Richland Republican and Observer
December 11, 1884
Page 8, Col 5

Transcribed by LA

Brick! Brick! Brick!

White or red brick of uniform size and good quality for sale at Krouskop’s wheat warehouse. Also salt, cement stucco,  plastering hair and all kinds of building material.

Oak Sheeting Cheap
Cull inch oak sheeting $5 per thousand and: buy quick before lot is all closed out.
A. H. Krouskop

--The ladies’ Gold Watches at Speidel’s are beauties, and will be sold at prices that defy competition.
--If you want to buy anything in the Jewelry line, you will find the latest styles and the best goods at the lowest prices at Speidel’s.
--Give National Yeast a trial and be convinced of its superiority over any kind you have ever used. You will then use no other. It is always reliable and cheap.

Everything Marked Down
Bargains in Millinery to close out winter stock, at Misses Ward’s. Place of business in Mrs. Baker’s store.

Sorghum for Sale.
I have a supply of sorghum syrup for which I will receive orders and deliver cheap from now till January 1st.
H. C. Baer

FOR SALE--A full blooded durock, or Jersey Red boar. Inquire of A. W Towsley, Lone Rock

TAKEN UP--By Calvin Zimmeblee on section ?, town of Bloom, three yearlings, one a steer, deep red, one light red, and one light red heifer.

FOR RENT--A nice large room in a dwelling house. Inquire at this office.