Jack Sumners

Sumners, Jack
Buried in Breckenridge Cemetery. Name is shown incorrectly as Summers in article
b. 23 Feb 1911 d. 25 Sep 1935
Breckenridge American Newspaper – Date unknown
Jack Summers Fatally Injured While Loading A Tractor On Truck.
                Jack Summers, 24, well known Breckenridge man, who has recently been working in Jal, New Mexico, died this morning at 2 o’clock in a hospital at Wink, where he was taken following an accident Wednesday, while attempting to load a tractor on a truck.
                Receiving information of the accident, A.L. Summers, father of the young man and Neill Taylor left Breckenridge for Wink, but failed to arrive before Jack died.
                Details of the accident received here today were to the effect that Summers in assisting in loading the tractor was caught between the tractor and the pole on the back of the truck and crushed.
                The victim was reared in Breckenridge, attending the public schools here. He was employed in Jal by E.L. Farmer, formerly of this city. The body will arrive here in the morning for burial, further funeral arrangements not being announced, awaiting the arrival of the father with the body.
                Friends of the family today said Summers was intending to be married in the near future, having purchased furniture in preparing for the event.


Last Update Monday, 07-May-2018 17:55:41 CDT

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