The Caldwell News – Chronicle, Caldwell, Texas

November 22, 1907

 Death of Joseph W. Farmer

 Submitted by:  Will James


   In the presence of twelve of his children and a large number of those whom he had seen grow up from boy and girlhood, the casket that contained all that was mortal of Joseph W. Farmer was reverently lowered to its last resting place in the old cemetery last Sunday morning at 10 o’clock.  Though many had known that Mr. Farmer had been in failing health for the past two years, his death was a shock to all, for only the day before the end came he was walking about the home seemingly as usual.  Friday about midnight he summoned some of the family, stating that he was ill, and before a physician could be summoned he was dead, the end being without pain – just a stopping of the machinery of life.  Joseph W. Farmer was a native of Virginia, and came to Texas with the Broaddus colony, a boy of 16, in 1854, settling in this county.  In 1865 he was married to Miss Emma Parkhill, and four children, three boys, Reuben, Lee and Albert and a girl, now Mrs. W.C. Carroll, came to bless their union.  His wife died in the late 70’s and in 1880, he was married to Miss Lucy Burton, and eight children were born to them, Namely, Clyde, Guy, Jennie, James, Mamie, Elna, Willie and Kate, the latter now 9 years of age.  He was again left a widower about six years ago.  Mr. Farmer was a tinner by trade, and while he had never amassed any amount of this world’s goods, he was a man well liked by all who knew him.  He belonged to none of the secret orders, but was and had been for a number of years a consistent member of the Baptist church.  All of his children were present at the funeral, as well as an only brother, Andrew Farmer of Waco, now in his 72nd year.  But one of the children, Miss Jennie, will remain here, the others going with other married members of the family to other points in the state.



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