Richland Republican and Observer
January 31, 1884
Page 8 Col. 3 &4

Transcribed by LA

--In course of a very complimentary review of the plays rendered recently at Spring Green by our dramatic company the News says: The entertainment entitled "Among the Breakers," by the Richland Center Dramatic Company, though insufficiently advertised was fairly well attended. The play was well handled and the performance highly appreciated by the audience. We will not dwell on the parts separately as each was creditably rendered with ease. In fact it is wonderous how these people, nearly all of whom have active business pursuits, in such a driving place as the Center, especially, have committed their parts well. The company had taken great pains in selecting the members of it a orchestra and the music was excellent.

Skating Prizes
D. O. Chandler gives prizes at his skating rink every Wednesday evening. Last Wednesday night the prize was $1.00 for the gentleman making the distance of 80 rods, and 50 cents to the lady making the distance of 40 rods in the quickest time. The record is as follows: Will Chapman, one minute and twenty-five seconds; E. Chapman, the same; Harry James, 1:28; H. Northrup, 1:30; George Kinney, 1:30; T. Able, 1:40; Ern Richards, 1:45; Clint Wertz, 1:50; There being a tie between Will and E. Chapman they "sawed off" by skating a distance of twenty rods. Will Chapman made the distance in 22 seconds and E. Chapman in 23 seconds, The ladies’ prize was won by Miss Lola Chandler in 50 seconds.

Jury List
Following is a list of jurors drawn last Tuesday for the April term of the circuit court.
Akan--James Glass,
Buena Vista--Curtis E. Brace, Andrew Harter, Jacob Bennett,
Eagle--Thomas Palmer, Frank Cornwall, John Slater.
Forest--J. S. Kanable.
Henrietta--J. F. Conley, C. J. McCarthy, L. S. Madding.
Ithaca--T. P. Derrickson, Anthony Dedrich, Chas. Devoe, O. R. Jaquish.
Marshall--Wm. H. Moon, H. C. Peckham, Thomas Armstrong.
Richland--W. J. Bowen, John Winn, Sr., E. M. Chandler, O. J. Burnham.
Rockbridge--Silas Carpenter, L. N. Herrington, David Anderson.
Richwood--Matthew Chitwood, J. D. Jones, Nelson Hanson.
Sylvan--A. B. Ewing, Thomas Cranston, Wm. Heal.
Westford--Henry Mitchell, Peter Peterson.
Willow--E. M. Alward, M. A. White.