Minutes of Probate Court
July Term AD 1869 the 27th day of Mo.
Succession of Nancy Healey decd,
Now comes at this Term of the Court, David R. Watson and shows
that his wife Sarah Jane Watson is the daughter of the said decdent
one of the legal heirs, and prays for partition and distribution of
Estate among the legal heirs, he futher shows that James K. & Sabree
Dexter and William Parish Wilcoxen are also, heirs of said Estate.
It is
by the Court that William Ryan, A.J. Murray and F.R. Holt are hereby
appointed commissioners to partition the estate of Nancy Haley among
the legal heirs viz, Sarah Jane Watson the wife of David R. Watson,
K Dexter, Sabre Dexter and William Parrish Wilcoxen
Succession of Nancy Haly decd
Where as at this Term of the Court, the commissioners appointed
by the Court at July Term 1869 to partition the land among the
legal heirs of Nancy Haley as follows to wit; Two hundred
and sixtysix acers of Land off of the John Bird League, also one
hundred acers off of T J. Birds tract off the same League. Which
we divide
as follows; to Wm Wilcoxon the one hundred acers off of the T
Bird Tract and Sabra Dexter sixty six acers off the NE end
marked No. 1. Jane Watson wife of______ Watson Eighty acers
which is the middle tract or lot No. 2. And to James Dexter
off of the South West end one hundred and twenty acers known
as lot No. 3, all of which is submitted. F.R. Holt
AJ Murray
The State of Texas} Before me E W. Courtney County Judge of
County of Burleson} said County personally appeared F R
Holt, and A J Murray whose name appears to the foregoing
partition who on being duly sworn deposes and says that
the above division is as accurate as they can make by quanity
and quality. Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 28th
day of August. 1869 E W Courtney Co. Judge
It is
adjudged, and decreed by the Court, that the partition of the
of Nancy Healey decd, made by the commissioners is hereby confirmed
Last Update Monday, 07-May-2018 17:56:18 CDT
County Coordinator:
Gayle Triller