"Brian Daily Eagle, Saturday, February 25, 1950
Thomas P. Hall Dies Early Today In Steep Hollow
Thomas P. Hall, 93, passed away early today at
the family home in Steep Hollow. Born on Oct. 5, 1957, in old Waverley,
Walker county, Mr. Hall came to Brazos county in December 1889 and had lived
in the same home all during these 61 years of residency in this county.
He was married on Dec. 13, 1883, to Miss Amanda
Jane Sherrill in Cooks Point and to their union was born 10 children, seven
of whom survive to mourn his passing. They are four daughters, Miss Adele
Hall of Steep Hollow, Mrs. N. L. McCullough of College Station, Mrs. Harvey
B. Blanton of Baltimore, Md., Mrs. A. V. Chapin of Fort Davis; three sons,
J. W. ha.. and Dan S. Hall of Bryan, Charles A. Hall of Maturin, Venezuela,
South America; 20 grand children and nine great grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held on Sunday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at Saints Rest Baptist church, Steep Hollow, with
Rev. Jesse Thompson, former pastor of the Steep Hollow Methodist church, now
of Jacksonville, and Dr. R. E. Day, officiating. Interment will be in the
Steep Hollow cemetery under the direction of Hillier Funeral Home. Friends
who have been chosen as pall bearers are Guy Tobias, Roy Foster, Louis
Bullock, Berry Risinger, George Cargill and Robert Jones."
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Monday, 07-May-2018 17:56:23 CDT
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