Mrs. J. A. ELY has dengue fever. [Gause]

Prof. WRIGHT is opening school. [Gause]
V. A. WARREN and Thomas A. CALDWELL returned to Coryell County.

Mrs. James PHILP is improving.

E. O. HILL who has been in Ballinger, Texas is home again. [Yellow Prairie]

Mr. Cy PHILP of Dallas is visiting his sick brother, James PHILP.

Mrs. Robert ETZELL & children of Caldwell visited Dr. NEELY’s family.

Miss Fannie HURSTON, who was visiting her sister, Mrs. Henry WINKLER has returned to Bryan.

Mrs. GOODWIN is quite sick.

Morgan DICKERSON of Gause is a frequent visitor to Yellow Prairie.

H. C. GOODWIN of Tunis is in town.

W. B. SLAY of Fraimville is in town.

M. H. SANDS of Lyons is in town.

Mr. KENNEDY of Denison, Texas is in town.

Rev. W. C. BRACEWELL of Lyon’s circuit is in town.

Mr. J. R. HARTGRAVES returned from Somerville.

T. M. YOUNG of Brenham is town.

Miss Edith RADFORD of Lyons is visiting her friend, Miss Clara MATTHEWS.

T. L. LAURENCE of Waco, traveling agent for the BEHRENS Drug Company is in town.

Dr. W. A. ADAMS of Ft. Worth passed through on his way to Bryan to visit relatives.

Miss Emma FISCHER was called to Brenham to attend her sister’s family, who is down with dengue fever.

Miss Alma LAMPKIN returned from Longview.

Joseph TRUAX is back at business house after having dengue fever.

Mrs. William REEVES is visiting daughter, Miss Alma, who is at Baylor Female College in Belton, Texas.

Mrs. J. M. FAGAN & little Lucy returned from St. Louis and Perry, Missouri.

Dr. Sam WILSON, Jr. left for Galveston to attend medical college.

Dot OLIVER, Harry GRAY, George LEE, Jr., Mrs. J. H. FUOSS, Mrs. W. H. JENKINS, Dr. MATTHEWS, Carey NEWCOMB, Mrs. E. G. BANKS, Miss Lula THOMPSON, Jacob PIWETZ & his two little boys, Judge BANK’s two daughters, and little Will HUNDLEY all have dengue fever.

A. I. WORLEY’s general merchandise store at Lexington, Texas burned on October 20. Also burned were F. VANDERWERTH’s saloon, RAMSEY & LANGHAM’s confectionery, W. J. GRIFFITH’s grocery store, BLAINE’s feed shed and P. W. JENSEN’s black smith shop. The bucket brigade prevented E. ZANDER’s store for catching fire. There was several thousand dollars worth of damage.

Advertised letters: J. B. BAKER, Rev. J. D. BOYD, Henry BENSON, Miss Nora CARROLL, Hester COLE, Miss Mary Jane GREEN, M. L. HAMILTON, Miss Jeny NETTLES, Adam NELSON, W. R. TAYLOR, Miss Mirah WILBON.

OCTOBER 29, 1897

The BROADDUS School at Cooks Point blew off the blocks [from a windstorm] and damaged it so badly it may not be rebuilt.

The mayor of Cameron [Milam County] states 25% of the people in Cameron have dengue fever.

Charles A. DANA, who was for many years the editor of New York Sun, died two weeks ago.

Rev. William MACK of Kansas, who is visiting his uncle, John CARNES & other relatives preached at the Presbyterian Church.

Rev. SPEIGLE of Cumberland Presbyterian Church filled his regular appointment.

Rev. L. P. BROWN will preach at the Methodist Church.

G. W. MORGAN of South Bend is visiting at Yellow Prairie.

Mr. A. LOVE is teaching at Hoskins Springs.

Frank NEELEY of Hubbard City is visiting his father, Dr. G. W. NEELEY.

Mr. M. LOVE is affected with sore eyes.

Mr. D. McGREGOR of the Confederates Home in Austin is visiting his sisters, Mrs. Kate BLACK and Mrs. James HENSLEY.

Tom FENCHER of Washington County is visiting Mr. Lon DOOLIN & family.

Mr. Will PHILP and Mrs. STOVALL, who lives near Caldwell, are visiting Mr. James PHILP. He is still on the sick list.

Fern WOOD of Cedar Creek says pecans are “knee deep” at his father’s place.

Miss Clara HARDIN is to teach at Smoky Row.

Will LOVELACE of Mumford is better.

Two interesting cases in county court were Dr. J. L. FOSTER for practicing without a license and William PITTS [c] who was charged with carrying a pistol.  (There were many names listed in the court cases)

Sol LEVI of Brenham is in town.

R. M. CONNOR and W. C. WOMBLE visited in Bryan.

F. J. WOMACK of Galveston visited his parents here.

Curtis OLIVER of Bryan is visiting in town.

Ned JENKINS is in Dallas buying Christmas goods for E. G. and J. W. JENKINS.

J. A. BEARD, old gentleman from near Clay Station is in town.

B. I. SPARKS is holding position of bookkeeper in bank during illness of John HADEN.

W. M. STONE, F. A. KING and Harry HUDSON went to Dallas on business.

Charley BROADDUS is sick.

Mrs. T. E. JACKSON of Hix paid up her subscription to newspaper.

E. B. BELL, S. B. MURRAY, A. C. MURRAY and Emmitt HESLEP went to Yegua [Creek] to fish.

Henry HARRISON of Brenham is in town.

The following were listed as being sick with dengue fever; Mrs. S. E. ROWLAND, Bob OLIVER, Cliff SALES, Mrs. B. R. COPELAND, Mrs. W. E. JAMES, Miss Alma LAMPKIN, Carey NEWCOMB, Mrs. Dr. OLIVER, Rev. Jeff RAY’s two children, Miss Lena CHILES, W. H. HUNDLEY and wife, Buck GAY, E. P. JERSIG, the WITHER’s family and Mrs. M. E. HITCHCOCK.

On October 26th, at the residence of the bride’s mother, John M. MIKESKA and Miss Antonio JANCIK were married.

At the residence of Mrs. WYETT, J. C. DENNIS of Rogers and Miss Earlie V. BIRD of Taylor were married. The couple will live in Rogers, Texas.

Mr. F. A. KUBELKA, clerk for merchant, Mr. DONATH at Deanville was married Tuesday at High Prairie, to Miss Emily MARES.

Advertised letters: Sam DAVIS, Dallas LOYD, James STUARD, Sheid SOLAR

Last Update Monday, 07-May-2018 17:56:24 CDT

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