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"Old News" 2 of 5, Clarkston, Utah

"OLD NEWS" ABSTRACTS OF  CLARKSTON, Part 2, by Larry D. Christiansen

Part 1 Introduction with Selected Topical Guide, newspaper coverage from 1867 thru July 14, 1888.
Part 2 From  August 1888 through Dec. 30, 1893.
Part 3 From January 1894 through Dec. 31, 1896.
Part 4 From January 1897 through 1899.
Part 5 From 1900 through 1929 (one extract each for 1940 & 1942)

 Aug. 8, 1888 – p. 9 under "In Cache County."
"George Godfrey, of Clarkston, was arrested yesterday by Commissioner Goodwin on the
charge of unlawful cohabitation and place under $1000 bonds to appear on the 13th inst."

** Same Aug. 8th issue on p.16 under "Deaths."
"LYONS.--At Egin, Bingham County, Idaho, July 25, 1888, after two days' sickness.
Caleb Benjamin, son of Caleb and Minerva Rice Lyons, born in Clarkston, Cache County,
Utah, March 4, 1874, aged 14 years, 1 month and 20 days."
--Deseret News Weekly, Aug. 8, 1888.

Aug. 29, 1888 - p.7 under "The August Election."
"CACHE COUNTY returns had not been completed, the board still being engaged on them.
The votes of Richmond, Smithfield, Trenton, Wellsville and Hyrum precincts were yet to be
examined. The vote for the People's candidates in the other precincts is: Benson 15, Clarkston 25,
Coveville 16, Hyde Park 33, Lewiston 49, Logan 155, Mendon 46, Millville 43, Newton 23,
Paradise 44, Petersboro 3, Providence 51.
"In Petersboro Precinct the Liberals cast 4 votes to 3 for the People's candidates. In Coveville
and Hyde Park precincts there were no Liberal votes. In the other precincts the Liberals cast from
1 to 14 votes, the highest being in Logan."
--Deseret News Weekly, Aug. 29, 1888.

Dec. 1, 1888 - p.1 under "News at Home."
"Oleanth Jensen, of Clarkston, Cache County, charged with unlawful cohabitation, withdrew
his plea of not guilty and pleaded guilty to the charge. He was desirous of receiving sentence at
once as he wished to have his punishment over by the opening of spring. He was 49 years of age;
had three wives; married the first wife 21 years ago and the other two during the winter of 1881;
the two last were 29 and 34 years of age; his youngest children by them were 13 and 17 months
old; he had sixteen children in all; he was a bishop's counselor; had heard that there was a law
against polygamy.
"Court--I find that a great number of your people from Cache County, who have been here for
sentence have been to a great extent unacquainted with the fact that there is a law prohibiting
polygamy. Now you are a bishop's counselor, and it is your duty to tell these people about these
matters. You have not only neglected your duty in that respect, but you have set a bad example to
them. You held an important position among them as a leader; you have taken an oath to uphold
the laws of the land and you deliberately broke them. The sentence of the court in your case is
that you be confined in the penitentiary for six months and pay a fine of $300.
"Later on, the court stated that he had forgotten for the moment Mr. Jensen's plea of guilty
which should be taken into consideration and therefore diminished the fine to $100."
--The Standard, Dec. 1, 1888.

December 5, 1888 - p. 5 under "From Prison."
“From Monday's Daily, Dec.2."
"Today, Bishop John Jardine, of Clarkston, Cache County, Thomas B. Helms, of Pleasant
View, Weber County, and Hobert G. Fraser, of Gunnison, Sanpete County, emerged from the
penitentiary. The last named served thirty days because of his inability to pay a fine of $100 and
costs; the others had a six months' sentence in addition to the fine. All were imprisoned for living
with their wives."
--Deseret News Weekly, Dec. 5, 1888.

Jan. 19, 1889 - p. 3 under "Local Points."
"Yesterday Lars Rasmussen, of Clarkston, was before Commissioner Goodwin on the
going charge. For the want of sufficient evidence to hold him he was discharged."
"David Buttars, of Clarkston, having given himself up, was before Commissioner Goodwin
on Friday on the charge of unlawful cohabitation. He was placed under $500 bonds to await
the action of the grand jury."
"On Wednesday Thomas Griffin and Thomas Godfrey, of Clarkston, were before
Commissioner Goodwin on the going charge. They pleaded guilty to the charge of unlawful
cohabitation and were bound over to await the action of the grand jury."
--The Utah Journal, Jan. 19, 1889.

Jan. 23, 1889 - p. 2 under "Seventies Conference."
"A conference of seventies of Cache Stake was held at Hyrum on Sunday January 20, 1889.
The conference was called to order by Elder Robert Campbell of Salt Lake City. . . .
Elder Campbell said he expected Prest. S. B. Young to have come with him but on account of
being called away professionally he could not come here this afternoon. We live in a critical time.
There is an enemy surrounding us that seeks our overthrow, but the promises of the Lord unto us
are sure. He will fight our battles and lead us safely through all our trials. . . . [followed by
quorum reports.]. . . .
"President Henry Yeates of the 7th Quorum, of Clarkston, Newton and Trenton, said we have
[tear and fold in original paper] . . . younger members are slow to catch. . . .
The the [sic] importance of their high calling, yet I am pleased to say all are doing well.
We try and carry out the instruction of the Presidency of the Seventies. I bear my testimony to
the truth of the work of God and this testimony I have borne 40 years.
--The Utah Journal, Jan. 23, 1889.

Jan. 26, 1889 - p. 16 under "Current Events."
Several cases dealing with plural marriage with arrests, etc.
"On Jan. 18, Lars Rasmussen, of Clarkston, was before Commissioner Goodwin on the charge
of unlawful cohabitation. For the want of sufficient evidence to home him he was discharged."
"David Buttars, of Clarkston, having given himself up, was before Commissioner Goodwin
on Jan. 18 on the charge of unlawful cohabitation. He was placed under $500 bonds to await the
action of the grand jury."
"On January 16, Thomas Griffin and Thomas Godfrey, of Clarkston, were before Commissioner
Goodwin. They pleaded guilty to the charge of unlawful cohabitation and were bound over to
await the action of the grand jury.
--Deseret News Weekly, Jan. 26, 1889.

Feb. 13, 1889 - p. 3 under "First District Court."
"A Number of Cache Valley Cases.
"The first district court opened yesterday, February 8th, at 10 a.m., Judge Henderson on the bench.
"John Welch, of Paradise, was arraigned. . . .
"David Butters, Clarkston, Cache Co., was arraigned on a charge of unlawful cohabitation,
and pleaded guilty. He was 73 years of age; married his second wife nine years ago, who then
being 50 years old. He was let off with the payment of a fine of $100 and costs amounting to $39."
"Thomas Griffin, of Clarkston, Cache County, was arraigned on two indictments, one for
unlawful cohabitation and one for adultery. He pleaded not guilty to both indictments."
"Thomas Godfrey, of Clarkston, Cache County, was arraigned on the charges of
unlawful cohabitation and adultery to which charges he pleaded not guilty."
--The Utah Journal, Feb. 13, 1889.

Oct. 19, 1889 - p.18 under "Current Events."
"On October 10th, Thomas Godfrey, who resides at Clarkston, Cache County, was discharged
from the penitentiary. He was detained there for unlawful cohabitation and in addition to a four
months' term served 80 days for the fine imposed."
--Deseret News Weekly, Oct. 19, 1889.

Dec. 14, 1889 - p.18 under "Current Events."
"December 2d. Thomas Griffin, of Clarkston, Cache County, was released from the Penitentiary,
where he has served a term of six months, and thirty days additional for the fine, on a charge of
unlawful cohabitation."
--Deseret News Weekly, Dec. 14, 1889.

March 27, 1889 - p. 1 under "Precinct Officers."
Justice of the Peace - Andrew Heggie
Constable - John Buttars
Road Supervisor - Geo. Godfrey
Poundkeeper - Wm. Sparks.
--The Utah Journal, March 27, 1889.

April 6, 1889 - p. 3 under "Local Points."
"James B. Jardine of Clarkston will leave Utah for the missionary field in Europe, soon after conference."
--The Utah Journal, April 6, 1889.

May 1, 1889 - p. 3 under "Estray Notice."
"I have in my possession.
"One bay mare, 2 years old, the brands visible, two white feet, white spot in forehead.
"One light brown horse, 4 years old, branded with a cross and C below it on left shoulder, white spot in forehead.
"The above described animals if not claimed and taken away within 15 days from the
date of this notice will be sold to the highest cash bidder, on Wednesday May 15th, at
1 o'clock p.m., at the Clarkston Estray Pound.
--The Utah Journal, May 1, 1889.

May 22, 1889 - p. 3 under "Home Missionaries."
"The home missionaries of Cache Stake are appointed to visit the wards names on Sunday, May 26th, 1889.
. . . "James T. Hammond and Joseph Morrell, Clarkston."
--The Utah Journal, May 22, 1889.

June 26, 1889 - p. 3 under "Local Points."
"Last evening between 4 and 5 o'clock as Bishop Jardine of Clarkston, was near the depot
with his team, he went to get something and his team ran away. When the team was overtaken the
Bishop started for home, and it seems that the wagon tongue must have been broken for it fell and
frightened the horses. The Bishop was pulled to the ground and a large gash was cut in his head,
and one in his cheek. His shoulder was badly injured and he was otherwise severely bruised. He
was cared for by friends and surgical attention was given him. A messenger was sent to Clarkston
to inform his family. At last accounts last evening he was unconscious."
--The Utah Journal, June 26, 1889.

Jan. 25, 1890 - p. 3 under "Sugar Meetings."
"At Providence, Hyrum, Millville, and Wellsville.
"The committee working to secure the sugar factory for this valley had a very fair attendance
at Providence, notwithstanding the heavy storm which prevailed. The same may be said of the
meeting at Hyrum. . . .The attendance at Millville was small, there being two weddings in the
settlement. At both Mendon and Wellsville, there were very fair turnouts . . . . One young lady
gave $1.25 toward securing the sugar factory, which might put to the blush many a man who felt
too poor to do anything.
"The next meeting will be held at Paradise on Monday, if the weather will remain so as to leave
a passable road. Meeting will also be arranged later for Clarkston, Newton and Benson Ward, and
the other settlements will not be forgotten."
--The Logan Journal, Jan. 25, 1890.

Feb. 19, 1890 - p. 3 under "R. K. Homer Dead."
"Russel K. Homer, of Clarkston, Utah, died of old age and dyspepsia at his home in that place
on Feb. 12, 1890. He was born in the state of New York, July 15, 1825, and was baptized in 1844,
at Nauvoo. He emigrated to Utah, in 1858, and settled in Cache Valley in 1861. He was the father
of twenty-three children, nineteen of whom are living. He had eighty-three grandchildren, and
eleven great grandchildren. He was a true Latter-day Saint."
--The Logan Journal, Feb. 19, 1890.

Feb. 19, 1890 - p. 3 under "Salt Lake News."
"The Utah Commission have appointed the following deputy registrars in Cache county;
Logan, Aaron DeWitt; . . .Clarkston, James Clark; Newton, Peter Christiansen. . . ."
--The Standard, Feb. 19, 1890.

March 12, 1890 – p. 4 under “County Court.”
“The county court held a brief session yesterday afternoon. . . . The petition of I. Noble and
others was taken from the table and referred to the committee of the whole court, who will visit
the site of the proposed bridge. The petition is as follows, and is signed by nearly 200 landowners
of the northern and western settlements of Cache Valley:
“To the Judge and Court of Cache County:
“GENTLEMEN.—We you humble petitioners, citizens and land owners in Cache County,
petition your honorable body to take into consideration the propriety of putting a bridge across
Bear River at the west of Smithfield precinct, as the growing population requires it for the public
Travel to save so much travel to reach Newton, Clarkston or Weston.”
--The Utah Journal, March 12, 1890.

April 22, 1890 - p. 4 under "Chapter of Accidents."
"Last Wednesday an eight year old son of J. E. Godfrey, of Clarkston, was kicked by a horse in
the forhead [sic]and painfully injured. The blow cut a deep gash across his brow, and it was found
necessary to take a number of stitches in his brow. At last accounts the boy was progressing
--The Standard, April 22, 1890.
May 15, 1890 - p. 3 under "News From Salt Lake."
"Wm. Archibald, of Clarkston, Cache county, was released from the penitentiary yesterday,
having served a 75 days' term and 30 days for fine and costs, for unlawful cohabitation."
--The Standard, May 15, 1890.

May 24, 1890 - p. 24 under "Released From Prison."
"William Archibald, of Clarkston, Cache County, was released from the penitentiary May 14th,
upon the expiration of his sentence of 75 days for unlawful cohabitation. The fine and costs in the
case amounted to $150, and for this he was detained 30 days."
--Deseret News Weekly, May, 24, 1890.

June 22, 1890 - p. 8 under "Arrests in Cache."
"At Clarkston on Friday, Deputy Marshal J. B. McLellan arrested William Hinscock for
unlawful cohabitation. His alleged plural wife and himself were brought to Logan and
taken before Commissioner C. C. Goodwin, who bound them over to await the action of the
grand jury."
--The Standard, June 22, 1890.

June 28, 1890 - p. 23 under "Current Events."
"At Clarkston, on June 20, Deputy Marshal J. B. McLellan arrested William Hinscock for
unlawful cohabitation. His alleged plural wife and himself were brought to Logan and taken
before Commissioner C. C. Goodwin, who bound them over to await the action of the grand
--Deseret News Weekly, June 28, 1890.

Aug. 27,1890 - p. 4 under "Local Points."
"The Clarkston brass band is making rapid headway under the leadership of Mr. Clark."
"The stake Sunday school superintendency will visit Clarkston next Sunday and effect a
reorganization of the Sunday school of that place."

** in the same Aug. 27th issue on p. 4 under "The County Roads."
"Ill Feeling Developing on the West Side of the Valley."
"Roads Changed Yearly.
"They Rejoice That a Railroad Will Relieve Them When the County Court Fails.
"Ill-feeling, or bad feeling, or disgusted feeling about the roads on the west side of the valley
is growing among the people living there.
"Said one man, 'The county never spends a dollar of the general taxes for our benefit. We
have our own poll taxes applied on our roads, and each year we are part of the work done the year
before in some man's field.'
"Said another, 'For ten years our road has been changed in some place every year, and I am
getting d--d tired of seeing my poll tax put on a road this year which will be part of another man's
field next year.'
"'Your folks are kicking about the railroad coming on our side of the valley,' spoke up
another. 'But we thank God for it. Poor as it may be, or bad as it may treat us, it will never be as
poor as the roads our county court gives us, nor will it treat us as badly as our county court treats us.'
"Then the reporter asked for an instance of bad treatment. 'Why, the roads are changed every
year. It is switched this way and that to accommodate every Tom, Dick and Harry who want to
save a little fencing. The wishes of the people who travel the roads seem never to be consulted.
Why, the road that runs to Weston and Clarkston has been changed again this summer, and the
people are driven half a mile out of our way and the road made longer and longer each year to
accommodate some individual. On the east side of the valley all efforts are being made to shorten
the roads and make them direct, and you have had railroads. On our side of the valley we are not
even left alone to try and make a road that will be the same for two years hand running. We have
to go to Logan to pay our taxes, to record our deeds, to attend meetings of all kings, and we are
driven around in every conceivable manner. Thank God the railroad is coming. We will give
Logan a pretty wide birth after that.'
"Complaint is also being made about the location of the new bridge. It has been asserted, and
many people believe it, that it is to be located at the nearest point to Smithfield and within two
miles of the present bridge. They also assert that the road will have to run through clay beds and
mud holes, and that it will benefit no place but Smithfield, and be of no advantage except to
Newton of the other settlements.
"How true these assertions are we are not prepared to state, but it is bad to have people feel as
they do for any cause. The road to the northwestern settlements should be made as direct as
possible and be permanently fixed, and improved to a fixed end. A main thoroughfare that will give a good road to all settlements and tap them is what is needed, and the new bridge should be placed where it will do the most good to all the settlements--the nearest and most feasible point being the proper place. If this puts the bridge nearest Smithfield well and good, that is where it should be, if nearest Richmond, the same; but it should be so placed that all will appreciate its benefits.
"As to the roads, the complaint seems to be just. As to the bridge it will be found, we are
confident, that it is to be built where the greatest area of country and number of people will be
benefited by it."
--The Logan Journal, Aug. 27, 1890.

Aug. 29, 1890 - p. 4 under "Chapter of Accidents."
"A two year old daughter of Bishop James Jardine, of Clarkston, fell from the porch
and both broke and dislocated her elbow. She was brought to the city and Dr. Parkinson
attended the injured member."
--The Standard, Aug. 29, 1890.

Sept. 3, 1890 - p. 4 under "Clarkston Clauses."
"Reorganization of the Sunday School there.
"The Town in General.
"Officers of the Various Organizations -- News Notes.
"Last Sunday Clarkston was visited by the Sunday school superintendency of the stake, and a
complete reorganization effected of the Sunday school of that place. There were of the party,
Superintendent Ormsby, Counselors Apperley and Reese, and E. T. H yde, stake secretary.
Arriving at the settlement named, the Sunday school was found to have convened, and class
exercises in progress. The Sunday school had been heretofore conducted by Supt. A. W. Heggie
and counselors James Archibald and Ole Anderson. Elder Heggie had been the energetic
superintendent for many years, and it was desired to give him a well earned rest. When the class
exercises had been completed, the following were sustained as the officers of the Clarkston
Sunday school: Superintendent, James Archibald; counselors, Thos. Godfrey and Ole Petersen,
secretary, Elizabeth Griffith; treasurer, Sarah __?_ [ illegible paper torn]; librarian, Spencer
Godfrey; organist, P. S. Barston; assistant organist, James Clark; choir leader, Alma Jensen;
teachers, Bishop Jardine, Ola A. Jensen, A. W. Heggie, J. K. Loosle, Sylvia Thompson, Sarah
Loosle, Robt. Gover, Elvia Barston, Agnes Shumway, Letitia Godfrey and J. Homer. The bishop
moved to honorably release the former efficient officers with a vote of thank, which was heartily
carried. Remarks were made by the four visitors and many good instructions given.
Superintendent Ormsby and Apperley also instructed the officers after the school was out, upon
the duties devolving upon them. The visitors were kindly treated by Bishop Jardine, and partook
of a hearty dinner at his comfortable residence. At the meeting in the afternoon the party were
once more called upon to address the people, and again interesting remarks were made, those of
the superintendent being especially instructive and earnest. All were listened to with marked
"Clarkston is presided over by that steadfast pioneer, Bishop James Jardine, with Counselors,
A. W. Heggie and Ole Anderson. It has an energetic Relief Society under President Mary Griffith,
Counselors Agnes Jardine and Mary P. Homer, and Secretary Jane Godfrey. It has a progressive
Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association, under President Joshua Homer, Counselors W. S.
Thompson and Wm. Jensen, and Secretary Adam Godfry, and Young Ladies Mutual Improvement
Association under President Maria Pack, Counselors Agnes Shumway and Elizabeth Griffin,
and Secretary Sarah Heggie. There is _?_ an earnest Primary Association under President
Caroline G. Thompson, Counselors Sarah Shumway and Jane Jardine, and Secretary Silvia
Thompson. There is a talented brass band leader Mr. Clark, the cornetist and a large pile of
scenery upon the stage in the meeting house betokens the fact that in and long and dreary winter,
when the snow mantles the face of nature in that neighborhood, there are dramatic performances to
interest the residents, plus many a pleasant evening for them and develop the considerable
dramatic talent of no mean quality that exists there. Clarkston, being situated up in the hills, close
to those __?_ mountains. . . .[paper torn with two lines illegible] . . .
feat for the people to walk over their fences upon the surface of the white flakes. When the spring
then comes, however, the surrounding hills take upon themselves a coat of glorious green, and the
entire neighborhood becomes beautiful to see. There is an abundance of water, shade and fruit
trees, lucrene and grasses, garden plants and shrubbery and in fact every comfort that could be
desired. The district school opened Monday and is ably conducted by Joshua Homer.
"At present the farmers are busily engaged garnering the crops. The hum of the mower and
reaper and thresher is every where heard. The bishop states that there is generally a bounteous
yield. Dry farms yield an average of twenty bushels or more to the acre, and irrigated land much
more. There is a good range near Clarkston and much excellent stock is raised.
"The party of visitors left for home, Sunday evening, with a pleasant memory of the visit
they had experienced. Skimming light along over the crest of the hill, and coming in sight of the
lovely garden spot called Cache, each one was made to feel that the inhabitants of this valley
occupy a place apart and above the rest."
--The Logan Journal, Sept. 3, 1890.

Sept. 24, 1890 - p. 4 under "About Ourselves."
"Prof. Apperley Praises the Journal and asks it a Few Questions.
"EDITOR JOURNAL.--I am here in Clarkston, at the home of Peter Barson, Esq., school
trustee, a most excellent talker. But I have just introduced to him an attractive young lady that
I brought here to teach school. He will now likely leave me alone long enough to read the
JOURNAL and pen you a few lines.
"Please excuse me for not reading the last issue before, I was quite busy Saturday in
examinations with teachers and Sunday I attend Sunday school and go to church.
"Your editorial, my dear sir, is a fine production--fresh every word of it. Locals, telegrams,
foreign and domestic news, report of C.C.E.I. etc., are all dished up in good style. Well! Well!
and here comes notice of the mammoth prize drawing for JOURNAL subscribers.
"Right here I wish to ask a question. Could not our editor so arrange the drawing of prizes that
the man who paid the first subscription in cash for the present volume, if he has been a regular
subscriber, and is now willing to do all he can to increase its circulation, without a commission,
draw one of the named prizes? If he is a married man, it certainly would give him much pleasure
to present his wife with a nice bed-room set.
"I must not forget to notice the commencement of a new story by Josephine Bowen. But as
Brother Barson is calling me to dinner, let me ask for a little fatherly advice and I will read the
story to my wife the first evening we have no callers. I am doing all I can to increase the
circulation of the JOURNAL, but objections are raised against these long stories. People tell me
they would much prefer the space being filled with local matter. Is what they say argument or
sophistry? How can I meet these objections? I am not finding fault, I like the stories. If I didn't
like them I wouldn't say so, except in confidence to the editor. I have too strong a love for myself
to find fault with anything that appears in the JOURNAL. In all the paper battles of the past, the
editor of the JOURNAL has vanquished every foe, and I am glad of it.
"P.S.--Thinking the U.S. mail may be detained to-night in Benson to eat water-melons,
I dispatch this by a private carrier to the Logan P. O.
W. H. A."
--The Logan Journal, Sept. 24, 1890.

Oct. 1, 1890 - p. 4 under "Sunday School Union."
"Last Sunday was children's day at the Tabernacle. And they came from every corner of
Cache Valley on that beautiful autumn morning, to take part in the Sunday school jubilee which
has been in course of preparation for some time past. The vast auditorium was filled to its utmost
capacity at 10 a.m., when the meeting was called to order by Superintendent Apperley. . .
[after opening exercises and remarks presentations by the various Sunday Schools]. . .
"An exercise from the Doctrine and Covenants was well rendered by the Smithfield class,
followed by a leaflet exercise by a class from the Clarkston school. These young ladies had come
twenty miles and were present on time. Their exercise was afterward highly commended by the
superintendency, as were others."
--The Logan Journal, Oct.1, 1890.

Nov. 12, 1890 - p. 2 under "To Make Road Rapidly and Cheaply."
"No county in the Territory has such good roads as Cache--not even Salt Lake, and we doubt if
there is any county that really has so many roads to maintain. . . . Our roads are the admiration and
envy of all from other counties; and yet they are abominable in many ways. By the present way of
doing the work, with all the possible energy this county can display . . . it will take fifteen to
twenty years before the roads will be in anything like the condition we could wish them to be.
While hauling gravel by team gives the team owners labor at low rates when employment for
teams is scarce, it is not economy for the farmers after all. . . .
"If Logan City and Cache County were jointly to purchase five miles of railroad with a dummy
engine and a few cars, and bond for them, the bonds could be floated at not to exceed six per cent
per annum.
"Then ten miles of road could be made where one is being made now. It will take years, by the
present methods, to make roads that will do fall and spring and winter service between the east
and west sides of the valley. Take the road to Mendon or Benson as an example, and then on to
Newton and Clarkston. In certain seasons of the years these sections are practically cut off from
the populous part of the county. To make road that will connect them at all times with the east
side of the valley by hauling the material with teams would almost bankrupt the county, and would
take years, practically, to accomplish the work. Bu by means of a driving engine, some cars, and a
few miles of rails, the work could be done in an incredibly short space of time. . . ."

** also In same Oct. 11th on p. 4 under "Y.M.M.I.A."
"Mutual Improvement has been resumed throughout the Stake. The central board has already
commenced the round of the various associations and will continue the work until all have been
visited. . . .Sunday afternoon, Prest. of the Board, L. R. Martineau and R. W. Sloan talked to a full
house at Clarkston and to a packed house at Newton at night."
--The Logan Journal, Oct. 11, 1890.

Dec. 3, 1890 - p. 4 uner "Wedding Bells."
"And Other Notes From Clarkston Precinct.
__?__ [one line illegible.]
"Hans Dahle, of Clarkston, and Miss Caroline Christensen, of Preston, were married at the
Logan Temple on the 26th of November. A reception and supper was tendered them by the
groom's mother, at which fifty of their friends were present. Many handsome presents were
received of the happy couple. After supper the company adjourned to the meeting house where
they engaged in merry making and dancing till twelve o'clock, when all departed rejoicing and
bestowing blessings upon the newly wedded ones.
"John Thompson, the rustling merchant has been shipping grain to Salt Lake City, the
past week.
"There are two schools in Clarkston. One taught by Brother Joshua Homer, and the primary,
by Miss Fannie Daley, of Logan. Both schools are well attended.
"The health of the people is good.
"Saturday, the 29th of November, Samuel Thompson returned from his mission to the Southern
States. He left here in October, 1888, and has been laboring in Mississippi and Alabama
conference. Upon his arrival the brass band went to his house and greeting him with a beautiful
selection. He was escorted to the meeting house where friends and a pic-nic awaited him. Upon
his arrival there the Choir sang, 'Home Sweet Home.' Speeches, songs, recitations followed, and
was keenly appreciated. All gave Brother Thompson a hearty welcome home.
"A Sunday school review was had Sunday, the classes did good work and we are gratified to
know our children are improving. P.S.B
"CLARKSTON, Dec. 1st, 1890."
--The Logan Journal, Dec. 3, 1890.

Dec. 6, 1890 - p. 26 under "Returned Elders."
"The following Elders were among the missionaries who arrived in this city Saturday, November
22, returning from the mission field:
"Elder Samuel Thompson, of Clarkston, Cache Co., left on the 10th of October, 1888. He had
been laboring in the Mississippi Conference in the southern part of that State and in Alabama. He
was a co-laborer of Elder Follick."
--Deseret News Weekly, Dec. 6, 1890.

Dec. 10, 1890 - p. 2 under "Notices"
"No. 667
“Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, October 27th, 1890.
"Notice is hereby given that the following named settler have filed notice of his intention to
make the final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Judge of
the Probate Court in and for Cache County, Utah, at Logan, Utah, on December 13th, 1890, viz.
"William Thompson, D.S. __?_ [land description illegible.]
"He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz.:
"John Hansen, John Clark, William Hansen, Robert Buttars, all of Clarkston, Utah."
--The Logan Journal, Dec. 10, 1890.

Dec. 31, 1890 - p. 12 under "Accident."
"Thomas Godfrey, son of Richard Godfrey, of Clarkston, was kicked in the face by a horse,
one day last week. The animal's hoof cut the lower lip and laid it open, also knocking several
teeth out, and inflicting a most painful though not dangerous wound. John Thompson dressed the
wound and the patient is getting along nicely."
--The Logan Journal, Dec. 31, 1890.

March 7, 1891 - p. 23 under "Current Events."
"Death of James Archibald."
"A correspondent writes from Clarkston regarding the death of one of the oldest citizens of
Cache Valley. The NEWS can endorse the good things said of him in the following:
"'James Archibald, of Clarkston, left home with his folks on January 29 to visit his old home
and relatives in Logan on February 1. He reached Thomas Muir's at Petersboro, where he took
sick, and died February 11. He was greatly respected in his Ward, being superintendent of the
Sunday school, one of the presidents of the quorum of Seventies, and a useful man in every
respect. He was born at Harhill, Lanarkshire, Scotland, April 12, 1836. He crossed the plains in
Edward Stevenson's company in 1859, located in Wellsville in 1860, and came to Clarkston in
--Deseret News Weekly, March 7, 1891.

March 25, 1891 - p. 5 under "Clarkston Clicks."
"Amusements and Mail Service.
"CLARKSTON, March 14, 1891.
"The dramatic society of Newton paid Clarkston a visit Saturday, the 14th inst., and played
'Foil, or A Struggle for Life and Liberty,' to a fair audience. All did well.
"The Clarkston Dramatic Co. has present 'Deborah,' in three acts, to a big house for the benefit
of the brass band. Following is the cast: Deborah, Agnes Shumway; Schoolmaster, John P. Clark;
Lorenzo, James Clark; Old Martha, Matilda Akinson [sic]; Annie, Annie Jensen; Peter and Rose,
Frank and Laura Griffis [sic]; Jewish lady, Silvy Thompson; Reuben, E. Malonbury [sic]; Child,
Letty Shumway.
"Eight Millville boys have lately taken up land north of Clarkston and the section houses are
going up in great shape.
"Mr. Frank Griffis [sic] has the contract for carrying the mail from Clarkston to Trenton and
goes six times a week, and our papers and letters still go to Newton, which makes it bad, and there
has been no mail sack up to date. It took a letter eight days to come from Salt Lake to Clarkston.
We trust in the near future there will be a change for the better."

** same Mar. 25th issue on p. 6 under "Local Points."
"The case of Andrew Fredericksen of Logan vs. John Dahle of Clarkston, for over driving and
killing a heifer belonging to him in the sum of $12 and costs of court comes up before
Commissioner Fletcher on Monday next."
--The Logan Journal, March 25, 1891.

March 28, 1891 - p.25 under "Chronology for 1888."
[A compilation by Andrew Jenson, a church historian.]
February -
Sun. 5.-- Ole A. Jensen and Alfred Atkinson, of Clarkston, Cache Co., arrested on
charges of unl. cob." [unlawful cohabitation]
Mon. 6.-- Hans Sorensen and J. H. Barker, of Newton, and James Archibald, of
Clarkston, Cache Co., arrested on charges of unl. coh."
--Deseret News Weekly, March 28, 1891.

March 29, 1891 - p. 1 under "Deputy Marshal's Arrests."
"For some time past Mrs. Jane Marie Pack, alleged plural wife of Henry Yates has
been wanted, and on Wednesday Deputy Corey arrested her at Clarkston. She was released
on furnishing $200 bail."
--The Standard, March 29, 1891.

April 4, 1891 - p. 20 under "Chronology for 1888."
August -
Fri. 3.-- George Godfrey, of Clarkston, Cache Co., arrest on charge of unl. coh."
--Deseret News Weekly, April 4, 1891.

April 18, 1891 - p. 30 under "Chronology for 1888."
November -
Fri. 30.--In the First District Court, at Ogden, Ole A. Jensen, of Clarkston, was sentenced to six
months imprisonment and $100 fine and cost . . . ."
December -
Mon. 3.--Bishop John Jardine, of Clarkston, Cache Co., released from the Utah pen."
--Deseret News Weekly, April 18, 1891.

April 22, 1891 - p.8 under "Newton Notes." [Should have been notes on Weston.]
"Weston, April 18, 1891.
"EDITOR JOURNAL.--I thought a line from this burg might not be out of place, so here it is. . . .
"Our base ball boy's have been enjoying themselves at the national game lately. Two weeks
ago the Clarkston club paid Weston a visit and played a matched game which resulted in a victory
for Weston, the score standing Weston nine, Clarkston seven.
"Last Saturday the Weston club visited Clarkston, when the latter redeemed themselves, the
score standing, Clarkston twenty-nine, Weston nine. Nine seems to be a fatal number for the
Westonites. The best of feeling prevails among the boys, and the Clarkstonites have promised to
come over next Saturday and give us another chance on our own grounds. Our boys say a side
hill is not so good as level ground to play ball on especially when you are not used to it. . . ."
--The Logan Journal, April 22, 1891.

April 29, 1891 - p. 8 under "Local Points."
"Bishop Jardine, of Clarkston, was shaking up the dust of Logan Tuesday.”
--The Logan Journal, April 29, 1891.

May 6, 1891 - p. 8 under "Clarkston Cullings."
"EDITOR LOGAN JOURNAL:--A fine programme was prepared for the first of May
celebration, by Brothers Homer, Thompson and Peterson. The brass band turned out in force and
uniform to do honor to the occasion and escort the King and Queen of this month of flowers to the
meeting house where they welcomed their loyal subjects and treated them to a royal enter-
tainment, the rendition of which programme caused rejoicing to the listeners. At 2 o'clock p.m.
a dance for the children in which one hundred and fifty little boys and girls participated and found
pleasure beyond description.
"In the afternoon a matched game of base ball between the married and single men was played,
a prize being the object of contention. The married men carried off the honors and prize. Some
excellent playing was done. The game was decidedly exciting, and was witnessed by a large
crowd of interested spectators.
"The school property is now adorned with seventy-five nice shade trees which were lately set
out by our people and the school trustees. We have seventy pupils enrolled in our district school,
with Miss Annie Larsen as teacher.
"Brother James B. Jardine, a son of our worthy Bishop returned home from a mission to Great
Britain, in time to join his family and ourselves in our May day festivities. Brother Jardine, has
been gone two years and has labored in Scotland and Ireland with considerable success."
P.S.B. [Peter S. Barson]
"CLARKSTON, May 3d."
--The Logan Journal, May 6, 1891.

May 13, 1891 - p. 8 under "Local Points."
"Mr. John Biggs, of Millville, has been chasing a span of horses stolen from him about three
weeks ago, near Clarkston. He believes he is on their track, and was laying the matter before
Sheriff Kimball on Monday."
--The Logan Journal, May 13, 1891.

May 16, 1891 - p.27 under "Chronology for 1889."
Fri. 8.--In the First District Court, at Ogden. . . David Buttars, of Clarkston, Cache Co., to pay a
fine of $100 and costs. . . ."
Wed. 13.-- Ole A. Jensen, of Clarkston, Cache Co., released from the Utah Pen."
--Deseret News Weekly, May 16, 1891
[NOTE: There will be no more references from Andrew Jenson's Chronologies.]

June 3, 1891 – p. 8 under “County Court.”
“A petition was read from Jonas N. Beck and 220 others, residents of Newton, Clarkston,
Mendon and Wellsville, praying for the construction of a bridge over Bear river at a point near
Cache Junction. The petition was favorably considered, but owing to the scarcity of funds, it
Was tabled for the time being.”
--The Logan Journal, June 3, 1891.

June 6, 1891 - p.8 under "Local Points."
"The air is filled with the cotton from Balm of Gilead and Cottonwood trees. It is a
nuisance and unhealthy."
"Bishop Jardine, of Clarkston, was sailing around in the cotton of Logan yesterday,
smiling as is his want."
--The Logan Journal, June 6, 1891.

June 17, 1891 - p. 8 under "Clarkston."
"Good Meetings--School Matters--Bridge Wanted--Delayed Journals.
"EDITOR JOURNAL:--On Sunday, June 7th inst., Superintendent Ormsby, Councilor W. H.
Apperley and President Isaac Smith, of Logan, payed Clarkston a visit, bringing with them
Brother Amos Clark, of Newton. All get here in time for Sunday School. We enjoyed their visit.
All talked well to the children. They set Bro. Thomas Godfrey apart as Superintendent of the
Clarkston Sunday School, with Bro. James B. Jardine as First Councilor and Bro. Oli Peterson as
Second Councilor, Sister Elizabeth Jardine, Secretary, Spencer Godfrey, Librarian and Miss Sarah
S. Heggie, Treasurer.
"The brethren talked well to the children and encouraged them to do right, saying it was
necessary for teachers to be in their places early on Sunday morning, and to set a good example
before the young.
"At 2 p.m. the meeting was called to order by Bishop John Jardine. After singing and
sacrament the officers of the Ward were all sustained. After the organization Brothers Ormsby,
Smith and Clark occupied the time and were listened to by a large congregation with good
attention. Brother Apperley was saved for the evening as Brothers Smith and Apperley were
going to stay all night.
"The meeting house was packed full and brother W. H. Apperley was the first speaker. He
talked to the Saints for one hour, on education, causing several hearty laughs by the Saints.
"Brother Smith talked some on the same subject and on farming and raising stock and making
cheese and butter and the general duties of the Latter-day Saints. All say to them 'come again,'
"On Monday, Supt. Apperley, Bishop Jardine, brother Joshua Homer and the trustees, A. M.
Heggie, P. S. Barson, J. E. Myler, visited the district school taught by Miss Annie Larsen, of
Clarkston, and found the school in excellent running order. Supt. Apperley talked to the children
on the value of a good education and instructed them to obey their parents.
"Our JOURNAL'S are three days late--there is something wrong in transfering the mail.
"We want a bridge across Bear river to the Junction. It will do much good.
"The health of the our people is good."
"SANKO [Peter S. Barson.]
--The Logan Journal, June 17, 1891.

June 20, 1891 - p. 1 under "Poor Mail Service."
"The mail service in this valley continues abominably poor. Complaints to this office are of
daily occurrence. Every effort is being made by this paper to secure the prompt delivery of its
papers at the various postoffices in the county. While we can force the prompt going out of this
office we cannot insure the observance of equal promptness elsewhere. This postoffice here is all
right. It makes mistakes at times, but they occur very rarely. But that it should take papers three
days to go from Logan to Newton--fourteen miles--and nearly all by rail--is, to put it mildly, very
much of an injustice. Yet t his is the case all the time. Papers addressed to Cache Junction and
mailed from this office never show up. Yet the letters do. The delay is the same at Clarkston as at
Newton. When the mail was delivered by Mr. Benson's express it got there regularly and
promptly. Now we have regular rail connections, the paper is rendered practically useless because
so long delayed in delivery by reason of the wretch mail service."
--The Logan Journal, June 20, 1891.

June 27, 1891 - p. 8 under "Politics."
"Democratic Meetings Announced for the Coming Week.
"Meeting, for the organization of Democratic clubs, will be held at the following
named places"
Richmond -- Saturday night. . . .[Wellsville, Providence,Millville with details including
"Mendon, Hyde Park and Benson, Tuesday evening, June 30.
"Newton, Clarkston and Trenton, Wednesday, July 1. . . .
"Speakers will be present from Logan at all these meetings and it is earnestly desired that
Democrats interest themselves in securing good attendance."

** also in same June 27th issue on p. 8 under "As We Are Taxed."
"Following is the valuation placed upon our property by the County Assessor, as
divided into precincts:
Trenton . . . $155,470
Wellsville . . 327,575
Hyrum . . . . . 344,360
Smithfield . . . 447,696
Hyde Park . . . 158,500
Richmond . . . . 411,170
Lewiston . . . . 285,255
Coveville . . . 92,115
Clarkston . . . 95,385
Newton . . . . . 157,100
Benson . . . . . 103,750
Petersboro . . . 222,145
Mendon . . . . . 228,955
Paradise . . . . 193,667
Millville . . . 163,905
W. Millville . . 97,305
Providence . . . 210,060
Greenville . . . 28,960
Logan . . . . 2,474,956
"The assessment of Logan is about $600,000 higher, as the County Assessor puts it, than
as it is made by the City Assessor."
--The Logan Journal, June 27, 1891.

July 1, 1891 - p. 1 under "Attention Democrats."
"Call For Representatives From All the Precincts.
"In the absence of any authorized organization, the undersigned request all the precincts in
Cache County to send representatives to the convention of Democrats for the purpose of
organizing a central club or body for the Democratic party in Cache County. This convention will
be held at the County Court on Monday, July 6th, 1891, at 3 o'clock p.m. Until this organization
is effected it has been deemed wise to make the representation form the several precincts on the
following basis:
"Logan, 26; Hyde Park, 4; Smithfield, 10; Richmond, 10; Coveville, 2; Lewiston, 4;
Clarkston, 3; Trenton, 2; Newton, 3; Benson, 2; Mendon, 4; Wellsville, 10; Hyrum, 12;
Paradise, 3; Millville, 3; Providence,3. [Total] 103.
"This apportionment is merely temporary and will be fixed permanently by the permanent
organization on that day to be perfected."
--The Logan Journal, July 1, 1891.

July 4, 1891 - p. 5 under "Republicans Organizing."
"The Logan Nation informs us that an enthusiastic audience assembled in the Smithfield
tabernacle last Wednesday evening to hear principles of Republicanism expounded. . . .
The Smithfield and Logan martial bands were in attendance. Twelve members signed the
roll and a committee of three was appointed to organize. . . .
"The Republican party will hold meetings in Mendon on Monday night and Newton and
Clarkston Tuesday night. Good speakers will be present on all these occasions."
--The Standard, July 4, 1891.

July 7, 1891 - p. 3 under "Cache Valley News."
"The Republican cause is not being ignored in Cache valley . . . .To-morrow night,
Messrs. Isaac Smith, E. M. Cole, L. R. Martineau and C. C. Goodwin will hold forth at
Clarkston. . . ."
--The Standard, July 7, 1891.

July 8, 1891 - p. 1 under "Democratic."
"The Convention Met at the Court House Over a Hundred Strong.
"The Jefferson Club Will Receive Lady Members--They Lunch at the Grove--
And Affect a County Organization.
"There was a gathering of Democrats in Logan yesterday that told whether the party of the
people was weak in the knees or not. Over 100 stalwarts were gathered, a vast majority from the
country and the freedom of discussion indulged in and the persistence of opposing ideas, told the
tale clearly that there was not even the most distant intimation of anything being cut and dried. . . .
"The convention was called to order. . . . appointed a committee on credentials. . . .
“The committee on credentials then reported.
"The following person having presented proper credentials to you committee we hereby report
them as being entitled to seats in this convention, to wit:
"Logan ... [26 names]
"Hyde Park . . . [4 names]
"Smithfield. . . [2 names]
. . . .
"Clarkston -- Peter S. Barson, Josh. Howard. [? Homer.]
"Newton . . .[3 names] . . ..
[Then came several procedures and motions on the organization, voting, appeals, etc.]
"Finally, after an hour's time wasted, the motion to make the temporary organization
permanent was renewed and carried without dissent."
[Next came the nominations for the organization with mixed discussions, ways of voting.]
"Motion was piled on motion until the convention got in a hopelessly tangled mass when
Hon. G.W. Thatcher moved a recess and a trip to Johnson's grove where the Jefferson club had
prepared a lunch in honor of the delegates from other clubs. It took some little time to make this
clear when it went through with a will."
[After lunch the convention focused on effecting its organization and officers were
nominated and by ballet chosen.]
"On motion each precinct was allowed one member of the Central County committee. . . . It was
also decided that the several delegations name their own representative for the committee . . .
[and] they become members of the county central committee without a vote. The result was the
naming of the following without dissent:
Logan -- Jos. Morrell,
. . .
Clarkston -- Peter S. Barson
. . . .
[Further business] "The business being fully transacted the meeting adjourned."

"The first meeting on national politics ever held in our little town was held by the Democrats
Wednesday evening, July 1st, with Mr. J. Homer as chairman.
"There were present from the Jefferson Club of Logan, C. D. W. Fullmer, attorney Warrum and
ex-Sheriff Crookston. Mr. Crookston was first introduced and gave some splendid reasons for
favoring local self-government and explained his opposition to the carpet bag rule advocated by
the Republicans. The gentleman also showed how the poor man pays the taxes and become
poorer, while the rich become millionaires under the present Republican tariff, hitting the
McKinley tariff law a blow that knocked it out of Clarkston.
"Mr. Noble Warrum, jr., was then introduced. He first showed how the billion dollar congress
had relieved the treasury of the great surplus accumulated during the Democratic administration.
The force bill was next taken up and the injustice of that measure explained since by its adoption,
franchise would become a mockery.
"The address was ably delivered and loudly applauded.
"Mr. Fullmer made the closing speech, touching the billion dollar Congress and unjust pensions
to soldiers who never saw the war.
"After the meeting a Democratic Club was organized with fifteen members and a prospect of many more.
The officers of the club are as follows:
Joshua Homer, president.
James B. Jardine, first vice-president.
Peter S. Barson, second vice-president.
Ole Petersen, secretary.
John Thompson, treasure.
--The Logan Journal, July 8, 1891.
** [NOTE: Hereafter the political coverage will be limited and not cover the many meetings,
conventions, stands, etc., and focusing only on specific items of interest to Clarkston.]

July 23, 1891 - p. 8 under "Political."
"Report from all parts of the County are of a most flattering and satisfactory character.
There never has been any doubt of the Democracy here, and now that both parties are getting their
principles before the people, Democracy is gaining ground with surprising rapidity.
"Messrs. P. O. Thompson and O. J. Peterson, who have delivered Democratic speeches in the
Scandinavian language in Smithfield, Richmond, Clarkston and Newton, return fully satisfied that
nothing can change this from being a Democratic County. . . ."
--The Logan Journal, July 23, 1891.

July 30, 1891 - p. 8 under "Local News."
"Lost in Logan canyon one pair sorrel horses, one branded J.H.D. combined on left shoulder, the
other one branded J.J. on left thigh. Fifteen dollars reward will be paid for their recovery.
John Dahle,
--The Logan Journal, July 30, 1891.

Aug. 4, 1891 - p. 1 under "Treachery's Work."
"Republican Defection Permits Democrats to Win.
"The Traitors, However, Do Not Profit.
"The Democrats have won the day. . . .
Providence -- Democrats 50, Republicans 19.
Millville -- Democrats 74, Republicans 15.
Paradise -- Democrats 40, Republicans 55. . . .
Newton -- Democrats 35, Republicans 20.
Clarkston -- Democrats 37, Republicans 13 . . . .
--The Standard, Aug. 4, 1891.

Sept.2, 1891 - p. 5 under "Estray Notice."
"Territory of Utah,
County of Cache
In the Justices' Court, Clarkston Precinct.
Edward Petterson, Plaintiff } Summons.
vs. }
John Doe, Defendant } Demand, $1.75
"To John Doe, Greetings:]
"You are hereby summoned to be and appear before me, the undersigned, at my office in
Clarkston Precinct, Cache County, Utah Territory, to answer complaint filed against you
herein by said Plaintiff, within five days (exclusive of the day of service) if this summons
is served on you within Clarkston Precinct or within ten days if served on you outside of said
Precinct, but within the County of Cache.
"Said auction is brought to recover from you the sum of $1.75 for damages alleged to have
been done by the following described animals, to wit:
"One bay mare colt, two years old, spot in forehead and spot on nose, a bit in each ear,
branded 17 on left shoulder.
"One bay mare colt, two years old, two white feet above fetlock, spot in forehead,
branded _?_.
"One light yellow mare colt, two years old, black mane and tail, branded _?_ on left
"One black mare, judged to be seven or eight years old, spot on forehead, branded _?_ on
left shoulder.
"One brown mare colt, two years old, spot on forehead, some white above half of
fetlock branded CA.
"One black horses, six years old, brand resembling _?_ on left shoulder. Gentle.
"And you are hereby notified that if you fail to so appear and answer as above required,
the plaintiff will take judgment against you for the above amount and costs of suit.
"To the sheriff or any constable of said County, Greeting, Make legal service and due
returns hereon.
"Given under my hand this 29th day of August, A.D. 1891.
Justice of the Peace.

[Followed by a second Estray Notice demanding $2.00 damages to a John Doe
for four horses described and filed the same day.]
--The Logan Journal, Sept. 2, 1891.

Sept. 16, 1891 - p. 1 under "Marriage Licenses."
"Phillip Henry Ames, of Gentile Valley, Bingham Co., Idaho, and Maria __?_ Jensen, of
Clarkston, Cache Co., Utah."
--The Logan Journal, Sept. 16, 1891.

Sept. 19, 1891 - p. 8 under "Local Points."
"Bishop Jardine, of Clarkston, was in Logan Thursday."
--The Logan Journal, Sept. 19, 1891.

Sept. 23, 1891 - p. 5 under "BEAR HUNTER'S BUDGET."
"Damage to Grain--Accidents--A Wedding--Schools--Etc.
"CLARKSTON, Sept. 18, 1891.
"EDITOR JOURNAL.--The late storms have damaged our burg some. A cloud bursting
northeast of Clarkston caused the ditches to overflow and the water flooded the grain in different
parts of the field.
"We have two thrashing machines running now, the clouds have disappeared and some of our
boys have got the mining fever and will take in the mineral sites soon.
"We have had two accidents lately on the thrashing machine. Mr. Thomas Griffin had his left
hand caught in the side gearing, cutting off the end of his thumb and bruising his hand in other
places. On the same machine, a few days later, Mr. Hans Larson had his left hand caught in the
cylinder teeth, breaking one finger and bruising the hand fearfully. Dr. Thompson, of Clarkston,
who is a friend indeed, dressed the wounds and now the boys are getting along nicely.
"At the residence of Oley A. Jenson, in Clarkston, Sept. the 16, Mr. Phillip Ames of Gentile
Valley and Miss Maria Jenson of Clarkston, were united in bonds of matrimony. Bishop John
Jardine officiating. Then fifty gents and ladies sat at the table and partook of a fine supper
prepared by the mother of the bride; then the nice presents were brought in--too many for the table
to stand under, so the floor was used as a substitute.
"Mr. and Mrs. Ames found out they had many friends in our little burg.
"The affair wound up with a big dance in the meeting house--all the ward being invited.
Mylers and Clark's string band played some fine music and at 12 o'clock all went home
satisfied that Mr. and Mrs. Ames had done well.
"All is well in Clarkston. The school is running full blast with Mr. Joshua Homer as teacher.
"There are twelve couples here that will pay our county clerk a visit soon.
--The Logan Journal, Sept. 23, 1891.

Oct. 10, 1891 – p. 2 under "Precinct Officers."
Justice of the Peace - James G. Thompson.
Constable - Wm B. Jardine.
Road Supervisor - John E. Godfrey."
--The Logan Journal, Oct. 10, 1891.

Oct. 24, 1891 - p. 8 under "Mail Irregularities."
"Complaints against the postal service are loud. The JOURNAL is often four or five days late
in being delivered and while we know there is often fault in this office, it is never such as to justify
this paper being five days behind at points where there are daily mails--as at Franklin, Clarkston,
Newton and so on. The fault is somewhere in the service and is wholly inexcusable. Investig-
ations are being made into it and we will see that subscribers are not compelled to endure the
deprivation so many complain of. In many instances but one or two papers are received monthly.
--Logan Journal, Oct. 24, 1891.

Nov. 7, 1891 - p.8 under "Local Points."
"Bishop Jardine, of Clarkston, was in Logan yesterday."
--Logan Journal, Nov. 7, 1891.

Nov. 11, 1891 - p. 8 under "Clarkston Cullings."
"The Children's Primary Meeting.
"EDITOR JOURNAL:-- The 4th of November was a great day for the children of Clarkston,
because of the annual Primary meeting.
"On the stand were President Jane E. Molen, and Counselor Emma Pike, Bishop John Jardine,
and Counselor A. W. Heggie.
"Counselor Sarah Shumway presided at the meeting, which was called to order at 10 a.m.,
opening with singing and prayer.
"The programme, consisting of songs, recitations and speeches, in which the children took an
active part, followed 'The Lord's Prayer' was recited in concert by sixteen little boys, in a most
pleasing manner. A recitation by Miss Jane Flinders, and questions answered by fourteen little
girls deserve special mention. All of the children acquitted themselves with credit.
"Sister Jane E. Molen spoke to the children, telling them of her pleasure at meeting with them
once more, and how she prized the nice present they had given her two years ago. Sister Molen
gave the children much good counsel.
"Sister Pike next spoke to the little folks, and advised them never to play with matches, which
was indeed excellent and most timely advice.
"Bishop Jardine talked to the young people of the beauty of being good, and doing all that lay in
their power to help father, mother and each other.
"The sisters received a vote of t hanks for their attendance.
"The president of this primary Sister Carline [sic] Thompson, was unable to be present on
account of the illness of her sister.
"The presidency of the primary was released and appointed to preside over the Relief Society.
Sister Sarah K. Buttars was chosen as president of the primary, with Sister Matilda Atsinson
[sic] at first, and Jane Jardine second counselor; Mary Jenson secretary, and Annie Jenson
"At 2 o'clock p.m. the children had a dance and all received a nice present.
"We are well satisfied with the work of the retiring presidency, and wish the new one every
success. P.S.B.
"CLARKSTON, Nov. 4th, 1891."
--Logan Journal, Nov. 11, 1891.

Nov. 18, 1891 - p.8 under "Local Points."
"Andrew Jensen, of Newton, formerly of Logan, was accidentally killed while hauling wood
last Monday. When about midway between Clarkston and Newton he fell from the load of wood,
under the wagon which passed over his head crushing it."
--Logan Journal, Nov. 18, 1891.

Dec. 1, 1891 - p. 8 under "Marriage Market."
"John Godfrey to Rozina Grover of Clarkston, Utah."

** also in Dec. 1st issue on p. 3 under "Notices.
"No. 1216
"Notice for Publication
"Land Officer at Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 29, 1891.
"Notice is hereby given that the following named settler had filed notice of his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of
Cache County, at Logan, Utah, on Jan. 9th, 1892, viz;
"John E. Dahle, H. E. 7713 for the SW 1/4 Sec. 13, Tp. 14, N R2W.
"He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
"Alma Jensen, Ephraim Petersen, Rasmus Rasmussen, Hugh Stewert, of Clarkston, Utah."
--Logan Journal, Dec. 1, 1891.

Dec. 3, 1891 - p. 4 under "Correspondence, Etc."
"Logan Department.
"The Cache Junction bridge crossing the Bear river, connecting Cache Junction with Newton,
has been accepted by the county court. The cost is about $2,000."
"County Clerk Fullman gave licenses for the following couples to enter into the blissful state of
matrimony: . . . John E. Godfrey, aged 23, to Rosina Gover, aged 23, both of Clarkston. . . ."
--The Standard, Dec. 3, 1891.

Dec. 5, 1891 - p. 8 under "Clarkston Cullings."
"The Grave of Martin Harris--Witness to the Book Mormon [sic].
"We are pleased to state that we on the west side of the river are not forgotten. The home
missionaries have paid us a visit before going to their homes in the centre Stake of Zion. Brothers
Roskelly, Sloan and Morris, imparted new life and vigor to the Young Men's Mutual Improvement
Association and gave very valuable instructions to the Young men. Brother Andrew Jensen, the
Historical Record compiler, of Salt Lake city, favored us with a pleasant visit Saturday evening.
Brother Jensen talked for one hour and a half, to a large audience, about the necessity of keeping
records. He also spoke of his travels in the east three years ago, when he visited Nauvoo, Kirtland,
Carthage and the hill Cumorah, and the place where the Prophet Joseph used to live. The lecture
was a splendid treat and everybody went home satisfied.
"There is considerable travel through our little burg, many of those who come doing so for the
purpose of seeing the grave of Martin Harris which is a point of great interest, he being one of the
witnesses of the Book of Mormon.
"I remember taking two widow ladies to view the grave of this noted man, one of them being
my aunt, Jane Panther of Big Cottonwood Ward, Salt Lake County. After gazing at the mound for
some time, she turned to me, and at the same time handed to me, and at the same time handed me
one dollar, saying: 'Brother Barson, I give you this to start a fund for the purpose of erecting a
monument over the grave of Brother Harris.'
"I still have that dollar with a trifle more also donated for the same purpose. Bishop Jardine
with a few others was the first to make a move toward fulfilling this plan and erecting the
monument which shall mark the earthly resting place of Martin Harris.
"I feel satisfied there are many also would gladly subscribe to this monument and save to future
generation the burial place of one so favored of the Lord.
"Thomas Griffin and John Buttars, our rusting grain merchants, shipped twenty loads of grain
to the Junction, to-day, over the new bridge.
"John W. Scott and John Thompson have been prospecting in the mountains north-west of
Clarkston, the last few days. I have no idea what result have attended the diligent search, and a
Philadelphia lawyer would be unable to penetrate the mystery.
"I keep right on with my fall plowing and believe in the long run I shall have the finest prospect
of any.
"Bishop Funk of Newton carries our mail to us on his black charger, and keeps me in minds of
the 'Pony express' of the years long ago.
"The health of the saints is splendid, no sickness at all, thank the Lord."
"CLARKSTON, Nov. 34th, 1891."
--Logan Journal, Dec. 5, 1891.

Dec. 9, 1891 - p. 8 under "Good Clarkston."
"Mr. P. S. Clarkston, or P.S. Barson of Clarkston--the names will get mixed--was in Logan
yesterday. He says the people of that prosperous burg pay their debts if they have anything on
earth that can be sold. It is a fact that county tax roll does not show a single delinquent in
Clarkston. Wheat is being shipped to Salt Lake by way of Cache Junction and there is a good
demand for hay and grain."
--Logan Journal, Dec. 9, 1891.

Dec. 16, 1891 - p. 8 under "A Surprise."
"S. Holt, Esq., of Millville was victimized the other evening. Bishop Pitkin, aided by others,
made a raid on the worthy resident and surprised him fully. A good time, well—good is too poor
a word to express it. They had speeches, singing and eatable, and such eatables. Friends from
different parts of the county were there, among them Peter J. Barson, of Clarkston. It is needless
to state that Mr. Holt was overcome with the manifestations of esteem bestowed upon him in this
manner by the many that gathered at his home. . .."

** also in Dec. 16th issue on p. 8 under "Marriage Bureau."
"Allen Archibald, aged 26, to Martha A. Dahle, aged 20, both of Clarkston."
--Logan Journal, Dec. 16, 1891.

Dec. 17, 1891 - p.2 under "Correspondence Section."
"Logan Department.
"County Clerk Fuller issued the following marriage licenses:. . . Allen Archibald, age 26,
to Martha A. Dahle, age 20, both of Clarkston. . . ."
--The Standard, Dec. 17, 1891.

Dec. 24, 1891 - p. 5 under "Logan Department."
"County Clerk Fullmer had another harvest to day in issuing licenses to the following persons
desiring matrimony: . . . Peter E. McCombs, age 22, to Trenton, to Mary A. Goodey, age 19, of
Clarkston. . . ."
--The Standard, Dec. 24, 1891.

Jan. 9. 1892 - p. 8 under "Patrick Clark Dead."
"CLARKSTON, Dec. 28, '92 [sic. 1891]
"EDITOR JOURNAL:--Patrick Clark departed this life on the evening of Dec. 23, 1891, at the
ripe age of ninety, at the residence of his son, Prof. M. J. Clark. He went to sleep and never
awoke. He seemed to have had no pain. Patrick was a Roman Catholic and emigrated to Utah in
the year 1861. He went north to Virginia City, Montana, the spring of 1864 and returned to
Clarkston the year of 1878. Grandfather Clark had his relations by his bedside to see him breathe
his last. The funeral took place on Christmas day. Patrick loved the name of Ireland.
--The Journal (Logan, Ut.), Jan. 9, 1892.

Jan. 13, 1892 - p.5 under "Statement of Receipts and Disbursements."
"Of Cache County for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31st, 1891.
[Disbursements] "Roads and Bridges:
LaPlata District . . . . . 3,367.30
Logan . . . . . . . . 2.651.52
Providence. . . . . . . . 2,549.56
Millville . . . . . . 872.23
Hyrum . . . . . . .. . 81.70
Paradise . . . . . . . 309.78
Wellsville . . . . . . 2,667.34
Mendon . . . . . . . . 26.40
Petersboro . . . . . . . 2,362.78
Benson . . . . . . . . 1,415.89
Newton . . . . . . . . 183.23
Clarkston . . . . . . . 28.18
Trenton . . . . . . . . 268.73
Lewiston . . . . . . . 54.56
Coveville . . . . . . . 123.42
Smithfield . . . . . . 277.20
Hyde Park . . . . . . . 18.60
Richmond . . . . . . . . 240.60”
--The Journal, Jan. 13, 1892.

Jan. 16, 1892 - p. 8 under "An Active Market."
"County Recorder W. G. Farrell and his efficient corps of clerks are kept busy in his office his
week. . . . The following are the transfers up to Wednesday noon:
". . . John Griffin and wife to Sylvia Louis Thompson, W D, E ptl of lots 5,6 and 7, block 7, plat
B, Clarkston townsite survey, Twp 14, range 1W; consideration $25. Part of same lots to Carolina
Thompson; consideration $50."
--The Journal, Jan. 16, 1892.

Jan. 27, 1892 - p. 8 under "How to Protect Trees.”
"David Buttars, of Clarkston, gives a Sure Preventative.
"David Buttars came into the JOURNAL office Tuesday and said he had read of the different
receipts for preventing rabbits from barking fruit trees. 'They are all good,' he said, 'but are too
much trouble.'
"'I have receipts,' he continued, 'that beats them all hollow, as its no trouble and never fails.'
"'What is it,' enquired the JOURNAL.
"'A bunch of lucerne,' said Mr. Buttars.
"This receipt is so simple that no farmer need lose his trees. The rabbits do not trouble the trees
in the summer when they can have lucerne and they would not bark the trees in winter if they
could get lucerne.
"This is the cheapest and best remedy yet, and Mr. Buttars, who has tried it for years, vouches
for it.
"As the patent medicine men say, 'try it.'"

** also same Jan. 27th issue on p. 8 under "Local Points."
"David Buttars, of Clarkston, came to the JOURNAL office Tuesday and asked for an extra
copy of the little encyclopedia, which the JOURNAL gives away, saying that the little book was
worth more than all the paper cost him. This little book is only one of six books which the
JOURNAL gives away to every subscribed, new and old, who pays a year's subscription in advance."
--The Journal, Jan. 27, 1892.

Feb. 13, 1892 - p. 8 under "Matrimonial."
"Clerk Fullmer issued the following marriage licences[sic] during the present week:
"Isaiah Thomas Thompson, Clarkston, aged 21, and Caroline L. Godfrey, Clarkston, age 20.
"James Clark, of Benson, aged 24, and Julia Ansen Stewart, Clarkston, aged 19."
--The Journal, Feb. 13, 1892.

Feb. 17, 1892 - p. 5 under "Our Logan Department."
"Real estate transfers filed yesterday: . . . . Thomas Griffin and wife to heirs of John Burt, lot
3, block 5, plat B, Clarkston townsite survey, consideration, $20; John Jardine and wife to heirs of
John Burt, part of lot 6, block 1, plat A, Clarkston farm survey, $18,85."
-The Standard, Feb. 17, 1892.

Feb. 17, 1892 - p. 8 under "Local Points."
"Providence, Clarkston, Coveville have just purchased new Church Organs from Harris
Bros. Co."
** also in Feb. 17th issue p. 1 under "Real Estate Transfers."
"James Archibald to James Henderson, admr., Warranty deed, lots 12, 3 and 8, block 1,
plat C, Clarkston townsite. Consideration $200."

** also in Feb. 17th issue p. 5 under "Administrator's Sale of Real Estate."
"Notice is hereby given, That in pursuance of an order of the Probate Court in and for the
County of Cache, Territory of Utah, made on the 15th day of February, 1892, in the matter of the
estate of John Burt, deceased, the undersigned, the Administrator of the said estate will sell at
public auction to the highest bidder for cash and subject to the confirmation by said Probate Court,
on Saturday the 12th day of March 1892, at two o'clock p.m., at the residence of Mrs. Ruth Burt,
in Clarkston, County of Cache, Utah, all the right, title, interest that the said estate has, by
operation of law or otherwise, acquired other than or in addition to that of the said decedent at the
time of his death, in and to all those certain lots, pieces or parcels of land situate, lying, and being
in the said County of Cache, Territory of Utah, and bounded and described as follows to wit:
"All of lot one (1), two (2) three (3) and eight (8), in Block one (1) Plat C, Clarkston Townsite
survey; also all of Lot six (6), in Block one (1), Plat A, Clarkston Townsite Survey, bounded and
described as follow to wit:
"Commencing at the northwest corner of Lot six (6) and running then eighty-eight (88) degrees
and twelve minutes (12') east ten (10) chains, thence south one degree and forty minutes (1 deg.
and 40') minutes, west seven and seven-eight (7 7/8) chains to south line of north half of south-
west quarter of Section thirty _?_ (36) in Township fourteen (14), north of range two (2) west of
Salt Lake Meridain; thence went ten (10) chains; thence north one degree and forty minutes ( 1
deg. and 40') east eight and ten-hundreths (8 - 10/100) chains, to the place of beginning,
containing seven and ninety-four hundredths acres.
"Terms and condition of sales--Cache. Ten percent of the purchase money to be paid to the
auctioneer at the day of sale, balance on confirmation of sale. Deed at expense of purchaser.
Administrator of the Estate of John Burt, decease.
Dated Feb. 16, 1892."
--The Journal, Feb.17, 1892.

February 20, 1892 - p.32 under "Deaths.
"STEWART.--At Clarkston, Cache county, Utah, on Wednesday, January 27th, 1892, Mary
Sugdon, wife of William Stewart, of old age. She was aged 83 years, 10 months and 27 days.
She was born in Bradford, Yorkshire, England, and emigrated to Utah in 1866, crossing the
Atlantic in the ship 'John Bright' from Liverpool to New York. She leaves three daughters,
Elizabeth, Sarah and Martha, and fifteen grand children and one great grand child to mourn her
--Deseret News Weekly, Feb. 20, 1892.

February 27, 1892 - p. 1 under "Cache Stake of Zion."
Editor Deseret News:
"In November last I made a thorough tour of the Cache Stake, visiting all its wards and
settlements, for the purpose of obtaining matter for Church history and giving instructions in
regard to the keeping of records, etc. I held meeting in all the wards and had a good and pleasant
time generally.
"The Cache Stake is one of the largest and most prosperous of all the Stakes of Zion now
organized. It embraces twenty-five wards, with a total membership of 15,549 souls or 2,796
families. This includes two Apostles, three Patriarchs, 556 Seventies, 422 High Priests, 1328
Elders, 245 Priests, 267 Teachers, 699 Deacons, 7581 lay members and 4451 children under eight
years of age.
. . . .
"Clarkston lies about five miles northwest of Newton at the foot of the mountains which
separate Cache from Malad Valley. This ward had 479 members or 75 families, was first settled
in 1864, and is now presided over by Bishop John Jardine. In the Clarkston cemetery rest the
remains of the only witness to the Book of Mormon who ever gathered to Utah. Steps are being
taken to place a respectable monument on his grave, instead of the plain cedar post which now
marks it.
--Deseret News Weekly, Feb. 27, 1892.
March 3, 1892 - p. 5 under "The Bounty Question Debate."
"In the county recorder's office the following instruments were filed: A townsite deed from
probate judge to Alex. Newberger, lot 6, block 17, Clarkston survey . . . ."
--The Standard, Mar. 3, 1892.

March 10, 1892 - p. 3 under "Our Logan Letter."
"The following instruments were filed in the recorder's office yesterday: Patent from
the United States to Thos. Griffin 160 acres near Clarkston; Johanna M. Malmberg to Thos.
Griffin 21.63 acres, $43, near Clarkston. . . ."
--The Standard, Mar. 10, 1892.

March 16, 1892 - p. 8 under "Mining."
"Considerable excitement was occasioned yesterday by the report of gold being found near
Clarkston, on the west side of the valley.
"Whether the enthusiasts were gloating over the discovery of 'fools gold' or the 'genuine
article' the JOURNAL scribe was unable to learn.
"More of this anon."

** also in Mar. 16th issue p. 6 under "Precinct Officers."
Clarkston Precinct
Justice of the Peace - James G. Thompson.
Constable - Wm. B. Jardine.
Road Supervisor - John E. Godfrey.
--The Journal, March 16, 1892.

March 19, 1892 - p. 8 under "Mining."
"The people of Richmond are all agog over the prospects, future and present of the Richmond
mine. One enthusiast refused $1,700 for an one-eighth interest. 'Nothing less than $10,000,' was
the report.
"The West Hills, near Clarkston, are alive with prospectors digging for gold. Their hope is
kept alive by the recent reports of vast gold finds.
"Some fine specimens from El Ray DeOro and the Neilson mine are on exhibit at the First
National Bank.
"Two new claims were records at Recorder Farrell's office to-day.
"The 'Larson Mine' situated in Spring Creek Canyon. . . . The 'Retta's Choice' situated . . .east
of Logan and Riverview mine. . .east of Logan."
--The Journal, March 19, 1892.

April 2, 1892 - 8 under "Correspondence."
"EDITOR JOURNAL:--A few lines from our town may interest your readers. On the evening
of the 16th inst. the sisters killed their surplus roosters for the great day of our Relief Society. On
the morning of the 17th the carriages brought the old folks to the meeting house, there the brass
band was playing 'Long may be Live.' At 10 the house was filled.
"With sister Carline [sic] Thompson, Sarah Shumway and Catherine Jardine presiding, the
meeting was called to order and all the Saints stood up and sang, 'Oh my Father' till they made the
valley ring.
"There was a nice programme prepared and all responded to the call, consisting of speeches,
songs, recitations, and solos by our brass band, with Mr. Alfred Clark leader, and Mr. Willard
Hanson president.
"At 12 o'clock sharp all sat down to a fine dinner already for the afternoon sports.
"At 2 p.m., the Saints were called to order by P. S. Larson. All the audience rose and sang,
'Oh ye Mountains High,' prayer by Elder John Godfrey, Sen. Step dance by Sisters Jardine, Costley,
Shumway and Dahley; in fact the ladies dance fine.
"Next came a lecture in Chinese language, by Mr. John Thompson, and was interpreted by
R. Neish, which made great fun.
"Bishop Jardine did enjoy the fun and little did he think who was next, when the bell rang and
Bishop Jardine was called out for a step dance. He gave a sigh and looked up at the ceiling and
then commenced to dance. Well I must say that our Bishop is getting into years, but he will be a
step dancer when he is 91 years old. Next came a recitation by Sister Sarah Battars; a song by
Sister Godfrey; then came a dance in the evening. That day will never be forgotten.
"On the evening of March 23, our dramatic company played 'Little Ruby' in three acts, for the
benefit of our Sunday School. Mr. Alfred Clark, Agnes Shumway, Annie Jenson, James Clark,
Luvettie Shumway, T. Godfrey, E. Melenburg, Matilda Atkinson, with W. Jardine, as the Yankee,
all took the leading characters.
"On the evening of March 26, the Newton dramatic company played us a visit and played 'Ten
Nights in the Bar Room,' with Alfred Goodsell, Joe Morgan, W. Rigby, Mrs. Hammond, Lue
Hardy, Frank Slaid, Miss Bessie Griffin, Mary Morgan, Miss B. Leddingham, Mrs. Morgan, Miss
Hanson, Mrs. Switchel. Hanson's band played some fine music. I must say that Joe Morgan never
took a part better; he was heart and soul in the play, while Simeon Slaid got fat on poverty;
Sampel was always present when help was needed. Frank Slaid is good anywhere and good for
mixing up the stuff. Mr. Green and Hammond played their cards well, and Mrs. Morgan and
daughter did fine and brought the tears on many a face. Mrs. Slaid gave good council and needed
no prompting. Mrs. Switchel and the Corn doctor are good. The farce made everybody happy,
and we say again to the gentlemen and ladies come again. SANKO."

** Also in the April 2nd issue p. 8 under "Sunday School District Union of the Cache Stake of Zion."
"Mendon, Wellsville, Petersboro--To be held at Mendon, Sunday, May 8, 1892.
"Clarkston, Newton, Trenton--To be held at Newton, Sunday, May 15, 1892."
--The Journal, April 2, 1892.

April 7, 1892 - p. 8 under "Our Logan Department."
"In the recorder's office yesterday the following were filed for record: Notices of
location of the Poverty mining claim by J. E. Hyde and W. G. Farrell; the Etna, by Ludvig E. Larsen; the
Eldorado, by David E. Haws; the Mayflower, by David E. Haws; the Shamrock, by N. W. Haws;
the Spotted Fawn, by Edwin J. Haws; the Alto, by Edwin J. Haws; the Alto, by Edwin J. Haws;
the Mormon Boy, by L. E. Larsen; the Magpie, by John Adams; the Pioneer, by N. Haws; the
Hillside, by John Toombs; the Elmonte, by George Adams. All the above claims are located on
what is known as the Little mountain, northeast of Clarkston."
--The Standard, April 7, 1892.

April 13,1892 - p. 8 under "The Logan Department."
"In the county court. . . . A petition of citizens of Clarkston, asking for the location by the
county of a new road between Clarkston and Weston, was taken under advisement."
--The Standard, April 13, 1892.

April 16, 1892 - p. 1 under "Democratic County Convention."
"A Democratic Convention will be held in Logan at the County Court House on Saturday,
April 30th, 1892 at 2 p.m., for the purpose of electing 42 delegates to attend the Territory
Convention to be held at Ogden City. . .May 14th . . . .Said Territorial Convention is called for the
purpose of selecting delegates to represent the Territory in the National Convention at Chicago.
"The apportionment from the various precincts to the county convention is as follows:
Logan, 30; Hyde Park, 4; Smithfield, 11; Richmond, 7;. . . Hyrum, 12: . . .Wellsville,10;
La Plata, 5; Petersboro, 2; Clarkston, 3; Newton, 3; Trenton, 2."
--The Journal, April 16, 1892.

April 23, 1892 - p. 8 under "Clarkston Correspondence."
"CLARKSTON, April 20, 1892.
"EDITOR JOURNAL, Since I wrote you last, some changes have taken place here. On the
15th, our Relief Society held their annual meeting at 10 o'clock. There was a good attendance.
The secretary read the annual report which was accepted. It showed that they had done a great
deal for the poor. They had one hundred and fifty bushels of wheat on hand, and a 100 dollar
share in the Co-op store besides help the poor with seed wheat. President Caroline Thompson and
Councelors, S. Shumway and C. Jardine, said that they were pleased with the labors of the society,
and had a desire to keep on in the good work. Bishop John Jardine, then spoke to the sisters and
said the Relief Society was a great help to him and he told them to keep on in the good work and
the Lord would bless them. The widows were not forgotten--some received dress patterns and
trimmings others five dollars. It would up with a big dance in the evening, ladies buying the
tickets. There was lots of wall flowers on the gents side. Your humble servant was one of the
"On Sunday, April 17th, the seventies quorum held their meeting at 2 p.m., President Charles
Shumway presiding. Nine of the brethren spoke and gave good council. They advised the saints
to not work on the sabbath day and for the elders to learn their duties and then do them.
"On Tuesday the 19th, Judge William Goodwin, Selectmen Haslam, Griffin and Bishop Ballard
drove to Clarkston to change the county road north of town and east to Trenton. Their visit was
short, but they did good work.
"We have two schools running with Mr. J. Homer and Anna Larsen as teachers. Joshua
Homer, Jr., has come to live in Clarkston and he is a staunch Democrat.
"Madam rumor has it that the mines East and North of Clarkston are turning out well.
--The Journal, April 23, 1892.

May 11, 1892 - p. 8 under "Clarkston, May 7 '92."
"EDITOR JOURNAL.--We celebrated May day in fine style on Friday the sixth. The stormy
weather preventing it on the first.
"We had a fine time, Miss Mary E. Archibald was crown Mary [sic -May] queen, by Andrew
S. Heggie.
"Six young ladies acted as maids of honor.
"They were Mary Loosil, Sylvia Thompson, Agnes J. Shumway, Lydia Larson, Sarah
Stewart and Sarah J. Goody.
"We had a grand time.
"Speeches were made, songs were sung and recitations rendered.
"Prof. Paul will lecture in the Students Society Friday evening at the B.Y. College. Subject,
'Mind in Nature,' all are cordially invited to attend. Begins at 8 p.m.
"We were favored with the presence of Rev. E. W. Greene, the County Superintendent.
"He made a short but timely speech, and congratulated us on the nice time we were having
and the fine music rendered by our brass band.
"Mr. A. J. Clark as leader of the band has done much for its advancement.
"I must not forget to mention the solo that was given by Clark brothers. It was a fine selection.
"Our worthy bishop made the closing speech.
"In the afternoon a match game of base ball was played between the young men and married men.
"The first nine innings was won by the young men scoring 20 to 14.
"The married men, not willing to be beat, challenged them for another five innings for a new
base ball game.
"The married men scoring 9 to 6. The day passed off very pleasant with the best of feelings.
"We are having plenty of rain so much we cannot get our grain in.
"Ever wishing your paper success, I remain.
J. B. J."
--The Journal, May 11, 1892.

May 12, 1892 - p. 5 under "Our Logan Department."
"Warranty deeds were filed from Richard Godfrey and wife to Andrew S. Heggie for twenty
acres of Clarkston realty, $50. P. S. Barson and wife to A. S. Heggie, five acres at Clarkston, $20. Thomas Godfrey and wife to A. S. Heggie, five acres near Clarkston, $5.75. Wm. Sparks and wife to A. S. Heggie, 16.28 acres at Clarkston, $32.55. F. A. Neuberger and wife to A. S. Heggie, 1.25 acres at Clarkston, $10."
--The Standard, May 12, 1892.

May 14, 1892 - p. 1 under "Real Estate Transfers."
"Richard Godfrey to Andrew S. Heggie part S.E.1.4 and part N.E.1/4 section 36 Township 14 R 2 W, $57.50."
"Peter S. Barson to A. S. Heggie part N.W. 1/4 section 25 Township 14 R 2 W. $20.00."
"Richard Godfrey to A. S. Heggie part N.E.1/4 section 36 township 14 R 2 W. $50."
"Thomas Godfry to A. W. Heggie part N.W.1/4 section 23 township 14 R 2 W."
"F. ArNeuberger [?] to A. W. Heggie lot 6 block 17 plat B Clarkston survye."
"Johanna N. Malmberg to Wm. Stewart part N.E. 1/4 section 26 township 13 R 2 W."
--The Journal, May 14, 1892.

May 21, 1892 - p. 8 under "Marriage Market."
"Charles W. Buttars to Angelina V. Stewart both of Clarkston."
--The Journal, May 21, 1892.

May 25, 1892 - p. 8 under "Correspondence."
"Clarkston Clipper.
"CLARKSTON, May 23, '92.
"EDITOR THE JOURNAL:--Last Saturday morning early the teams loaded with out brass band
and ball players and lovers of sports, started for the north. The roads were rough, but they fairly sailed over the mountain, each gent with his arm around his better half for fear she would get spilt out, as the roads were quite sidling. We arrived at our destination at 12 o'clock sharp and the kind people of Weston invited all to take dinner with them and we did. At 2 o'clock both sides were ready for the battle with General H. Rose taking charge of the Weston soldiers and General Samuel Thompson and Colonel Wm. Jardine taking charge of the Clarkston troops. The first shots were fired by the Weston boys and they made one run.
"Clarkston then took the bat and the powder being wet made poor headway and was white- washed. I stood by and watched the game, and the good kind feelings that has existed for many years still exists. They played nine innings with J. Rose, Umpire, who showed no favors on either side and he is a man of good judgment.
"There was some poor playing done on both sides and Weston has some fine baters [sic].
The Clarkston boys would of done better had their men been placed in the field a little different.
"Mr. Peter Maughan hurt his foot while running. John Maughan and Frank Griffiths both
fell very hard while running to third base and one gentleman tried hard to break the roof of the meeting house, and some of the boys lost their grip and let the clubs fly and scattered the spectators, and at 4 o'clock the game ended, Weston leading four tallies.
"Then Mr. H. Rose gave notice that there would be a dance in the evening and he would not allow one gentleman or lady to leave until after the dance.
"The Clarkston brass band then played some fine music, and then the Weston boys went and got their instruments and both bands played together.
"On Saturday June the 4th the Weston boys will come over to Clarkston to have a friendly game of ball and a visit.
"Well, we took in the dance and all came home satisfied.
"But say, Mr. Editor, did you ever dance pretty hard and then travel ten miles on a rough road home? P. H. B.”
--The Journal, May 25, 1892.

May 28, 1892 - p. 8 under "Clarkston Letter."
"CLARKSTON, May 26, '92.
"EDITOR THE JOURNAL:--We authorize you to state that the headstone for the grave of
Brother Martin Harris, deceased, will be put up there on decoration day.
"It was shipped from Manti, Sanpete county, Utah, by E. L. Parley & Co.
"It came to Cache Junction in care of George Godfrey, Esq. and will be brought here at once.
"The monument is a very fine and imposing one and it weighs eight hundred pounds.
"Brother Edward Stephenson, of Salt Lake, was instrumental in working up the subscription and in purchasing the monument.
"The people of Clarkston are donating freely and the whole amount will soon be made up."
--The Journal, May 28, 1892.

June 1, 1892 -p. 8 under "Correspondence."
"Two Persons struck by Lightening at Clarkston."
"CLARKSTON, May 28, 1892.
"EDITON JOURNAL:--On Thursday evening about four o'clock, brother Samuel Stewart
returned from the Snake river country where he had been on a ten days visit. When he reached home it was storming hard, and as Mrs. Steward was up in town, he went out upon the north porch to wait for her. While he was standing there the lightning struck the house tearing the whole south east corner completely out.
"It knocked brother Stewart down where he lay unconscious until his wife's return. He was lying upon his face and it was thought that he was dead as he remained unconscious for two hours. Brother Stewart was badly burned across the bowels and is not sick in bed as a result of the shock.
"Little Alice Dahle was at Stewart's having gone there on an errand, and was in the room with three of the Stewart children. She stood before a big looking glass when the lightening struck, and the glass was slivered in ten thousand pieces driving the child's face and body full of the fragments. Great gashes were cut in her head and arms by the larger pieces, while the finer dust literally filled her skin. She ran about crying and saying she was blind, while the blood was pouring from her many wounds. She was placed in bed at last under the care of her mother and kind neighbors.
"The injured ones have the sympathy of all the Saints who pray that the little girl may not loose her eyesight. Bishop Jardine, counselor Heggei [sic - Heggie] and others are looking after them with all care possible.
"Brother stewart [sic] told me this evening that on his return from Snake River, the nearer home he got the worse he felt, and that he could not remain in the house is why he went upon the porch. If he had laid down upon the lounge as he was inclined to do, he would certainly have been killed as the furniture was all demolished.
"Some valuable papers in Brother Stewart's inside pocket were badly scorched and his clothes were considerable burned.
"The property is insured in the American company.
"P.S.--Dr. Ormsby had just arrived and in dressing the wounds of Alice Dahl [sic], finds that she has lost her right eye. The Doctor took quite a number of pieces of glass out of her face and body. It is not thought she will recover.
"Our Bishop is doing all in his power to aid and comfort the afflicted.
--The Journal, June 1, 1892.

June 2, 1892 - p. 1 under "News From Logan."
"Democracy is Cringing--A House Struck by Lightning.
"A serious accident occurred at Clarkston on Thursday afternoon last, but no authentic
information could be obtained until Monday morning. The residence of Charles Stewart was
struck by lightning, and one end of his house entirely destroyed. The electric fluid struck the chimney first, and from there passed down the end of the house. Stewart was standing outside under a little portico but the shock was sufficient to entirely deprive him of consciousness for some time. Mrs. Stewart found him lying where he had fallen when she returned from a visit, and for some time thought him dead. With the exception of feeling sore Stewart has fully recovered. A little girl named Alice Dahle had come on an errand to Stewart's house a short time before the storm, and was standing near one of the windows when the lightning shattered the window, the glass flying as if shot from a gun. Doctor Ormsby states that there were not less than two hundred wounds or cuts on her body, some of the scalp wounds being from an inch and a half to three inches in length. A piece of glass penetrated one of the eyelids and destroyed the sight. The doctor will have to remove the injured member. The studding and lumber on the end of the building were literally twisted into shreds. The damage will reach $600."
--The Standard, June 2, 1892.

June 4, 1892 - p.8 under "Local Points."
"Dr. Ormsby reports the 'thunder struck' patients at Clarkston are slightly improving."
--The Journal, June 4, 1892.

June 5, 1892 - p. 5 under "Logan Department."
"Yesterday a little boy by the name of Dahle was caught by a bear at a sheep ranch near Clarkston and carried a considerable distance. The parents of the child witnessed the capture, and seting up a loud cry so frightened bruin that he dropped his prize and made a hasty departure."
--The Standard, June 5, 1892.

June 8, 1892 - p. 8 under "Calvin's Concert."
"The Harris Bros. advertised one of their grand musical concerts to be held in Clarkston on Monday evening. Notice to that effect was circulated and given out in the Sunday meeting. As a result all the citizens of the precinct turned out to hear the music.
"Imagine their surprise when the audience, anxiously watching for the company to take its
place upon the stage, saw a gaunt spectral figure arise and begin to pour out his discordant
notes of Republicanism into ears which were there for music.
"This individual, who proceeded to take advantage of the unexplained absence of the concert company, was none other than one Calvin Reasoner, who is hereabouts ostensibly working for the Irrigation Age but really for a high tariff and a centralized government.
"It seems that the Republicans had applied for the house but were told that they could not have it as the same was engaged for Monday night as before stated. A large number of those present were so disgusted at the deception, that they left the house before Calvin had finished his overture. J."

** Also in June 8th issue on p. 8 under "Local Points."
"Bishop Jardine, of Clarkston gave us a call yesterday. He reports everything comparatively quiet around his burg."
--The Journal, June 8, 1892,

June 11, 1892 - p. 8 under "Delicate Operation."
"Little Alice Dahle of Clarkston, who was severely injured a few days since by lightning,
under went an extremely difficult operation Thursday. One of her eyes was so filled with broken glass that it was found necessary to take it out. She was brought here for treatment and Dr. Ormsby very skillfully extricated the injured organ and it is believed she will now improve rapidly."
--The Journal, June 11, 1892.

June 15, 1892 - p. 6 under Notices.
"No. 1410
"Timber Culture, Final Proof--Notice for Publication.
"United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 13, 1892.
"Notice is hereby given that Bengt M. Ravsten had filed notice of intention to make final proof before the County Clerk of Cache County at his office in Logan, Utah, on the 23rdday of July, 1892, on timber culture application No. 1056, for the SW1/4 NE1/4 SE1/4 NW1/4 quarter of section No. 30, in Township No. 11 N Range No. 1 W.
"He names as witnesses: Carl P. Anderson, of Clarkston. Hans C. Hansen, Aaron J. Hill,
Aaron Hill, of Trenton, Utah.
W. W. Maughan, Frank D. Hoses,
Attorney. Register.

** also in the June 15th issue on p. 8 under "Local Points."
"P. S. Barson 'the war correspondent' of Clarkston is in Logan, the guest of C. D. W. Fullmer. Brother Barson is a Democrat of the first water and one of enterprising citizens of Cache."
--The Journal, June 15, 1892.

June 18, 1892 - p. 8 under "Pretty Good, Too!"
"F. A. Neuburger, manager of F. E. Warren Mercantile Co., has within the past 12 days sold four of their fine organs to some of Cache Valley's best to do gentlemen, viz:
" . . . One new style of Farrand & Voley, to Mr. Wm. Sparks, of Clarkston."

** also in same June 18th issue on p. 8 under "The Official Returns."
"The following is the official vote by precincts taken in regard to the bonding of
Cache County:
[first figures "Yes" and last numbers "No."] "Logan, 247, 8; Providence, 67, 0;
Millville, 46, 2; Paradise, 46, 3; Hyrum, 125, 13; Wellsville, 110, 5; Mendon, 23, 13;
Petersboro, 10, 0; Benson, 7, 1; Newton, 32, 9; Clarkston, 25, 4; Trenton, 10, 3;
Lewiston, 32, 10; Coveville, 20, 0; Richmond, 10, 24; Smithfield, 54, 14; Hyde Park, 20, 24;
La Plata, 49, 2. [Totals] Yes - 933, No - 135."
--The Journal, June 18, 1892.

June 22, 1892 - p. 8 under "An Explanation."
"In behalf of Harris Bros. we would say that our report of the Clarkston republican meeting was not intended to throw any blame whatever on them, because many who heard Reasoner went to the meeting house for the sole purpose of hearing music. They had promised the people of that vicinity that they would try and be there on the date mentioned. Afterwards they found out that they could not, that it would be impossible and so they hastened to correct the first announcement. This was done but it seems there was a misunderstanding on the part of many of the people. We make this explanation because the firm mentioned are out on a business tour and it would be manifestly unfair to suffer any one to remain under the impression that they would lend the influence of their reputation to draw a crowd for any political party."
--The Journal, June 22, 1892.

June 29, 1892 - p. 5 under "Clarkston Letter."
"EDITOR JOURNAL:--The Sunday School union held in this place some time ago was not
written up. I will just say it was a grand success and one of the best times the Saints of Newton and Clarkston ever enjoyed.
"The class exercises, singing and counsel was excellent. In the evening Sisters Townsend and Lucy Ohlen payed Clarkston a visit in behalf of the Y.L.M.I.A. They entertained the audience for two hours and gave some valuable instruction.
"Sister Mary Archibald has just returned from the Snake river country and reports all well in that section.
"I will give a few items from the town on the west side of the valley.
"Primary conference was held Friday June 24th at 10 o'clock a.m.
"President Lily Frees of Salt Lake City was on the stand.
"President Jane E. Molen and counselors Emma Pike and Mattie B. Hansen, and Prest. Sarah D. Buttars and counselors were on hand.
"After singing by the choir and prayer by President Sarah Buttars a programme was carried out.
"Singing 'Around the throne of God.'
"Minutes of the last conference read and adopted.
"A class of little boys answered questions on motto cards.
"Misses Barker and Jensen sang a song.
"President Jane E. Molen gave an interesting talk.
"Misses Godfrey and Thompson sang a song.
"Miss Ollie Beck read an essay entitled 'Primary.'
"A class of little girls recited the Lord's prayer.
"Song by Sarah and Mary Shumway.
"Recitation by Mary Griffin.
"All did well. Other numbers were carried out but time prevents their mention.
"Bishop Jardine sang a scotch song for the young folks.
"It was a very enjoyable event. C."
--The Journal, June 29, 1892.

July 9, 1892 - p. 5 under "Teachers Institute."
"The teachers of Cache Co., met in convention Tuesday July 5th. . . with an instrumental
selection by Miss Verne Lufkin. Supt. Greene then introduced Prof. Klock of Leavenworth,
Kansas, to the teachers. After a few introductory remarks the Professor began the regular
class work in Primary Arithmetic.
"Students in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade had been brought in and classes formed that a model
school might be conducted by the Professors for the benefit of the teachers.
"Outline work in the different branches taught in the district schools, covering from the 1st to
the 8th grade, prepared by Prof. Kloch, has been placed in the hands of the teachers for their
assistance in teaching these branches. The teachers have been divided into two grades. Those
engaged in primary work have had, besides the general instructions, instruction pertaining directly
to their individual work. Those teaching advanced grades instructions bearing upon their work.
"During the convention the teachers have been favored with several talks on teaching . . . .
"As an evidence that the community is interested in educational advancement, a number of
visitors have been present each day. . . . The following teachers are attending the sessions of the
[9 from Logan; 3 each from Hyde Park and Smithfield; 4 from Richmond.]
"Mr. Joshua Homer, Clarkston.
"Miss Annie Larson, Clarkston.
[2 each from Newton, Mendon, Paradise; 3 each from Millville, Providence, Lewiston;
6 from Wellsville, 5 from Hyrum and 1 each from Benson Ward, Coveville, Trenton,
Petersboro, West Millville, Riverside, Mineral Point.]
--The Journal, July 9, 1892.

July 13, 1892 - p. 5 under "Free Concerts."
"The Harris Bros. have adopted a style of advertising that is new in this part of the country.
They visit the various settlements, their coming having been announced before-hand, and give a
free concert in each place.
"As they are all of them superior musicians, and they have employed some valuable assistants,
their concerts are thoroughly artistic and are greatly appreciated by their audiences.
"The music they evoke from the different instruments they play, advertises them sufficiently,
and a short talk between times on the utility of their self-waiting table, or the many excellencies of
the sewing machine they carry, is just long enough to arouse the interest of the audience without
wearying them.
"They visit Newton on Monday, Clarkston on Tuesday, and to-morrow evening they finish
their concert over at Mendon."
--The Journal, July 13, 1892.

July 23, 1892 - p. 8 under "Local Points."
"Bishop Jardine of Clarkston gave us a pleasant call on Thursday. He reports dull times in his
section of the valley."

** also in July 23rd issue on p. 8 under "Programme of Cache Stake."
"S.S. Jubilee, Saturday and Sunday Sept. 10th and 11th, 1892."
[Assignments for upcoming Sunday School Jubilee to the various Sunday Schools.]
"Book of Mormon exercise - Clarkston."
"Dialogue - Clarkston."
--The Journal, July 23, 1892.

July 29, 1892 - p. 5 under "Our Logan Department."
"A 9-year-old son of William Flinders of Clarkston was driving a vicious horses on Monday
morning. While passing another cart, his horse commenced kicking and finally struck the boy
behind the ear. He was picked up unconscious and remained in that condition for two hours. He
is slowly recovering."
--The Standard, July 29, 1892.

July 30, 1892 - p. 8 under "A Bad Accident."
"A bad accident occurred at Clarkston on Monday last. A nine year old son of Mr. William
Flinders was driving a horse attached to a road cart. While passing another cart the animal the boy
was driving commenced kicking until he struck the boy behind the ear, knocking him off the cart.
He was unconscious when picked up and remained in that condition for two hours; his relatives
expected that each moment would be his last. He finally regained his senses and it is now thought
that he will fully recover, and that no permanent injury was inflicted."

** in the same July 30th issue on p. 8 under "Clarkston Cullings."
"July 24, 1892.
"EDITOR JOURNAL:--I take pleasure in reading the items from the different settlements in the
JOURNAL, and will say the 4th and 24th are things of the past but will never be forgotten while
we live.
"The programme committee were all rustlers and great lovers of sports which helped to make it
pleasant for others. Our programme was lengthy and every body responded to the call. The flag
was raised at sunrise on the morning of the 25th by Captain Wm. Jenson's company and a salute
fired of twenty guns. At 9 o'clock our brass band serenaded the town. The wagon was pulled by
four spanking horses and beautifully decorated with the red, white and blue with John Dahle and
Mr. Willard Archibald as drivers. The music sounded sweet and helped to make everybody
happy. At 10 the meeting was called by order by the marshal, C. Shumway, Esq.
"The choir then san an anthem. Prayer by the chaplain, J. E. Myler.
"Then the brass band broke forth with the sweet strains.
"Our worthy Bishop then gave us a short and spicy oration; then came a song by Adam Fife.
"Brother Richard Godfrey talked on the life of President Brigham Young, and a song was
rendered by Brother and Sister J. P. Clark.
"Captain Yates talked on the Indian trouble for ten minutes.
"A select piece on the organ, by Prof. M. J. Clark. The gentleman was called out the second
"As Brother George Godfrey killed a nice fat beef and sold it all before sunrise, all present was
rejoicing over the good dinner at one.
"We had a children's dance at 2 o'clock and at 4 o'clock Thomas Brothers and Adam Fife had
ten head of the best horses in town to run races, five horses on a side. Some fine riding was done
by both sides. Mr. Fife won the first two races and Mr. Brothers looked rather sad; but the scale
turned and Mr. Brothers got the last three races for a cash prize.
"At 5 o'clock more fun commenced with Hans Larson and Daniel Brothers to choose nine men
on a side for a tug of war pull. The rope was stretched, with Hon. John Thompson to give the
word of command. One hundred and twenty-three was counted and good pulling was done--Hans
Larson winning two dollars. The side that lost did not feel satisfied and they pulled the second
time--D. Brothers' side winning a cash prize of eight dollars which made them smile, and the other
side did not feel so well. The sweat rolled off every man.
"This is the way we spent our 24th day of July. [Note: July 24th was a Sunday.]
Yours truly, P.S. Barson.
"P.S.--We have a committee on our county fair. Their names are Bishop John Jardine,
Peter S. Barson and John E. Godfrey.
"The dry land grain is shrinking lots for want of rain.
"We have a little sickness in our town in the families of Bro. A. W. Heggie and Frank Griffis.
"Brother Goodsell, of Logan, is here plastering the new dwellings of J. Loosle and J. E.
"Brother James Beck is here from Newton, painting for Bishop Jardine and others.
"Wishing you, Mr. Editor, success in your labors, I remain a happy Democrat.
** in addition the July 30th issue had on p. 1 the following two items:
"New Registrars.
"The Utah Commission met on Tuesday and appointed the following registration officers
(all republicans.)
"Newton - J. A. Christensen.
Clarkston - Frank Griffith."

"I have in my possession:
"One flea-bitten gray mare branded _?_ on left thigh.
"If said animal is not claimed and taken away within fourteen days from date of this notice it will be sold at public auction to the highest cash bidder on Aug. 9th, 1892, at 1 o'clock p.m., at the Clarkston Estray Pound, Cache Co.,Utah.
Constable Clarkston Precinct.
"Dated Clarkston, July 27, 1892.?
--The Journal, July 30, 1892.

Aug. 3, 1892 - p. 8 under "Accident at Clarkston."
"Mrs. Sarah Weaver and daughter were driving to Bishop Dunn's on Saturday when a dog
belonging to John Godfrey scared the animals so that he ran away. Both of the ladies were thrown from the cart and Mrs. W. was unconscious for quite a long time. She is badly bruised up and the young lady is not yet out of danger. SANKO."
--The Journal, Aug. 3, 1892.

Aug. 20, 1892 - p. 8 under "The Old Charge."
"George Godfrey of Clarkston was arrested by Deputy Corey, and was brought before
Commissioner Goodwin on Wednesday morning. The charge was unlawful cohabitation.
"Mr. Godfrey's plural wife was also brought in. The lady has a baby about eighteen
months old.
"Godfrey pleaded guilty and was held in $1,000 bonds to appear before the grand jury.
The lady was required to give $200 bonds to appear as a witness."
--The Journal, Aug. 20, 1892.

Aug. 24, 1892 - p. 8 under "Local Points."
"An infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Hunsaker died at Clarkston of erysipelas on
"Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clark, of Clarkston, lost an infant daughter on Friday last.
The little one appeared to be in good health at noon, but died about six o'clock in the
evening, from some unknown cause."
[From another "Local Points" on same page.]
"Peter S. Barson, of Clarkston, made a flying visit to Logan yesterday."
--The Journal, Aug. 24, 1892.
Aug. 31, 1892 - p. 8 under "Clarkston Correspondence."
"ED. JOURNAL:--Last Sunday we were favored with the presence of President Orson Smith,
Counselor Isaac Smith and Brother Todd of the B. Y. College. They arrived in time for the
Sunday School in the morning.
"Brother Todd addressed the children on the work they were engaged in and devoted some time to praising Prof. Maeser of Provo for the good he was doing among the youth of Zion.
"He also spoke of th prophet Joseph and said many things the scolars [sic] will do well to remember. He asked the Lord to bless all the Sunday School Children in Zion.
"Councelor Smith desired to say something that would be of benefit to all present. Told of his travels in England while on a mission. He urged all to heed the gospel and strive to do right.
"President Orson Smith was delighted to meet with the Sunday School on that occasion. He spoke at some length to the children in regard to obedience. Talked also of the coming jubilee, and want all to learn the pieces that had been assigned them. Pray was offered by Superintendent Thos. Godfrey.
"At 2 o'clock the meeting house was crowded till it was impossible for all to get inside.
"Bro. Todd was the first speaker. He felt proud of the young people of Utah and in this particular stake of Zion. Talked on the duties of parents and children.
"Bro. Isaac Smith said he took great pleasure in the remarks of Bro. Todd. Thought they should
be put in practice. He also read from the Doctrine and Covenants to show where blessing could be
"President Orson Smith then addressed the assembled Saints at some length on the growth of
the church and he encouraged the Saints to pay tithing and donations; also to keep the Sabbath day
holy. Stated that he never tasted tobacco nor whiskey nor tea nor coffee in his life.
"Said he enjoyed good health in consequence. The meeting was one of the best ever held at
this place and did much good. SANKO.'
--The Journal, Aug. 31, 1892.

Sept. 14, 1892 - p. 8 under "Democratic Call, For a County Convention."
"A county convention of the Democratic party of Cache County, is hereby called to meet at the
Court House, Logan City on Wednesday, the 28th day of September. . . for the purpose of electing
42 delegates to the Territorial Convention at Provo, on Oct. 5th . . . . Said Convention to consist of
108 delegates apportioned among the several precincts as follows:
"Benson, 1; Clarkston, 4;. . . Newton, 3;. . . Logan 31. . . ."
--The Journal, Sept. 14, 1892.

Sept. 17, 1892 -p. 4 under "Estray Notice."
"I have in my possession:
"One light sorrel mare about 10 years old, left hind fooot [sic] white, strip in face, branded WS
combined on left shoulder and _?_ on left thigh and _?_ on right hip, sorrel colt with mare.
"One bay yearling mare, left hind foot white, branded resembling BE on left shoulder.
"One light sorrel mare, 2 years old, right front and left hind foot white, no brands visible.
"If said animals are not claimed and taken away within ten days from date of this notice they
will be sold at public auction to the highest responsible cash bidder on Sept. 22nd, 1892, at 1
o'clock p.m., at the Estray Pound in, Clarkston, Cache Co., Utah.
Constable Clarkston Precinct.
"Dated Clarkston, September 15th, 1892."

** in the same Sept. 24th issue on p. 8 under "Local Points."
"Bishop Jardine of Clarkston was a caller at the JOURNAL office yesterday."
--The Journal, Sept. 17, 1892.

Sept. 24, 1892 - p. 5 under "Local Points."
"A fire at Clarkston on Wednesday evening destroyed a barn and two stacks of hay, the property
of Mr. Samuel Buttars. The loss amounts to at least $400."
--The Journal, Sept. 24, 1892.

Oct. 1, 1892 - p. 10 under "County Convention."
"Delegates Chosen to the Territorial Convention.
"The Democratic Convention convened yesterday morning in the large upper room of the Court
House. N. W. Kimball was appointed chairman, with Thos. Griffis and I.C. Thorensen as assistants;
Chas. Hyde, secretary with Peter Maughan as assistant; C. C. Shaw chaplain, and P. S. Barson
sergeant at arms . . . . report of the committees . . . .[filled vacancies and chose alternates
to delegates at large and further delegates]
"Three delegates from Hyrum . . . .Newton, John Griffin; Clarkston, Wm. Sparks. . . ."
--The Journal, Oct. 1, 1892.

Oct. 5, 1892 - p. 5 under "Clarkston Cullings."
"EDITOR JOURNAL:--I thought a few line from our little burg would not be amiss.
"Last Friday, Mr. William Jenson and Miss Clara Ames were united in the bonds of
matrimony in the Logan Temple.
"On arriving home a big supper was prepared, fifty invited guests were seated at the table.
"After supper the new wedded couple received some useful and fine presents. Mr. Almy
Jenson was not satisfied with one, so be brought a wash tub full of useful articles.
"At seven o'clock in the evening the bride and groom were escorted to the meeting house where
Myler's string band played for the dance that followed.
"Mr. and Mrs. Jenson will leave for their new home in star valley in about three weeks.
"The good people of this place wish them success and that their posterity be as numerous as the
-sands on the sea shore.
"Mr. Daniel Buttars lost 50 tons of hay and some grain in his late fire. The good neighbors
turned out en masse and worked like beavers and kept the fire back from the barn.
"Bro. Buttars feels very thankful to those who worked so faithfully.
"He cant [sic] tell how the fire started; it started about 7 in the evening.
"Mr. John Casper Loosli received a bad cut on the head by the falling of a bucket from the top
of a stack of wheat. SANKO."
--The Journal, Oct. 5, 1892.

Oct. 12, 1892 - p. 8 under "A Grand Rally."
"Of the Democratic Hosts Will Take Place on Friday Evening.
"Next Friday evening will be a red letter day for the Democracy of Cache County. . . .
There will be bands and clubs in attendance from all parts of Cache county. . . .Brass bands from
Richmond, Smithfield, Lewiston, Hyde Park, Clarkston, Mendon, Hyrum, Wellsville, and Logan
will furnish the music. . . .
"Wellsville and Hyrum bands/ Standard bearer/ Delegates and Speakers/ Sage Brush Glee Club/
Hyrum and Wellsville Clubs/ . . . Newton and Clarkston Clubs . . . ."
--The Journal, Oct. 12, 1892.

Oct. 19, 1892 - p. 5 under "Clarkston Cullings."
"EDITOR JOURNAL:--Last Monday night Prof. Paul spoke at this place.
"As Republicans do not seem to be satisfied with the gentleman's remarks we offer to bet any
amount that Paul can prove every assertion that he made.
"Democracy is on top in this place, and I congratulate the party on its county, territorial and
national ticket.
"Counselor Smith, Charlie Nibley and Willie Thane made Republican speeches here on
Saturday and did Democracy much good.
"Counselor Smith remained and talked to the Saints Sunday.
"Considerable fall ploughing has been done.
"Our district school is running in good shape.
"The teachers are Mr. Joshua Homer and Hulda Westerberg.
"Another report says that Mr. Isaac Smith announced from the stand that he would try and get
up a joint debate between some Democrats and Mr. Cannon for their benefit.
"If he couldn't get Mr. Cannon he would try and arrange for someone else.
"Now we wonder if Mr. Smith is really in earnest--if he will try to get Mr. Cannon to meet
some Democrats in Clarkston or elsewhere with alternating speeches in joint debate.
"If he means what he says and is not talking for effect we will promise him a debater for the
young Napoleon or any other Republican.
"Let him speak."
--The Journal, Oct. 19, 1892.

Oct. 29, 1892 - p. 8 under "Clarkston Cullings."
"EDITOR JOURNAL:--The political event of the season, for Clarkston, occurred on Monday
the 24th inst. The speakers arrived early but there was already an enthusiastic audience
assembled. Mr. William F. Jensen, of Newton, was the first speaker and he held the attention of
all for a short time on tariff and the Democratic principles generally. Mr. Alfred Goodsell, the
heavy weight tariff talker, from Newton, spoke for an hour on the subject on which he is so well
posted. The people listened with attention to Mr. Goodsell and the Republicans present who
'chipped in' were promptly answered.
"C. D. W. Fuller delivered the next speech and it was good and Col. held the audience spell
bound for about an hour and a half; but the people insisted till the last on hearing more. The
roosters were crowing when the audience dispersed, still rejoicing. The issues of the campaign,
including local history, was ably discussed. The audience was enthusiastic from the commencement,
but the Clarkston-Benson Democratic String Band cheered up the audience who were wild with applause.
"Mr. John J. Jardine was called for and audience persisted that he speak. The good Bishop
made an excellent speech which was appreciated by all. Democracy is all right.
"On Tuesday we received a pleasant visit from the World's Fair Commissioners, Mrs. C. D. W.
Fullmer, Mrs. Wm. Goodwin and Mrs. Lute Farr.
"The home made Republican bearing the misnomer Reasoner, accompanied by Mr. Liljenquist
attempted to hold a meeting here last Saturday. They fired a few blanks cartridges at empty
benches and the brethren left rejoicing.
--The Journal, Oct. 29, 1892.

Nov. 2, 1892 - p. 8 under "Local Points."
"Marriage licenses had been granted to . . . .Jos. A. Godfrey, aged 19 and Julia M. Myler
aged 18, both of Clarkston;. . . ."
--The Journal, Nov. 2, 1892.

Nov. 5, 1892 - p. 8 under "Clarkston Cullings."
"EDITOR JOURNAL:--As politics seems to be all the go over this way and will be for one
more week, I'll tell you about our meeting.
"Judge Casady was here Monday evening and talked two hours to a fair audience.
"The speaker drove home the tariff nail and clinched it on the other side.
"Everyone present was well pleased with Mr. Casky's remarks. He took the 'Nuggets of
Truth' and explained their place in this campaign.
"At the close of the meeting the gentleman received a hearty vote of thanks for travelling
20 miles to tell them solid facts.
"I hear that Mr. Booth of Provo and Prof. Paul will have a debate in the near future
at this place.
"Our primary fair was very fine, and the presidency deserves great credit of their
faithful work.
"The meeting house was filled with work of all kinds made by the little folks.
"Miss Priscilla Buttars who fell off a horse and broke her arm is getting along nicely.

** also in Nov. 5th issue on p. 5 under "Election Judges."
"Chosen by the Utah Commission for November 6th, 1892.
"Clarkston --R. J. Castley, R.; James Clark, R.; Peter Barson, D."
[Note: R = Republican, D = Democrat.]

** also in Nov. 5th issue p. 8 under "Marriage Licenses."
"Adam J. Fife, age 21, and Agness L. Shumway, age 18, both of Clarkston."
--The Journal, Nov. 5, 1892.

Nov. 10, 1892 - p. 8 under "Cache County."
"Rolls Up a Good Majority For Joseph L. Rawlins.
"Every Settlement Carried By Rawlins Except Paradise--The Entire County
Ticket Elected.
“Cache County
Rawlins Cannon Allen
Clarkston 40 25
Hyrum 137 129 1
Logan 389 377 14
Newton 43 31
Richmond 109 69
Smithfield 115 105 3
Trenton 15 2 11 . . . .”
--The Journal, Nov. 10, 1892.

Nov. 16, 1892 - p. 8 under "Clarkston Cullings."
"EDITOR JOURNAL:--On the evening of the 7th, Lyman Martineau and Wm. Preston fired the
last gun on our side, the gentlemen did good work and held their audience till you could hear a pin
"Councelor Emma Pike and Sister Cowley pay us a visit and reorganized our Primary. The
ladies gave us some valuable instructions and the children present a nice mat made by seven
little boys to President Jane E. Molen, who was absent on account of sickness.
"The little girls presented Sister Pike with a beautiful hanging basket, the lady thanked the
little folks for the presents.
"President Sarah Buttars and Councelor T. Atkerson and C. Glinders and Sister Carline [sic]
Thompson and Sarah Shumway talked to the Primary and congratulated the folks on their late
fair. The exercises and questions together with the songs was all that could be asked for.
"Brother A. H. Clark presided at the organ and had a fine juvenile choir that our bishop feels
proud of.
"Benediction was pronounced by Sister Mary E. Barson.
"Last Sunday brothers Nebeker and Jenson talked to the saints and reorganized the Young
Mens Mutual. Sustained all the former officers with Alfred H. Clark Musical Director.
"The good people of Newton, Clarkston and Trenton are invited to attend a grand ball in the
Newton Meeting House next Thursday evening at 7 o'clock.
"The Clarkston and Newton string bands will furnish the music.
"J. Homer, J. Griffin, J. Jardine, G. Rigby, P.S. Barson, A. Clark, W. L. Thompson,
A. Goodsell, T. H. Godfrey, W. Jenson, John Thompson and L. Hardy.”
[Note: No author noted but from the title it must have been SANKO.]
--The Journal, Nov. 16, 1892.

Dec. 3, 1892 - p. 2, 3 and 7 under "Delinquent Tax List."
"For the Year 1892.
"Buttars, David, 10 acres block 14 plat A, 2 acres SW sec. 25 Tp.14 2 W, 5acres
SE sec 36 Tp 14 2 W, 160 acres N1/2 sec 30 Tp 15 1 W, 40 acres SE sec 27 Tp14 2 W,
11 acres SW sec 36 Tp 14 2 W, 40 acres NW sec 25 Tp 14 2 W, 66 acres S1/2 sec. 22
Tp12 2 W, 40 acres SE sec 27 Tp 14 2W, 5 acres SW sec 36 Tp14 2W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44.19
"Buttars, John, 66 acres SW sec 36 Tp 14 2 W, 10 acres SW sec 35 Tp 14 2 W,
25 acres SE sec 35 Tp 14 2 W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.40
"Clark, John P., lots 7 and 8 block 6 plat B, 20 acres SW sec 15 Tp14 2 W . . . . . . . . . . . 4.86
"Clark, Alfred, lots 1, 7 and 8 block 21 plat A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.17
"Dale, John H., lot 2 block 16 plat A farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.80
"Godfrey, J. M., lot 2 block 10 plat B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
"Potter, Melvin, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.93
"Stewart, James, lot 5 block 4 plat A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.12
--The Journal, Dec. 3, 1892.

Dec. 10, 1892 - p. 5 under "Bees!"
"Annual Report of the Inspector of Bees, Cache County.
"Logan, December, 7. -- Notwithstanding the extremely discouraging season which the
bee-keepers have experience, there are very few who feel to condemn and accuse their little
laborers of laziness. But more, like kind, forgiving parents, they sympathize with the
bees, not having the opportunity of gathering the nectar, which they so much desire.
"As the flowers have not produced the nectar in large quantities as they did season
previous, it will be necessary that the apiarists examine their new colonies in early
spring, lest their stories of honey should be exhausted.
"As there has never before been given, an inspector's report of Cache County, the
question is often asked me. 'How many bees are there in Cache Valley?' That question
I could not answer, but the following will show the number of colonies in Cache County
last spring, before swarming commenced, and the loss encountered in wintering.
LOGAN Colonies Loss
1st Ward 22 13
2nd Ward 51 6
3rd Ward 68 4
4th Ward 120 11
5th Ward 175 13
6th Ward 7 2
7th Ward 65 11
Greenville 65 3
Hyde Park 60 10
Smithfield 211 18
Richmond 148 17
Coveville 39 3
Lewiston 72 24
Trenton 7 0
Clarkston 12 1
Newton 44 7
Benson Ward 4 0
Cache Junction 23 1
Petersboro 24 4
Mendon 78 8
Wellsville 259 44
College Ward 5 3
Hyrum 347 37
Paradise 154 21
Avon 33 1
Millville 105 15
Providence 303 42
Total 2,490 310
Alfred J. Bell
County Inspector of Bees.
--The Journal, Dec. 10, 1892.

Dec. 21, 1892 - p. 8 under "Clarkston Chips."
"Before Santaclaus puts in his appearance, I thought I would tell you that all are well up this
"Our Dramatic Association held the boards the other evening and gave a fine rendition of a
play in three acts, entitled 'Fruits of the Wine Cup.'
"There was no need of a prompter as all were up to their business and had their parts
down fine.
"Mr. A. Clark, Bishop Dunn, S. Thompson, J. Jardine, W. Jardine, G. Godfrey, E.
Malenburg, Mrs. Agnes Shumway and Misses Anna Larsen, Lucy Shumway and Sylvia Thompson took parts.
"The playing was never better. Mr. Sam. Thompson took part of a villain and played
it to perfection.
"Mr. Clark get the barley juice and was heart and soul of the play.
"Bishop Dunn almost broke his daughter's heart over his drinking (in the play.)
"Wm. Jardine and Miss Larsen had funny parts.
"James Jardine gave good advice and Misses Thompson and Shumway were in trouble all
through the play.
"Red lights in the third act made a beautiful effect. Music was furnish by the
Clarkston Quadrille Band.
"The entertainment was for the benefit of our Sunday School and the house was
crowded. After the play, benches were removed and dancing finished the night's enjoyment.
"Sisters Hoving and Wilkinson talked to the Saints Sunday afternoon.
"The Clarkston Co-op is shipping several loads of grain from Cache Junction to
Salt Lake City.
"Hon. John Thompson has removed to his hansome new residence and celebrated the event
with a grand reception.
"A large herd of deer has been seen in this vicinity west of town for several days.
"Wishing THE JOURNAL a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and success in 1893.
"I remain, SANKO."

** in same Dec. 21st issue on p. 6 under "Precinct Officers."
Justice of the Peace - James G. Thompson.
Constable - Wm. B. Jardine.
Road Supervisor - John E. Godfrey.
--The Journal, Dec. 21, 1892.

Jan. 4, 1893 - p. 8 under "Clarkston Clippings."
"EDITOR JOURNAL:--Last Tuesday evening the house of Mr. Joshua Homer was broken into
by some bilk who is evidently to lazy to work for his living.
"The thief was evidently an onld [sic- old] hand at the business as he, she or it went through
everything and got away with a gold ring and some other valuables.
"The folks were away from home that evening. No trace of the burglar can be found but if he
will return he will be presented with the contents of a double barrelled shot gun.
"Elders Geo. Rigby and Wm. Griffiths are with us preaching to the Saints.
"The new precinct officers are all ready for the labors in 1893.
"Little Willie Archibald had his foot nearly cut off by his little brother Wednesday.
"Mr. Editor, why can't we get our JOURNALS on Wednesdays and Saturdays? (After the
Post office has changed hands in March we will see.)

** also in Jan. 4th issue on p. 8 under “The County Court.”
“George Rigby orally petitioned that Sections 4, 5 and 6 be added to the Newton School
district, as thy were owned by residents of Newton. The petition was opposed by P. S. Barson
of Clarkston, and the court decided not to grant the petition.”
--The Journal, Jan. 4, 1893.

Jan.14 ,1893 - p. 3 under "Precinct Officers."
Justice of the Peace - John Thompson.
Constable - Wm. Sparks.
Road Supervisor - John E. Godfrey.
--The Journal, Jan. 14, 1893.

Jan. 18, 1893 - p. 5 under "Statement of Receipts."
"And Disbursements of Cache County for the Fiscal Year Ending
December 31, 1892.
"DISBURSEMENTS . . . . Roads and Bridges, For-
LaPlata district, [$]1,184.97; Logan, 1,874.70; Providence, 227.30; Millville, 714.58;
Hyrum, 505.02; Paradise, 304.64; Wellsville, 1,416.84; Mendon, 61.38; Petersboro, 1,365.77;
Benson, 1,208.19; Newton, 71.09; Clarkston, 41.25; Trenton, 970.35; Lewiston, 1,089.43;
Coveville, 122,95; Richmond, 854.29; Smithfield, 23.10; Hyde Park, 260.39; Avon, 351.16;
College, 287.61.” - -The Journal, Jan. 18, 1893.

Jan. 25, 1893 - p. 8 under "Clarkston Clippings."
"EDITOR JOURNAL:--The good people on the west side of the river are still in the land of
the living and ready for an early spring.
"Our stores are doing a find business because they sell goods cheap and pay a good price
for grain.
"Counselor Joseph Merrell paid us a visit last Sunday and talked to the high priests
and seventies. He gave them some valuable instruction and his remarks were appreciated.
"Mr. R. T. Petty, general agent for Geo. A. Lowe, has been here for a few days collecting
"Mr. Alfred Goodsell the popular land agent made a trip to this place on land business
Jan. 16th.
"Our school trustees visited the district schools Tuesday last and found them in good
"Mr. Walter L. Thompson and Miss Sarah Loosli concluded to share the trials of live
together and were accordingly married in the Logan Temple on the 11th.
"When they reached home they found a big supper awaiting them and many friends with
handsome presents.
"After the feast all repaired to the meeting house where Clark's orchestra furnished
music and the guests indulged in dancing till midnight.
"All present joined in wishing the bride and groom well. DON."

** also in Jan. 25th issue on p. 5 under "ESTRAY NOTICE."
"I have in my possession.
"One red heifer, 2 years old, brand not legible on left hip, two notches in left ear,
underslope in right ear.
"One spotted brindle 2 year old steer, branded _?_ on left hip, dewlap, wettle
upperslope W in left ear, underhalf crop in right ear.
"The above described animals if not claimed or taken away on or before Saturday
Feb. 4th, will be sold to the highest cash bidder at the Estray Pound in Clarkston
precinct, at 1 o'clock p.m.
Clarkston, Jan. 20, 1893."
--The Journal, Jan. 25, 1893.

Jan. 28, 1893 - p. 8 under "Local News."
"Ephraim Malmsbury of Clarkston, traded or sold a horse to Jacob Schweitzer of
Logan. John Smith, also of Logan, saw and claimed the horse. An investigation followed,
when it was found that the brands of Malmbury and Smith wery [sic] much alike, and that
Malmsburg was the sole owner of the horse at the time he sold it to Schweizer."
[In the article the name "Malmsbury" appeared twice and "Malmsburg" once and all were
wrong as the correct spelling should have been "Malmberg.]
--The Journal, Jan. 28, 1893.

Feb. 11, 1893 - p. 5 under "Clarkston Clippings."
"EDITOR JOURNAL:--Last Sunday the 5th we had our ward conference; there was on the stand,
President Orson Smith, Elder Peterson from Logan; Bishop Jardine and Councelors A. W.
Heggie, Henry Yates; Supt. Thomas Godfrey, President John Casper Loosle, Elder J. J. Keep,
Bishop William Griffin, of Newton, Supt. Wm. Jensen and Brothers Amos Clark and Peter
"The snow was coming down fast but we had a time of rejoicing together.
"Bishop Jardine called the meeting to order at 10 o'clock a.m. The choir sang 'Let Sinners take
their course."
"Prayer by Councelor Heggie, after which the choir sang "Come alive sons of Zion.'
"Bishop Jardine was then called on to give in a report of our ward and stated that the tithing this
year was better than last year and the Temple donations on the Salt Lake Temple was very good.
"Some of the brethren had given as high as ten dollars a piece and a good many were going to
"Had no fault to find with any member of the ward.
"Councelor A. W. Heggie then stated that the remarks of Bishop Jardine were true and he bore a
faithful testimony and encouraged all the Saints to keep on in the good work.
"Councelor H. Yates then spoke and said the work of God was rolling on and he had a desire to
do right.
"But thought some times he made slow progress.
"Councelor John Buttars of the Elder Quorum said that the Elders were doing first-rate and all
trying to live their religion, and he felt well himself.
"President Casper Loosle of the teachers quorum gave in a splendid report of their labors and
thought more of the gospel than all the gold in the world.
"President Charles Shumway of the Seventies, said there were 25 Seventies in the ward and
their meeting together every two weeks was doing lots of good.
"Superintendent Thomas Godfrey of the Sunday School then addressed the Saints; according
to the best of his knowledge there was 185 enrolled, and 75 per cent attended school. They had
received 22 dollars in 5 cent donation, and stated that the Sunday School was in excellent
"Elder Peterson of Logan then occupied a short time and said he had listened to the reports with
pleasure, spoke a short time on education and on sending the children to Sunday School and of the
benefits arising there from.
"Prest. Orson Smith then said we should all turn out to the Ward conferences, and hear the
reporters and learn our children to pray, and to set them a good example, and to learn to do our
duties and be helps to bishops.
"At 2 P.M. the Meeting House was crowded with attentive listeners all ready for their spiritual
food and the sacrament was administered.
"The officers of the Ward and Stake were all voted in and sustained. Bishop Dunn said he
always had a testimony to bear and spoke a short time on the general duties of the Saints.
"Elder Peterson said the same spirit that was with us this morning is again with us and he talked
of those things that we all needed.
"President Orson Smith occupied the rest if the tune and strengthened those that are luke
warm and careless.
"The choir then sang 'The Spirit of God like a Fire is Burning,' after which came the
"Our school exhibition came off last Friday evening. The dialogues, songs and recitations and
geography match was more than we expected.
"The children all did well and the parents were more than satisfied. Teachers J. Homer and
Miss Ulda Westenburg deserves great credit for their labors with our children.
"We got through the program and then moved the benches and danced till a late hour.
"We have more sickness in our ward at present than we have had had for years; it is evidently
La Grippe.
--The Journal, Feb. 11, 1893.

Feb. 22, 1893 - p. 5 under "Clarkston Clippings."
"EDITOR JOURNAL:--The Home Dramatic Company, under the management of Mr. Rosel
Hyde and Mr. James Hancey of Hyde Park, paid us a visit Thursday evening, bringing with them
some very nice scenery and a jolly lot of lads and lasses to play the Drama in three acts entitled
'Out in the Streets,' concluding with a laughable farce entitled 'Wide Enough for Two.'
"Well, the bell rang at 7 p.m. sharp, and the curtain went up after some fine music had been
played by Will Harris, Frank Purser, A. Clark, J. Hancey and Joseph F. Myler.
"The House was crowded, which of course helped to make it a success. The playing was very
good all the way through and very little prompting was done.
"When it came to the time Miss Woolf and her darling child was turned into the street because
she could not pay the rent, and it snowing hard upon them, it made a great many feel like lynching
Sol Davis for being so had hearted.
"Pete the negro did all in his power for those in trouble till he got robbed and
that killed him for a few days. Doc Medfield was good all the way through with his medicines.
"R. H. Hyde took the part of an old gentleman to perfection.
"The singing by Mrs. Mason brought tears to may [sic many] an eye, while the songs by Mr.
Will Harris, Frank Purser and James Hancey were comic and made fun for all present.
"Mr. James Hancey took the part of an Old Dutchman and James will never make me believe
that he is an Englishman any more.
"We wish the gentlemen and ladies of the company success at home or abroad.
"We have two feet of snow here, and I am pleased to state our sick is on the mend.
Our Dramatic Company plays in two weeks. DON."
--The Journal, Feb. 22, 1893.

March 1, 1893 - p. 5 under "Clarkston Letter."
"EDITOR JOURNAL:--Brother John Godfrey departed this life Feb. 19, at ten o'clock in the
evening. He was born in Hambury Worcestershire, Eng., joined the church there, came to Utah
in the year 1861; crossed the sea on the ship Tap Scott which sank the year after. He crossed
the pains in captain Miller's company. Brother Godfrey walked all the way as there were 19
passengers to one wagon. On arriving in Utah he made his home with his son George in the
Tenth ward Salt Lake City. Moved to Clarkston two years after, where he has lived for over
25 years.
"Brother Godfrey was 67 years, three months and 19 days old, and leaves a loving wife
and ten children; five sons and five daughters; two brothers, and a host of relatives and
friends to mourn his loss.
"Brother John Godfrey was a good honest Latter-day saint. Considering his limited means
he gave freely for all church purposes and we will all miss his good counsel.
"The funeral services were held in the Clarkston meeting house on Tuesday 21 of Feb. The
speakers were counselor Henry Yeates, counselor Andrew Heggie, David Buttars and brother
Samuel Perkins of Wellsville.
"The closing remarks were made by bishop John Jardine. They were all personally
acquainted with the deceased and bore witness to his good character. The remains were
followed to the grave yard by 30 sleigh loads of relatives and friends, who turned out
en masse to pay the last tribute of respect to one who was generally respected.
"Brother Godfrey told his son Thomas a few minutes before he died, that he was going
to get better. La grippe was the cause of his death.
CLARKSTON, Feb. 22, 1893."

** in the same March 1st issue on p. 8 under "Wedding."
"Mr. James Clark and Miss Annie Larsen were united in the hold bonds of matrimony by our
esteemed Bishop Jardine, at the residence of the brides mother.
"Invitations were extended to about fifty relatives and friends. At 7:30 p.m. they were all
assembled, and at 8 o'clock the wedding march struck up when the guest marched into the
apartment which had been decorated beautifully for the occasion. There they beheld the bride
groom and brides maids, and best man in position, which formed a beautiful picture. The
ceremony was performed and all sat down to a sumptuous supper and all did credit to the good
things that were plentiful. The wedding cake was simply immense and was made by the bride and
her sisters.
"The evening was spent in singing, recitations and instrumental music until 12 o'clock, when
the guests departed, wishing the happy couple prosperity and happiness to their hearts content.
"There was a large collection of costly and useful presents.
CLARKSTON, Feb. 22, 1893.
--The Journal, March 1, 1893.

March 11, 1893 - p. 8 under "The County Court."
"George Rigby orally petitioned that the county road between Newton and Clarkston be
changed so as to run on government survey lines. Referred to Selectman Bingham."
--The Journal, March 11, 1893.

March 11, 1893 - p. 32 under "Deaths."
"GODFREY.--At Clarkston, Cache County, Utah, February 19, 1893, aged 67 years, 3 months
and 20 days, John Godfrey. He was born Oct. 30th, 1825, at Hanbury, Worcestershire, England,
and was baptized in the year 1848. He came to Utah in 1862 in Captain Miller's company; resided
in the Tenth ward till the following May, then moved to Coalville, and the same fall moved again
to Millville, Cache county. He then went to Mendon and remained there till the spring of 1865,
when he moved to Clarkston where he resided till 1877, when he moved to Mendon again and
resided there till 1891, when he removed back to Clarkston. He was the father of fourteen
children, sixty grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. His funeral was one of the largest ever
held in Clarkston.
“Millennial Star, please copy."
--Deseret News Weekly, March 11, 1893.

March 22, 1893 - p. 8 under "Clarkston Clippings."
"EDITOR JOURNAL:--Brother Alma and sister Margaret Jensen, brother and mother of sister
Maria Jensen Ames, were called to go north to attend the funeral of the infant son of Philip and
Maria Ames, at Riverdale, Oneida Co., Idaho.
"On the morning of March the 13th brother Ames left his wife in th house with their five
months old baby boy, while he went out to feed his stock. He was not absent more than
twenty minutes, but when he returned, a sad sight met his gaze. Mrs. Ames was just recovering
from a fit, during which she had fallen on the stove. She herself was badly burned and the little
one was dead. Sister Ames could not realize for a long time that her darling had passed away.
The funeral took place on the 4th inst. Consoling remarks were made by Bishop Meacham of
Riverdale. Brother and sister Ames are visiting Clarkston at present, the guests of sister Margaret
Jensen. They have the sympathy of the entire community.
"The Clarkston Dramatic Co. are rehearsing for the production of 'Luke the Laborer,' a play in
three acts, to be put on the boards on Wed. evening, March 23rd. The proceeds of the
performance are to be devoted to the benefit of Bro. Chas. Anderson, who leaves Clarkston some
time in April, for a mission to Sweden. We have no mud yet, but snow is plentiful.
"Hay is getting scarce and straw stacks are rapidly disappearing.
"Stock running on the range north of town are in a starving condition and look bad in the deep
Yours, DON.
CLARKSTON, March 17th."
--The Journal, March 22, 1893.

March 25, 1893 - p. 5 under "Clarkston Clippings."
"EDITOR JOURNAL:--'Luke the Laborer' was played by our Home Dramatic Company,
Tuesday evening to a large and appreciative audience.
"The curtain went up at 8 o'clock and the members of the troupe dressed out in their new
costumes showed up well on the stage.
"The playing all the way through was excellent and in fact exciting. The storm scene in the
second act caused the snow to come down in the audience and was therefore realistic.
"The cast of characters is as follows:
"A. G. Clark, Luke the Laborer; Sailor, Samuel Thompson; Squire, Chase James Jardine;
Clara Wakefield, Mrs. Agnes Shumway; Boby Todd, Wm. Jardine; Jenny, Mrs. Anna Jenson;
Farmer Wakefield, Mr. Will Evans of Salt Lake City; Land Lord, John P. Malenburg; Master
Charles, James Clark; Dame Wakefield, Mrs. Tilda Atkinson; Police, John and W. Hanson.
"I witnessed the play and must say I never enjoyed one more in my life. I laughed till I cried.
"Mr. A. G. Clark never played better while James Jardine gave him the support he deserved.
"Mr. Samuel Thompson and the Wakefield family were as good as could be while Will
Jardine and Mrs. Annie Jenson made sport all the way through.
"The fight between Luke and the Squire was immense and I don't believe that Corbett and
Mitchell will be any more enjoyed.
"Mr. Melenburg showed that he understood his business and had evidently been there before.
"Misses Laura and Dame were well up with their parts and altogether the company is better than
many traveling troupes I have witnessed.
"In relation to other matters I will add that Charlie Anderson lost his way in a late snowstorm
and remained out over night, and came near freezing to death.
"The roads between Clarkston and Logan aare in a bad condition and unless you have a boat
you had best not undertake the trip for a few days.
DON ."

** also in the same March 25th issue on p. 8 under "Admission to the Temple."
"Between April the 6th and 18th, 2,000 member of the Cache Stake of Zion will be admitted
to the Salt Lake Temple. Recommends from the various bishops are necessary for admission and
these should show the date and time of admission for each applicant.
"The following table has been made out by the Presidency of this Stake as was learned after
diligent inquiry by the management of this paper who deem it of sufficient importance to give it
April 7 Apr. 11 April 14
Smithfield 63 32 95
Clarkston 13 7 20
Newton 37 18 55
[Each ward in the stake was listed for first occasion to go into the new Salt Lake Temple so long
awaited for completion.]
--The Journal, March 25, 1893.

April 26, 1893 - p. 8 under "Clarkston was Represented."
"Sanko took in the dedication at Salt Lake City. He enjoyed himself thoroughly if all reports
are true. In company with a prominent business man of Logan he saw the sights of the metropolis
as they were never seen before.
"Arm in arm these two travellers went into the tunnel for a meal. It was served and they
partook of the various courses in their turn. It was a good dinner and suited the epicurean taste of
the eaters. But when Sanko drained a bowl at the finish and remarked that it was 'the weakest
lemonade he ever tasted,' his companion observed that he had emptied the finger bowl. A piece of
lemon peel floating around on the water had conveyed the impression to our distinguished fellow
citizen that it was lemonade. Sanko then had to wash his fingers at the town pump."
--The Journal, April 26, 1893.
May 6, 1893 - p. 1 under "The County Court."
"Met on Monday morning in regular session and attended to business, as follows:
"The petition of W. H. Griffin, et al, of Newton and Clarkston, asking that the county road
between Newton and Clarkston follow the section lines, was considered. Messrs. Griffin and
George Rigby were present and spoke in favor of granting the petition. A remonstrance signed by
John Edlefsen, et al, Clarkston, was read. The petition, after due consideration, was refused.
"A petition signed by Peter S. Barson, et al, of Clarkston, asking that a county road be opened
from Cache Junction bridge to Clarkston, was read and referred to Selectman Bingham and
Crookston. . . .
"John Griffin and George Rigby offered to deed a strip four rods in width to the county, if the
county would abandon the old road. Referred to Selectman Bingham and Crookston.”

** Also in May 6th issue on p. 1 under "Home From the Wars."
"Mr. John Sheffield has been visiting his cousin Peter S. Barson of Clarkston for several days.
The gentleman has been a soldier in the regular army and has just asked for and received an
honorable discharge. He has been stationed at Laredo, Texas, and took part in the fight with
Garza's band last summer [remainder of line illegible] . . . He will make Utah his home in the
future and has already seen _?_ his parents in Kentucky. For the present he is staying with his
uncle James Sheffield of Kaysville but thinks favorably of this county."
--The Journal, May 6, 1893.

May 10, 1893 - p. 8 under "Local Points."
"Our Clarkston correspondent informs us that Mr. Joseph Myler of that place, while in the
canyon on Friday last, found a cache in which were hidden a saddle worth $40 and a bridle worth
five dollars. They were covered with a blanket that was very mouldy, but the saddle and bridle
were in good condition. There was no clue as to who owned the property."
--The Journal, May 10, 1893.

May 20, 1893 - p.4 under "Logan Letter."
"Mr. Joseph Myler, of Clarkston, while in the canyon near that place a few days since, found a
cache in which were hidden a valuable saddle and a good bridle. There was no clue to indicate the
ownership. The articles had been wrapped in a blanket and had been there so long that the blanket
was mould, but the saddle and bridle were well preserved."
--Deseret News Weekly, May 20, 1893.

May 27, 1893 - p. 5 under "Clarkston Clippings."
"EDITOR JOURNAL:--President Fjeldsted and Kimball paid us a visit Sunday the 21st inst.
President Kimball occupied most of the time at the afternoon services. Talked a short time on the
duties of the priesthood and of his labors while on a mission in the southern states and kept the
large audience spell bound. The remarks of President Kimball will never be forgotten and reminds
one of his father.
"Prest. Fjeldsted then in his pleasant manner made a few closing remarks; bore testimony to

what had been said and encouraged all to keep on in the work of the Lord and prove faithful.
"Quite a number of the brethren came up from Newton at 4 o'clock to Seventies meeting.
They received some valuable instructions and the remarks made were listened to with marked
"Last Saturday morning the buggies and carriages loaded with ball players and visitors hit the
road for Weston in Idaho, to play a game of baseball for the championship of the world and
gooseberry rules to play by. The day was cold and the wind blew with plenty of gas on the side
but nothing stronger to take than soda water to quench the thirst. After taking dinner with our
friends and a good big talk the game was called at 2 p.m. Weston went to the bat with captain H.
Rose, as the leader of the Idaho boys, with J. Bell as umpire who did the square thing all around.
"Mr. James Bell, While umpiring, was struck in the left eye, with the ball. It was a terrible
blow to get and we thought that his eye was knocked out; but later found that the eye was all right,
but very painful, and his cheek was cut badly. James has the sympathy of all. Mr. Rose took
Mr. Bell's place.
"Our young folk's took in the dance in the evening and 'came home with the girls in the
"The first innings the Westons did fine, until Captain Sam. Thompson sent the balls a little too
swift and out went three. The Clarkston boys then walked in determined to put in their best licks
and see what their opponents was made of. So you see, Mr. Editor, there was sport for the
spectators. The day was cold and the wind blew some; but the game went on. The game was
good all the way through. It was nip and tuck till the ninth inning. A telegram came that the game
was ended and Clarkston four ahead. I tried not to let on, but the four tallies for our jolly boys,
paid me big for riding twenty miles on a windy day. The Weston boys come over on the 27th inst.
to rejoice with us. DON.”

** also in the May 27th issue on p. 8 under "Landed Safely Abroad.:
"The Guion steamer Arizona, arrived in Liverpool on the morning of May 1st having on board
the following named brethren: For the British Mission . . .[several names] For the Turkish
Mission--Frederick A. Huish, of Payson. For the Scandinavian Mission . . .Carl P. Anderson, of
Clarkston . . . ."
--The Journal, May 27, 1893.

June 17, 1893 - p. 8 under "Clarkston Happenings."
"CLARKSTON, June 14, '93.
"EDITOR JOURNAL:--Selectman Ben Bingham paid us a visit on Tuesday last. It appears
that some of the settlers have fenced across the public highway in this vicinity, leading to many
disputes and much ill feeling. Mr. Bingham gave the parties some good advice and after
conferring with road supervisor John E. Godfrey, left for home in the evening.
"Mr. Walter L. Thompson was riding a horse at full speed on Monday, when the animal turned a summersault.
Mr. Thompson was violently thrown, and received some bad sprains.
"Mr. Joshua Homer has gone to Bear Lake on a ten day's visit. He will also spend some time at
Soda Springs, drinking the foaming beverage for the benefit of his health, and will visit his friends.
"Mr. John Buttars has lost several good horses this spring. The cause of their death is somewhat
mysterious. It is to be hoped that the gentleman will have better luck hereafter. Clarkston is soon
to have a new brick school house. Several handsome residence are now in course of erection.
--The Journal, June 17, 1893.

July 8, 1893 - p. 5 under "Clarkston Clippings."
"EDITOR JOURNAL:--While the sun is beaming down on our dry farms hot enough to scorch
the hair off a monkey's leg, I will sit down in the shade long enough to say that the good
people of this locality celebrated the Fourth in fine style.
"The programme was carried out to the letter and at sunrise Captain John Hansen had the
artillery at work till one would think from the noise made that Satan had broken out of jail or war
declared between the gold bugs and silverites.
"Our brass band made it pleasant for all present and I must say that the boys are improving
"The good time commenced at 10 a.m., under the good old pay to the music of our band we
entered the meeting house.
"Marshal T. Griffin presided and dignity. The string band played sweet music, the choir sang,
and the chapplain T. Godfrey offered prayer.
"The Star spangled banner was rendered by ten young gentlemen and the Declaration of
Independence was read by Mr. Sam Thompson.
"Joseph Christensen sang a comic song after which came the oration by Joshua Homer. It was a
splendid effort.
"Miss Lettie Larsen and J. Clark gave a duett on the organ, and it suited me exactly. Miss Hulda
Westbridge of Hyrum recited a good piece in splendid style; then the band played again. Mr. W.
Clark gave a stump speech which caused much laugher [sic] three ladies smiled who had not done
such a thing for three years and six months.
"I can't tell all that transpired but will say we had a grand time till the afternoon race when some
of our boys appeared a little too hilarious.
"Mr. John Thompson and wife and Mr. Jody Cocher and wife were returning from Logan
Friday evening they saw a new shoe lying in the road near the Newton bridge. The gentlemen
both smiled and did not know whether to pick it up or not.
"Mr. Thompson did get it however and found a purse containing money. He was about to be
thankful for his find when up drove a lady in a cart enquiring for the property.
"John gave it up, remarking that he was the only honest man on the road. The lady
says 'I'll see,' and she counted her cash. It was all there.
"Little Dennie Godfrey was leading a sheep the other day when it ran through a wire fence with
him cutting his badly about the face.
"Mr. James Jardine had to kill one of his match horses last week because it broke a leg in two
places while logging on Mink Creek.
"Editor, send us some rain and receive our thanks. Let the good Old JOURNAL keep up its
lick. Suits me to a T. DON."

** also in the July 8th issue on p. 1 under "Estray Notice."
"Estray Notice --Summons.
Territory of Utah
County of Cache
In the justices' Court, Clarkston Precinct
George Loosle,
Plaintiff }
vs. } Summons
John Doe,
Defendant.} Demand 80 cts.
"You are hereby summoned to be and appear before me, the undersigned, at my office in
Clarkston Precinct, Cache County, Utah Territory, on Monday July 17th, 1893, at 2 p.m., to
answer a complaint filed against you herein by said Plaintiff, wherein he claims judgment against
you for the sum of 80 cts. for damages done by the following described animals to wit:
"One large brown horse, three white feet, no brands visible, about 5 years old.
"One bay mare, lame on right hind leg, no brands visible, about 7 years old.
"And your are hereby notified that if you fail to so appear and answer as above required the
Plaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum of 80 cts. and cost of suit.
"To the sheriff or any constable of said county greeting. Make legal service and due return
"Given under my hand this 6th day of July, A.D. 1893.
Justice of the Peace of Clarkston Precinct."
--The Journal, July 8, 1893.

July 8, 1893 - p.17 under "Primary Associations."
"Willard City, June 30.--Having completed a very successful visit to the Primary associations
of the Cache Stake, in connection with Sister Aurella S. Rogers, president of the Davis Stake, I
thought a short synopsis of our journeyings might prove of some interest and benefit to others
working in the same cause. . . . Leading Willard, we traveled into Cache Stake for the purpose of
attending a series of eight conferences designed. . . for the purpose of meeting the greatest number
of children possible. . . .
"On Tuesday, the 27th, we met with the good people of Newton and Clarkston, when a lively
interest was manifested, twelve or fourteen wagon loads of parents and children driving from
Clarkston. The class exercises were exceptionally good. All were prompt, and spoke in clear,
distinct tones. The leader of the choir and most of the members were present to help the little
folks with their singing. Lillie T. Freeze.”
--Deseret News Weekly, July 8, 1893.

July 19, 1893 - p. 5 under "Sanko Sends The News,
"He has Just Returned From a Tour of Juab.
"CLARKSTON, July 17, 1893.
"EDITOR JOURNAL:--I have just returned from a flying trip to Juab on the U.P.
"The crops do not look as well in some of the settlements as I expected to see them, and I don't
think Utah will have much superfluous grain to sell this year. The mountains look very dry and
grass is scarce for sheep in the south.
"The beet crop in Utah Co. looks fine. Cherries and strawberries have disappeared for the
season, but raspberries are plentiful. A great many men are out of employment and are seeking labor.
"Well, on my way back I took in the great silver meeting in Salt Lake city and got my left rib
broken in the game going through the door to get a good seat. It was impossible for the
doorkeeper to keep the crowd back such a big rush was made when the door was opened.
"In Kaysville I took in the circus and enjoyed it very much. I saw quite a curiosity there,
it being a three year old steer with only three legs, the left front leg being gone and it had no
shoulder blade. The animal could walk upon planks into a wagon.
"On Friday last, Mr. Frank Griffith of Clarkston was hauling had and three young ladies and
two young gentlemen were riding with him on top of the load. Going over a sidling place the
wagon tipped over and Miss Ellen Barson received a black eye, while the other three who were
under the load very near smothered. While the driver was running around excited, Mr. Barson and
Mr. Godfrey's boys ran and helped to remove the hay, and out crawled the young folks all O.K.
The next time they ride on 'a load of hay' they propose to walk, as they think Bro. Frank is a poor
"Our dry land farms will produce a half crop. The cold nights are in our favor.
"Mr. Alfred Clark had returned from a visit to Bear Lake.
"The Clarkstonites are going to have a big time on the Twenty-Fourth. There is a nice program
already prepared. We propose to rejoice, if we don't lay up a cent.
"Our banks are doing a good business and our stores are on top.
"The health of our people is good, and the Democratic club will meet in the near future to talk
"The Clarkston bee charmer, Mr. John Thompson, got stung on Wednesday last. He was trying
to catch a swarm of bees, when the screen surrounding his head became disarranged and in popped
the bees, stings and all. In a few minutes John certainly had an attack of the big head. He says
that all the honey they make for the next ten years will not make things even.
“At the conclusion of the performance the band played Annie Laurie and the audience
"Kind regards to the JOURNAL staff. SANKO."
--The Journal, July 19, 1893.

July 22, 1893 – p. 1 under “Deputy Registrars.”
“The following selections have been made for deputy registration officers of Cache County.
Logan – Edward W. Smith. . . .
Clarkston – Peter S. Barson. . . .
Newton – William F. Jensen.”
--The Journal, July 22, 1893.

July 26, 1893 - p. 8 under "Local Points."
"Several of the Clarkston boys have been notified not to purchase and haul out of Idaho any
more lumber, or it will be made very warm for them"
"Hon. John Thompson and Mr. Joshua Homer in one buggy, and Mr. P.S. Barson and wife in
another carriage, made the drive from Clarkston yesterday morning in one hour and ten minutes."
"Clarkston had a fine celebration on Monday. A nice programme of songs, speeches and
recitations was rendered. Bishop Jardine, during the course of a speech made by him, in order to
make an apt illustration, told a funny story in such an irresistibly comical way as to convulse his
audience with laughter.”
"St. Peter Sanko Barson, of the far north, was observed wandering about the streets of Cache
Valley metropolis yesterday. When last seen he was inquiring the way to the Court House. Sanko
recently made a tour of the territory and received favorable mention in most of the Utah papers.
He denies that it cost him any sum whatsoever, and we will not question his word."
--The Journal, July 26, 1893.

Aug. 12, 1893 - p. 1 under "Clarkston Cullings."
"EDITOR JOURNAL:--On last Sunday we were favored with the presence of President Orson
Smith and wife, Counsellor Isaac Smith and Elder John Griffin of Newton.
"President Smith addressed the Sunday School; stated among other things that our Sabbath
Schools are just what we make them; praised the good order that prevailed and encouraged all
present to hold fast to the truth.
"Counsellor Smith next spoke. He was pleased to meet the young people and teachers of the
Clarkston Sunday School. At the conclusions of his remarks which were full of instructions and
interest, he stated that he was in favor of sending more teachers to Provo.
"After taking dinner with our worthy Bishop and enjoying a feast of young chicken and trout
prepared for the occasion by sister Jardine, who is one of the best cooks in the West, all returned
to the afternoon meeting, during which Pres't smith and Counsellor Smith gave us some substantial
spiritual food, quoting frequently from the book of Mormon. The financial situation
was also dwelt on and all were advised to pay their just debts as promptly as possible, and to live
within their means. The congregation appreciated the counsel given, and feel to say call again
"Mr. Lars Larsen of Rock Creek, Idaho, is paying Clarkston a visit. About a year ago he lost his
wife, and was left with . . .[damaged text illegible] . . . a new and congenial life companion in the
person of Mrs. Jane Jardine of this place, who lost her husband seven yeas ago, being left with
four boys and girls. It seems to be a suitable match in every respect, and both parties received the
hearty congratulations of their friends. They were united by Justice Montrose of Weston. Their
future residence will be Rock Creek.
"Sheriff Kirkbride visited Clarkston on business on Monday.
"Harvesting commences this week. Our hay crop is a poor one this season. We have ten
headers running this year, with only half crops.
"Peter Maughan & Co. dropped their kind regards to every family in Clarkston this week in the
form of tax notices.
"Our staunch Democrats met on Tuesday evening and did some good work. President
Homer is full of wise suggestions for his party.
Yours, SANKO."
--The Journal, Aug. 12, 1893.

Aug. 23, 1893 - p. 8 under "Local Points."
"Miss Hattie issued licenses to wed to the following named persons since our last:
. . .Joseph W. Stewart, aged 25, to Sarah A. Godfrey, aged 18, both of Clarkston. . . ."
--The Journal, Aug. 23, 1893.

Aug. 26, 1893 - p. 8 under "Another Suicide."
"Lars Rasmussen of Clarkston Tires of Life.
"He Jumps Headlong Into a Well.
"Long Physical Suffering had Affected his Mind--He was Afraid to be Left Alone.
"The usually quiet little burg of Clarkston was thrown into a high state of excitement last
Thursday night when Lars Rasmussen, an old and respected citizen of that place, was missing
from his home.
"Ordinarily such an occurrence would have caused no commotion, but it was known that
Mr. Rasmussen had been subject to fits of melancholy during which he contemplated death
with a kind of yearning.
"Upon one occasion not long since he had told Bishop Jardine of this feeling and had remarked
that he was afraid to be left alone. This condition of mind, it is said, was brought about by a long
continued sickness and general debility.
"Some time ago he wandered off in one of his absent minded spells and was found hours
afterwards among the hills back of the village.
"He was seen Thursday night about 9:30 at his home but shortly afterwards he was missed and
search was instituted by his family, who began to be alarmed.
"The neighbors soon joined in and all night long the good, sympathetic people of Clarkston
searched the town and scored the hills. Next morning at bout 5:50 he was found in the well at his
home, and Mr. A. Jenson pulled him out.
"The old gentleman had evidently plunged into the well head first as he was found in that
position, and his hat had apparently been laid to one side carefully before the deed was done.
"It now transpires that the children saw their father near the well about 9:30 o'clock and that he
ordered then away from the window where they stood watching him, saying that he would whip
them if they didn't go.
"The deceased was a well-to-do and well respected citizen. He leaves a wife and six young
children. His first wife who died some twelve years ago was insane for several years before her
"An inquest was held by the local justice and a jury which resulted in a verdict in accordance
with the above facts. Mr. Rasmussen was born Jan. 16, 1836 and therefore 57 years, 7 months and
8 days old at the time of his death."
--The Journal, Aug.26, 1893.

Sept. 8, 1894 - p. 30 under "The European Mission."
"ARRIVALS.--Elders Bengt M. Ravsten, of Clarkston, Cache county, Utah, and Niels A.
Morck, of Salt Lake City, arrived in Liverpool, August 1st, per Anchor steamer Anchoria, via
Glasgow, on their way to the missionary field in Scandinavia."
--Deseret News Weekly, Sept. 8, 1894.

Sept. 9, 1893 - p. 8 under an untitled Local Points.
"Hon. P. S. Barson of Clarkston gave us a pleasant call yesterday."
--The Journal, Sept. 9, 1893.

Sept. 13, 1893 - p. 5 under "Estray Notice."
"Estray Notice --Summons
Territory of Utah
County of Cache
In the Justices' Court, Clarkston Precinct
Rasmus Rasmussen,
Plaintiff } Summons
vs. }
John Doe, } Demand 65 cts.
To John Doe Greeting:
You are hereby summoned to be and appear before me, the undersigned, at my office in
Clarkston Precinct, Cache County, Utah Territory, on Thursday Sept 21st, 1893, at 1 p.m., to
answer a complaint filed against you herein by said Plaintiff, wherein he claims judgment against
you for the sum of 65 cts for damages done by the following described animals to wit:
One yellow mare about 6 years old, branded -S on left shoulder.
One brown mare branded TL combined and N on left shoulder, about 8 years old
One bay horse about 12 years old, branded resembling X on left shoulder, Ly on left thigh.
One yellow yearling horse colt, no brands visible.
One yellow horse about 5 years old, branded BB on left thigh.
And you are hereby notified that if you fail to so appear and answer as above required the
Plaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum of 65 cts and costs of suit.
To the sheriff or any constable of said county greetings: Make legal service and due return
Given under my hand this 11th day of Sept, A.D.,1893.
Justice of the Peace of Clarkston Precinct.”
--The Journal, Sept. 13, 1893.

Sept. 30, 1893 - p. 8 under "Clarkston Cullings."
"EDITOR JOURNAL:--Before I take the train for conference I will inform you of a big
meeting that we had here on Sunday last.
"On the stand were Bishop Wm. B. Preston, Bishop Jardine, Counselors Heggie and Yates,
Bishop Griffin and Counselor Benson and Rigby, Elders Lyman Martineau, Chantrill and Keep,
Superintendent Godfrey, and Home Missionaries Johnson and Anderson.
"After the singing Elder John Griffin offered up a few words of prayer, when there was more
singing under the leadership of J. E. Myler. Sanko presided at the organ and did fine for a new
"Elder Johnson, the first speaker, spoke of the saying of the Savior and encouraged all to speak
well of each other.
"Bro. Anderson then addressed the Saints, spoke of Clarkston being a lovely place and
occupied a short time giving us all good advice and counsel.
"Bishop Preston then spoke in his kind way saying how glad he was to meet once more with
the Saints of Clarkston; stated that it was nine years since he was with us and noticed the growth
of our little town.
"He said the beautiful trees around our school house and meeting house helped to beautify our
homes, and to keep on planting more trees; also spoke of importing those things that we could
raise here in Utah, such as hogs, chickens and turkeys, encouraged all to rustle and keep busy at
something and try to improve our homes; spoke on the law of tithing and read a revelation on the
"The bishop always does good when he comes over the river, and we say, come often.
"We have a number of Indians in our wheat fields gleaning; they are doing a land office
"Justice Thompson has gone to Ogden on the jury.
"Joseph E. Myler has gone to Snake River on a visit.
"We have lots of fruit peddlers every day. SANKO."
--The Journal, Sept. 30, 1893.

Oct. 4, 1893 - p. 8 under "Local Points."
"Sancho Panza Barson of Clarkston was seen in Logan Monday, associating with good
"Crops have been exceptionally bad this year. One man in the western portion of the
county after threshing his grain did not have enough to pay the threshers. Another planted
ninety acres in wheat and reaped ninety bushels."
--The Journal, Oct. 4, 1893.

Oct. 7, 1893 - p. 3 under "Democratic Call."
"For a District and a County Convention, Oct. 16th, 1893.
"A District Convention of the Democrats of Cache and Rich Counties have been called by the
Territorial Democratic Central Committee. . . of the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate
for Councilman and two candidates for Representatives to the thirty-first session of the Legislative
Assembly. . . . the 142 delegates to said Convention from Cache County shall be elected from the
several precincts as follows:
"Benson, 2; Clarkston, 4; College, 2; Coveville, 3; Hyde Park, 6; Hyrum, 14; Logan, 39;
Lewiston, 8; Mendon, 6; Millville, 6; Newton, 4; . . . ."
--The Journal, Oct. 7, 1893.

Oct. 25. 1893 - p. 8 under "Clarkston Clippings."
"EDITOR JOURNAL:--I guess it is about time for me to report. All is well with the Saints
and Sinners in our little burg. Elders England and Roueche paid us a visit last Sunday and talked
to the Saints in the afternoon. They spoke of the blessings that we all enjoy; stated that a great
many changes had taken place lately; advised the farmers not to mortgage their homes.
"I am thankful to say that Clarkston is free from mortgages.
"Well we give all the Home Missionaries credit for doing lots of good over this way and they all
give us the gospel.
"I can't keep still without saying a word about our Sunday School Union, every thing went off
so nicely, not forgetter the Trenton school. They are on the improve and did better at the late
Union than they ever did before.
"The singing by the choirs deserves great credit and no wonder Profs. Clark and Myler feel
proud. It reminds one of the contests at the World's Fair.
"We have Welch voices as well as Wales and we feel just as proud of our singers.
"If I had my way I'd give all those who took part in the exercises a prize and include Brother
"Well it was a good time for a fact.
"Sister Mary Archibald has just received a telegram announcing the death of her son-in-law,
William Riggs of Teton. The lady took the train at midnight for the north.
"Brother Joshua Homer has bought the residence of Oley Jensen for $425.00.
"Andrew Paterson of Hooper, bought W. Flinders out.
"Hans Dahle bought Samuel C. Stewart out for $500.00.
"So you see Clarkston is growing and this evening we all go to the meeting house, to eat, drink
and be merry; also to sing and dance with our neighbors who start north on the 24th inst.
"Our district schools are in good running order.
"Trustees Thompson, Jardine and Peterson are rustling fuel. SANKO."
--The Journal, Oct. 25, 1893.

Oct. 28, 1893 - p. 8 under "AT CLARKSTON."
"Thursday evening a splendid Democratic meeting was held at Clarkston. The meeting house
was filled, and a number of republicans were present and applauded the good Democratic doctrine
which was discoursed to them by Samuel Rich and Will G. Farrell, the speakers of the evening.
Barson's orchestra was present and interspersed beautiful music between the speeches. The
audience was very enthusiastic, and the meeting went off with a whoop and a hurrah."
--The Journal, Oct. 28, 1893.

Nov. 1, 1893 - p. 6 under "Judges of Elections."
The following judges of election have been appointed for Cache county [by Utah Commission.]
. . . Clarkston - Joshua Homer, D., John Thompson, D. [,] Thos. Godfrey, R."
--The Journal, Nov. 1, 1893.

Nov. 3, 1894 - p.14 under "Cache Valley News."
"One of the oldest active members in the Church is living in Clarkston, this county, Father S. J.
Keep, who has just passed his 9oth birthday. He is strong and healthy, and attends to his duties as
counselor in the ward with all diligence."
"Last week the fire fiend destroyed a house and granary in Clarkston, the property of Bishop
Dunn. The granary contained in the neighborhood of 400 bushels of grain, the results of the
Bishop's toil for the past year, all of which was consumed by the flames. The Bishop is a poor
man, and it is understood a petition is being circulated for his benefit."
--Deseret News Weekly, Nov. 3, 1894.
[NOTE: From the above article on Nov. 3, 1894 until July 13, 1895, there was no mention of
Clarkston in the Deseret News Weekly.]

Nov. 4, 1893 - p. 8 under "Joseph Wilson."
"The second candidate for City Councilman from the First ward. He was born in . . .England
Sept. 5th, 1844. He came to Utah in 1868 and settled in Clarkston, but removed to Logan in 1876.”
--The Journal, Nov. 4, 1893.

Nov. 10, 1893 - p. 1 under "Logan Redeemed."
"The People Vote Their Own Sentiments This Time.
"Fourth Ward Wakes Up, And Swings Into Line With a Heavy Democratic Majority.
"Republican Losses and Democratic Gains.
"Cache County Cocks are Crowing.
"The Entire Democratic Ticket Elected for Legislature and Superintendent of Schools.
"This Election has been more than a Political Victory. It has been a triumph of Truth over Libel,
of Right over Wrong; of Argument over Abuse; of the Masses over the Favored Few."
[In the votes for seven positions-- Clarkston cast identical 35 to 27 votes in favor of the
Democratic candidate in each race; Newton vote was of similar nature by 46 to 26.]
--The Journal, Nov. 10, 1893.

Nov. 25, 1893 - p. 5 under "Clarkston Cullings."
"'Sanko' Tells us How Matters are Progressing in That Town.
"CLARKSTON, Nov. 21st, 1893.
"EDITOR JOURNAL:--While the cold chilly winds of November are blowing, I'll drop you a
few lines.
"Last Friday evening our town was thrown into quite an excitement. It appears, Grandmother
Sisters, an old lady living with Mrs. Anderson while Charles Anderson is on a mission in sweeden
[sic] the old lady started over the hill to get the cows, not finding them very close the old lady
followed a herd to town in the evening. Sister Anderson was much excited over the old lady not
returning, so the neighbors were notified and all turned out in search of the missing lady, hunting
till 1 o'clock in the morning and did not find her. Well Grandmother followed friend Buttars' cows
three miles west of her home where she was kindly cared for and returned home the next morning all O.K.
"Our annual primary was hold on the seventh inst., and we all notice the children improving
nicely. They were disappointed in not seeing sister Molen and sister Pike at the meeting. Well
President Sarah Buttars and counselors deserve great credit for their labors with our children, and
we say, keep on and receive the blessings.
"Our Relief Society has the spirit of improvement. They are fixing up some beautiful window
curtains and blinds with some magnanimous fringe in our meeting house, which makes a fine appearance.
"Bishop Jardine and Prest. John Casper Loosle are going around looking after the poor giving
them wood and food.
"Prest. Orson Smith and Bishop Joseph Kimball talked on the law of tithing and those things
that we need.
"Mrs. Barson has been on the sick list for the last two weeks.
"Some of our boys have just returned from Ogden where they have been on petit jury in the
Fourth district court. W. N. Thomas was a father and a mother to them all the while there.
"Judge Thompson and Constable Sparks will arrive home Thursday evening from Ogden.
"Our old friend Michael Murphy is with us buying Stock.
"Our Postmistress, Mrs. Larsen has received sealed bids for the carrying of the mail to Cache
Junction and return for four years. We hope the Clarkston boys will get the contract, they are
good boys.
"Well all our fall plowing is done. Our people are very nearly ready for the big snow.
"C.D.W. Fullmer fired the last Democratic shot on this side of the river in the year 1893, to a
large audience.
"Wishing THE JOURNAL staff success in the year 1894. I remain your old friend,
--The Journal, Nov. 25, 1893.

Nov. 29, 1893 - p. 1 under "Clarion Notes from Clarkston."
"'Sanko' writes from Clarkston that Marshall Nat S. Brigham and Deputy Exum were there
last Saturday. The object was a deer hunt and they had some luck, but our correspondent does not
say what kind.
"They were the guests of Mr. John Thompson while t here. That evening they took in a card
party at Hon. P. S. Barson's residence. It is reported that 'high-five' is a kind of game they can
handle better than the antlered monarchs of the mount.
"Barson and Brigham lead the procession all through the game, with Thompson and Exum a
close second. Their venison will be sent to Salt Lake city over the Union Pacific railroad--by
"'Sanko' says further that the schools are doing nicely; they are under the management of
Mr. Joshua Homer and Miss Westberg."

** also on p. 5 under "Notice to Creditors."
"Estate of Lars Rasmussen deceased.
"Notice is hereby given by the undersigned Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Lars
Rasmussen deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against the said deceased,
to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within ten months after the first publication of this
notice, to the said Executrix at Clarkston, in the County of Cache, Territory of Utah.
"Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Lars Rasmussen deceased.
"Dated November 25th, 1893."
--The Journal, Nov. 29, 1893.

Dec. 16, 1893 - p. 7 under "Seventies Quorums."
"Appointment for Elders B. H. Roberts to meet with the Seventies Quorums in the Cache
Stake are as follows:
"Saturday evening, Dec. 16th, 28th Quorum at Wellsville.
[Similar meeting on 17th, 18th, 18th,19th, 20th and 21st.]
"Friday night, Dec. 22nd, 1893, with 7th Quorum at Clarkston."
--The Journal, Dec. 16, 1893.

Dec. 30, 1893 - p. 1 under "Clarkston Notes."
"EDITOR JOURNAL:--On the 10th inst. Mr. Andrew and Sarah Heggie gave a pleasant
birthday party in the honor of their mother Annie Heggie. For 53 yrs. the lady has been with us.
A delicious dinner and supper was served to a number of invited guests to everything that the heart
could wish. Fare was free to all present. Songs, recitation, games of various kinds till a late hour.
We all wish the lady merry returns of the day.
"Charles Anderson, Jr. is making his home here while his father is on a mission to Sweeden.
The gentleman weighs 11 pounds and was born on the 9 inst.
"Our young men have done good work in cutting up wood for the poor and a large pile for the
meeting house.
"John and Mary E. Burt gave a wedding dance on Wednesday evening the 20 inst. Everybody
and their cousin was present to wish John and Mary a long and happy life.
"Sister Sarah Shumway, Emma Dahle and Isaih Thompson are all on the sick list.
"Messrs. Barson, Sparks and Thompson went to Salt Lake latley [sic] to purchase our one
thousand acres of University lands for themselves and others; the gentlemen were the guests of
Marshal Brigham. On the 19 inst. the Marshal with a spanking pair of blacks attached to . . .[one
line illegible] . . .for Mr. Dudly to drive the Cache boys out to the pen.
"Mssres [sic] Thompson and Sparks was ordered to take the center seats while the marshal and
Sanko took the back ones so they could keep an eye on the prisoners in the center for fear they
might fall out. Well we all injoyed [sic] our ride out there. On arriving destination Wardon Stark
was introduced to us all. The gentleman informed us that he had got a telephone to get dinner for
four and thought three had ladies so that he had got up something a little extra for the families.
Mr. Barson told the warden that not a bit of the dinner should be wasted, so we were escorted up
stairs where an elegant dinner was served, and you can bet your last dollar that we all did it justice.
We were then escorted, all over the prison taking in all the sites. There is 188 prisoners. Every
thing looks nice and clean. The late improvements cost $140,000 so the warden tells me. In our
travels we see our north old friend and neighbor bishop Lewis of Logan. He looks fine and feels
well sends his kind regards to his friends in Cache. He informs me that it will be impossible for
him to close up his business and return before March the 4th. Well, we returned to the city in the
evening all O.K, with many thanks to the best marshal ever in Utah.
"I went to the funeral of the Liberal party in the S. L. theatre and had many a good laugh to see
the old thing die out.
"Christmas is here, and I'll stop.
"Kind regards to all the boys. SANKO."

** also in the Dec. 30th issue on p. 6 under "CACHE COUNTY CONTAINS."
"Gold and silver.
"Copper in abundance.
"Lead in paying quantities.
"Mountains of the finest iron ore.
"Thousands of acres of beautiful timber.
"The most running water of any valley in Utah."
--The Journal, Dec. 30, 1893.
[The above “Cache County Contains” would be published repeatedly, but the abundance of gold, silver, copper, lead and iron ore never appeared.]