Marcus Aurelius Anderson

Marcus Aurelius Anderson with wife and 4 children came into Texas about 1859 and settled in Fayette Co.  Had a fifth child with Margaret in Blanco Co. TX


Attala Co. - 30 June 1850 - Page 139B, Line 15, House 790/790

M(arcus) Anderson                30(28)     TN           Farmer                    (F-VA, M-KY)

Sarah Anderson                      70(62)     TN           mother

Sarah Anderson was his mother, b. 11 Oct 1787 in KY, died 8 Aug 1861 in MS.  Marcus was born in 27 sep 1822 in Franklin Co. TX.  With John F at 8 yrs old in 1860, Marcus & Caroline had to marry between 1850 and 1852


1860 Fayette Co., TX

Rutersville, TX - 30 June 1860 - Page 66, Line 38, House 522/611

Marcus Anderson                   38           TN           Farmer

Caroline                                                   38           TN

John F.                                                    08           MS

Samuel                                                    05           MS

Sarah                                                      02           MS

(living with them is G. W. Green, Superintendent, white male, 38 mail)

This suggests they had been MS as late as 1858


1862 Margaret was born in Blanco Co. TX d. 4 Sep 1923 Kingsville, Kleberg Co., TX from Lynn Moore probably from an Obit


Resided at Blanco County, Texas in 1862 in Blanco Co., Texas.,  He appeared on the County Tax Assessment Roll with no land, but with 5 Negro slaves valued at $1900. His total property value in 1862 was $1900 and he paid a poll Tax of $1. (John Stribling Moursund. Description of early settlers in Blanco County and their appearance on the tax assessment roll and other court matters. Nortex Press, pp 4 & 5).


In 1863, he appeared on the tax assessment roll. No land was tendered but his other property had a total value of $13,790 and he paid a poll tax of $1. Although his property was not classified, it is believed that the major portion must have consisted of livestock. (John Stribling Moursund. Description of early settlers in Blanco County and their appearance on the tax assessment roll and other court matters. Nortex Press, pp 4 & 5.)


1870 Hayes Co., TX

Mountain City, TX - 24 Aug 1870 - J.P. #5, - Page 5/235, Line 7, House 26

Marcus Anderson                   47            TN           Farmer

Caroline                                                  48            TN

John F.                                                    18            MS           School

Samuel                                                    16            MS           Farmer

Sarah                                                     12            MS           School

Ella                                                          10            TX           School

Margaret                                 08            TX           School

This suggests Caroline and Samuel both had birthdays sometime between Jun and Aug


Obit and DOD suggests he moved to Lockhart, Caldwell Co, about 20 Feb 1879


1880 Caldwell Co., TX

Enumeration District 27 - 10 Jun  1880 - Pct. 1- Page 189B, Line 7, House 69/69 Family History Lib Film 1255293, NAT9-1293

Marcus Anderson                   58            TN           Farmer                    F-VA, M-KY

Caroline                                                  48            TN                                           F-Eng      M-VA

Samuel                                                    26            MS           Farmer

Ella                                                          19            TX

Margaret                                 18            TX

William                                      09          TX           Nephew   F-TN       M-TN

This suggests John F (abt 28) and Sarah (abt 22) were gone.  William was John Floyd Anderson’s youngest son.  William Marcus Anderson was youngest son of John Floyd Anderson, born 17 Aug 1871


1890 Caldwell Co., TX - Uniquely Reconstructed &Annotated

1890 - J.P. #5, - Page 189B(2)

Marcus Anderson                   58            TN           Farmer                    F-VA, M-KY

Caroline                                                  48            TN                                           F-Eng      M-VA


Feb 1897 in Lockhart, Caldwell Co., TX  Have ordered Obit

 TX, Feb. 23, 1897 (a Tuesday)  LULING SIGNAL:

"M. A. Anderson, an old and highly respected citizen, was buried here Sunday evening (21 Feb 1897). Saturday morning (20 Feb 1897) he arose and went to the breakfast table, ate a hearty meal, and, while in conversation at the table, suddenly, without a word, fell dead. He was seemingly in the best of health, cheerful and taken off without one word of warning. Mr. Anderson has resided near Lockhart for about 18 years, and such was his life that everyone was his friend. He leaves surviving him three daughters and two sons, all married and well settled in life. Another good man has passed over the silvery waters, and let us wish for him a peaceful sleep." Obit said he was 74 yrs, 4 mo., and 5 days at time of death


The following eulogy by M. T. Hendricks, M. D. appears in the old family bible now in the possession of Eleanor White Mathis of Castroville, Texas.


                 Another hero has fallen,

                Another grave is filled.


Passed away on February 20th, in his 75th year, near Lockhart, Texas, Mr. Mark A. Anderson.

He was a broad liberal-minded man. Duty to his fellow man was his first consideration. His heart ever went out to the widow, the orphan, the distressed everywhere. His deeds of charity were never flaunted to the world, and, only through private transactions, or the voice of those to whom he lent the helping hand, did we learn of the noble deeds which were only exceeded by a nobler nature.

         While he was a strict Agnostic, he never made himself obnoxious, but bore patiently with those who honestly differed with him.

          He believed that now was the appointed time to enjoy and appreciate the true, the good, and the beautiful; to accomplish all the good in our power-to extend that benign influence which so brightens the life of mortals.

          He believed in fidelity to marital rights-the sacredness of the family fireside.

          He said: We know not what is in store for us beyond the grave. Therefore, he would do all the good he could while a breathing, moving man, enjoying and reciprocating the companionship of his fellow man-filling his soul with all the beauties and teachings of nature.

          None ever breathed who was faultless, and, as a long association with Mr. Anderson is reviewed, we are persuaded but fewer man leave a greater record of nobler deeds.

          The devoted wife preceded him to his last home only three years, while two sons and three daughters, all prosperous and happily married, will ever sadly miss his cheering words, sweet smile and kind admonition,

          His life went out in a twinkle like, the dropping of a bright star from the firmament, and his host of friends and others, will attest his many virtues.

          He was married to Eleanor Caroline IRVING in 1855.  

(Date of marriage obtained from Mrs. J. R. Massey, Jr. (Sarah Griffiths) records.



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