This list was submitted by Gearldean McCrary
Adams, George L.
Adney, Aubrey C.
Albert, Joe L.
Alcorn, Jesse
Alexander, Milton T.
Allen, Clarence
Allen, Joseph
Allen, Orley H.
Almany, Paul
Anderson, M.E.
Anderson, Merdith C.
Anderson, Thomas H.
Arnot, William G.
Atchinson, Bryan H.
Atchinson, Paul C.
Aylor, Lee
Baccus, Embory D.
Baccus, Sam
Baggett, Johnnie A.
Bailey, George N.
Bailey, M.L.
Baker, Cole B.
Baker, W.L.
Ball, R.H.
Bandy, Claude
Bannister, H.H.
Banstal, Clarence S.
Barron, James
Barton, Carroll A.
Bates, John H.
Beadles, W.H.
Beard, Wilbur R.
Bearden, Claude
Bearden, Claude C.
Beene, George M.
Beene, Miles
Beeson, Loyd Jesse
Belcher, Lillard
Bell,James H.
Benedict, McKinley H.
Benedict, W.H. Sr.
Bennett,Gile E.
Benton, Elza J.
Berry, Robert W.
Biggs, W.B.
Billingsley, Clyde H.
Bingham, George T.
Bingham, Mable
Bingham, W.C.
Bingham, Wilburn
Birdwell, Allen
Blevins, L.T.
Bloxom, Jesse
Blue, J.C.
Boles, D.M.
Boles, Delios T.
Boles, Henry
Boles, Sabe
Bone, Leo L.
Booher, Pat
Booth, Carl
Booth, Daniel H.
Booth, Elmo
Boren, Ruth E.
Botkins, B.R.
Bounds, Willie H.
Bowen, Leonard A.
Bowers, Robert E.
Bowers, Sidney F.
Boyett, Jasper Z.
Boyle, J.W.
Bradford, E. R.
Bradshaw, R.B.
Brewster, James R.
Bridges, Herman T.
Bridges, John C.
Brock, John W.
Brock. H.C.
Bronsdead, C.S.
Brooks, Clyde H.
Brower, Andrew
Brown, Andrew J.
Brown, Ben
Brown, Earnest
Brown, Odies A.
Brown, Paul G.
Bruce, Lonzo
Brunker, William
Bryan, J.F.
Bryant, H.A.
Buchanan, Allen J.
Buchanan, Edwin B.
Burns, Calvin L.
Butler, Bob
Cahill, Samuel D.
Caldwell, John C.
Caldwell, Lewis
Campbell, Ray C.
Campbell, Ross
Campbell, Roy E.
Carlton, C.E.
Cartwright, Dr. H.H.
Chaistain, Alfred G.
Chappell, Ed
Chick, Gary A.
Childs, John W.
Christie, F.J.
Clark, Louis P.
Clark. V.H.
Clary, George R.
Cleredinning, A. B.
Clift, Ira L.
Cole, Howard W.
Coles, Bernice L.
Collie, B.F.
Collins, F.W.
Combert, Lloyd E.
Condron, W.E.
Cook, William E.
Cooney, Ben A.
Cooney, Willie F.
Cooper, Clarence
Coredro, William E.
Cox, Lee W.
Cox, William L.
Crabb, Clinton
Creager, Dick
Creech, Noble
Crenshaw, Floyd L.
Crudington, M.
Cruse, Henry A.
Culver, S.M.
Culverhouse, Thomas I.
Cunningham, Hugh
Cunningham, Jake
Curry, Joe P.
Curry, Joe Patton
Curtis, Ray Edw.
Cushenberry, F. D.
Cutshall, Harry
Daniel, M.E.
Dausten, C.L. Sr.
Davis, John R.
Davis, William A.
Day, John Ray
Dean, Ben J. Sr.
Decker, Milton H.
Deere, Leonard D.
Dempsey, Harvey T.
Dempsey, Thomas H.
Dickey, Alex
Dixon, Robert M.
Dodson, Joseph B.
Douglass, R.A.
Douglass, R.P.
Downing, C.L.
Dozier, Eugene
Duncan, C.E.
Duncan, Egbert
Fambrough, Carl. N
Fanis, WillieB.
Farrar, Kelley
Ferguson, Fred D.
Ferguson, J.C.
Field, Julian M.
Field, Lee C.
Fitzpatrick, James V.
Flournooy, Spurgeon
Flynn, JoelJ.
Flynn,Bennie R.
Forbess, Earl L.
Forman, Murphy
Foster, Hadley L.
Frankklin, Zearl T.
Franklin, Benjamin M.
Frazier, Pat
Frisbie, JuliusL.
Fry, Alphonzo
Frye, Albert
Funderburk, Andrew
Funk, Clifford R.
Fyke, Robert S.
Gandy, Green L.
Gandy, Willie
Gann, Smith
Gantt, H.G.
Gardenhire, Ira L.
Garrett, Amos F.
Garrison, Al
Gentry, Robert
Geske, Alfred A.
Gibson, James C.
Gilbert, Elmer W.
Giles, Charles M.
Gillland, Ira M.
Gonce, William
Goodwin, Bill
Goodwin, Bill H.
Goodwin, John G.
Gordon, Lewis
Gracey, Tobe
Grave, EddieJ.
Graves, D.P.
Gray, Roger W.
Green, Earl V. Sr.
Green, Gandy Lee
Greenlee, D.J.N.
Greenlee, Leslie P.
Griffin, N.A.
Grigoleite, Eric A.
Gross, John L.
Guiles, R.C.
Guinn, Dr. W. B.
Guinn, Robert H.
Gunter,Clarence B.
Gurney, J.E.
Hall, Henry
Ham, Ben G.
Hamilton, R.W.
Hamilton, William
Harper, Minor
Harper, Riley
Harrell, S.C.
Harris, T.C.
Harrison, J.W.
Hary, Edward M.
Haskins, Charles O.
Hatchett, Aaron
Hawkins, Luther
Hawkins, Lyndsey D.
Heatley, Bryan
Hedgepeth, Henry E.
Heirson, Wesley T.
Herbert, Paul T.
Herrington, King F.
Hervey, Roy P.
Hester, Henry W.G.
Hickey, Charles
Higginbotham, B.G.
Hill, Henry W.
Hill, William H.
Hitchcock, Thomas H.
Holland, Stephens R.
Hooten, Marcus
Horton, W.F.
Howington, Carl E.
Hoxworth, D.T.A.
Hudspeth, Elmer B.
Huffman, J.S.
Hughes, James M.
Hughes, M.C.
Hughes, Ted
Hughes, Thomas M.
Hughes, Tom
Humphrey, James W.
Hunt, H.H.
Inglish, Robert L.
Isou, Gip
Ivery, John H.
Jackson, Barney
Jackson, Robert O.
Jackson, Willie
Jacobs, Willie L.
James, Thomas
Jamison, Ray R.
Johnson, Blake
Johnson, Hegeman
Jones, Arthur
Jones, Elmer G.
Jones, J.C.
Jones, Ord G.
Jorda, Eugena L
Jordon, Dewitt T.
Keahey, G.L.
Keith, E.H.
Keith, Kenneth J.
Keith, Thomas C.
Kelley, George L.
Kelley, Lawrence P.
Kelley, R.H.
Kelley, Ray Chas.
Kelly, Benard A.
Kendall, B.H.
Kent, Bert
Kent, Hardy
Kent, Smith
Kessler, Dr. C.M.
Key, Otis E.
Killion, Ira
Killion, Lon E.
Killion, Willie G.
King, E.G.
King, William G.
Kiniry, D.R.
Kinman, Perry
Kirk, Cain
Kirkland, Earnest
Kirkland, Isaac E.
Kirkland, Wallace E.
Kirkman, Wallace E.
Knight, Bennie
Knight, Paige J.
Knight, R.
Knobler, David
Knott, Ransom R.
Knox, Clack
Knox, Daniel B.
Knox, French
Kuhn, James L.
Labough, Samuel F.
Lace, W.R.
Lafoon, James W. R.
Lahoff, Charles J.
Lane, Harry
Langford, C.R.
Larnberson, Hort B.
Lawrence, Albert
Lea, Britton H.
Lea, J.A. Jr.
Lea, Norman
Ledbetter, Clarence E.
Ledbetter, Cleve
Ledbetter, Frindley L.
Ledbetter, W. Ray
Lee, Anderson
Lee, Elmer H.
Lee, R.E.
Leigh, Huston
Lenoir, Henry
Lewis, Harry G.
Liles, Eddison
Liles, John E.
Lochaby, George A.
Lockhart, Morrow
Loeding, Leonard
Lohan, J.P.
Lohan, P.W.
Long, B.H.
Loudder, Claude E.
Lyles, Jess W.
Lyles, Trammell
Maddox, Louis A.
Marks, Milton
Mahall, Bryant W.
Marshall, Merrel M.
Mauldin, Bankston
Mauldin, George
Maxwell, Earnest
Maxwell, Homer
McArthur, P.A.
McCarthy, Floyd M.
McCluney, Eugene
McCready, Connie
McDaniel, Harry A.
McDavis, Carl
McDonald, Elli. W.
McInroe, James A
McKinney, Henry H.
McMahan, Fred T.
McMichael, Minnis
McMichael, Warren
McMillan, J.W.
McSadden, Otis
Meador, Ray V.
Meeks, Claude
Mendenhall, Elwood
Michol, John
Miller, R.G.
Minchew, E.
Monaghan, Miles
Moneyham, Daniel C.
Moore, John E.
Moore, John E.
Morris, Don H.
Morris, R.N.
Morris, Will E.
Morrison, Robert F.
Morse, William L.
Mullen, William M.
Murray, Charles J.
Newby, C.B.
Newton, Webb S.
Nix, Ocia L.
Norrell, Pink
Norris, William A.
Norvell, Ernest J.
O’Conner, C.J.
Owens, H.R.
Pace, Bert
Pace, Ray Taylor
Padgett, Walter L.
Pardue, William
Parkhill, Warner
Parks, Dr. W.S. Sr.
Patterson, Homer M.
Payne, J.H.
Pearson, William F.
Peeler, C.L.
Pendleton, Raymond
Penninger, H.L.
Perdue, D.G.
Perry, Elige
Perry, Ernest L.
Peyton, Clarence F.
Pickering, T. Arlie
Pinkerton, Joseph H.
Pipkin, Jess
Plaster, Jim W.
Poindexter, W.L.
Polk, Charlie
Posell, James F.
Pratt, Sam J.
Price, G.L.E.
Price, George L
Price, Paul
Pruett, Ray
Ramsay, George W.
Ramsay, James L.
Ratliff, H.L.
Ray, E.C.
Reed, Joseph C.
Reed, William
Rehn, Fred J.
Reid, Byron C.
Reinhard, John C.
Reininton, Willie E.
Remington, W.E.
Reynolds, Byron
Reynolds, Groves H.
Rhodes, B.F.
Ridings, Albert W.
Ridings, Gilbert
Rinz, Paz M.
Ritchey, Edward F.
Roark, Virgle
Robbins, O.P.
Robinson, Louis
Rogers, John D.
Rogers, Willie
Roris, Tom J.
Rosenblaum, Nate
Rosenquest, L.O.
Rowe, A.E.
Rudman, N.W.
Ruffman, William
Samford, T.L.
Sandefer, J.D. Jr.
Sanders, Lon
Sanford, John D.
Sargent, Albert C.
Satterwhite, Claude T.
Seaton, T.G.
Shackleford, Barnett G.
Shannon, Wilson
Shaw, G.A.
Shelton, Walter
Shipley, Almon D.
Sholts, Joseph
Shotwell, Prince E.
Sides, A.M.
Simmons, Acquilla
Sims, J.T.
Singleton, Robert D.
Sloan, Frank B.
Sloan, Rollie
Slover, Nathurn M.
Sloy, Charley
Smalley, C.C.
Smith, Barnard E.B.
Smith, Gale
Smith, Hank
Smith, James
Smith, Jess
Smith, Ray G.
Snow, Lee A.
Sommer, Charles W.
Sour, Earl J.
Speed, Jack F.
Speer, T.C.
Speer, Tom C.
Speers, Clyde
Spencer, Frank W.
Spoon, Wm. C.
Spoonmore, Chodrich S.
Spurrier, Geater J.
Squyres, Clarence
Stalcup, Brother
Starr, Mose
Steel, John
Steenson, Willett M.
Stevenson, Dr. W. B.
Stewart, Atlie
Stewart, D.
Stoker, Ivan
Strand, Charlie
Strawbridge, Leon
Stroupe, Forrest H.
Stuard, John Z.
Suthpin, S.O.
Sylvanus, John
Tarvel, Oscar
Taylor, H.F.
Taylor, Max
Thackerson, Charlie
Thayer, Joship D.
Thomas, Harold M.
Thomas, Sam
Thompson, Claude
Thompson, Eugene
Thompson, Harvey M.
Thompson, Jess W.
Thompson, Mable
Thompson, Oliver B.
Thornton, A.T.
Tidwell, George P.
Tinney, H.O.
Tinsley, Robert L.
Toland, Hugh D. Sr.
Tolbert, J.R.
Tolly, Ray M.
Trammel, Jean W.
Trammell, John W.
Trammell, Bernice H.
Traver, Roy A.
Tribble, Walter C.
Truesdale, J.W.
Tucker, C.E.
Tucker, D.G.
Tucker, Harold M.
Turner, T.J.
Valentine, Paul L.
Veale, Lowell P.
Vincent, Walter C.
Vonstrough, Aerthur
Waggoner, Sam
Walker, Bill
Walker, Cleburn
Walker, Clyde
Walker, E.W.
Walker, W. O.
Walker,Prickard G.
Wallace, Frement V.
Wallace, Robert W.
Waller, A.L.
Walter, A.T.
Wamble, Goldie L.
Washburn, Davis
Washburn, J.D.
Watson, Benjamin F.
Weber, Charlie H. Jr.
Weber, William A.
Wehba, Add S.
Welsh, C.V.
West, C.K.
Whetstone, W.B.
White, Orvel
White, Zack
Whitmire, G.A.
Whitney, G.R.
Wilber, Lester G.
Wilkinson, Meale F.
Williams, D.M.
Williams, J.R.
Williams, Paul
Williams,Dalton M.
Wilson, C.H.
Wilson, Chester
Wilson, Paul
Wimberley, Rubie
Wood, Davie O.
Woods, Dr. G.C.
Wragg, James J.
Wragg, L.L.
Wright, Amy
Wright, Leonard A.
Wyatt, John P.
Yates, Oscar
York, N.S.
Young, Jesse J.
Yount, A.B.
Zimicki, March
Last Update Monday, 07-May-2018 17:55:41 CDT
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