Grant County Democrat
Feb. 16, 1912
Page 1, Column 5

Transcribed by LA

Celebrate Golden Wedding
      The second day of February was a day long to be remembered in the family of J. S. McKinney of Excelsior, for on that day the whole family was in reunion to celebrate the golden wedding of the parents of the homestead they had occupied for the fifty years of their married life. Father, mother and ten children sat around the dinner table, and their pictures were taken. Addressing the family group the honored father said,
      "My dear children: I want to tell you how glad I am to see you all here on this extraordinary occasion. I say extraordinary because it is very uncommon for a couple to have the pleasure of living together fifty years, and again it is very seldom, when we start to do for ourselves, that we settle on the one place and remain there for fifty years without a move, a sell-out or a burn-out. Then again it is very uncommon for a family of ten children to be born and raised on the same old homestead and all be able to meet with their parents on their golden wedding. Some of you have not seen each other for twenty-five years or more. Now we are going to do all we can to make it pleasant for you while you are here. It may be the last time we will all meet together. All we have to regret is that all of your companions and children could not be with us."
      The evening was spent relating events of the past and in the enjoyment of music, vocal and instrumental.