4. Register of Scholars


Miss Wild (Teacher) Class No. 3

Belle Hayward

Myrtle Wilson

Sallie Edwards

Maggie Wylie

Willie Cole

Finis Garrett

Mumford Townsend

Eddie Hayden

Fayett Brittain

Marcus Ward

Howard Waters

Moody Mitchel

Bessie Elliott

Lillie Mitchell

Maud Dewitt

Pearl Anderson

Gussie Medford

Annie Medford

May Medford

Margie Hamelton

5. Register of Scholars

Mrs. J S Hair (Teacher) Class No. 4

Jessie Brown

Thelma Waters

Harris Waters

Lola Wild

Corrine Patterson

Robert Patterson

Burrette Chaney

J. D. Patterson

Rev. Vincent

1. Mrs Bell Waters
2. Mrs. Kane
3. Mrs Edwards
4. Mrs Sabie Cole
5. “ Brittain
6. “ GE Waters
7. “ Dennis
8. “ Wilson
9. “ Hale
10. “ Anthony
11. “ Chaney
12. “ M Cole

Maggie Wylie

Mrs “

Mrs Medford

Unice Chaney

6. Advertisement for Red Cross Flavoring Powder

This is probably the flavoring that Bettie sold.

The Bartley Journal CD

The CD contains the scanned images of the original journal pages. The pages were scanned full size and
in color at 200 dpi resolution.


Last Update Monday, 07-May-2018 17:55:42 CDT

County Coordinator


County Coordinator:  Gayle Triller
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