Richland Republican and Observer
July 5, 1883
Page 8 Col. 4
(typed as printed)

Transcribed by LA

The Temple of Honor
At the annual meeting of the Grand Temple of Honor, of Wisconsin, held at Janesville, June 21st, about sixty delegates were present. The officers eleced for the ensuing year are: T. W., D. H. Pulcifer, Shawano; G. W. V. T., H. C. Howland, Eau Claire; G. W. R., S. C. Burnham, Janesville; G. W. S,. A. W. Baldwin, Janesville; G. Chaplain, D. R. Anderson, Oconomowoc; G. W. M., B. Thomas, Dodgeville; G. G., John Addison, Milwaukee.
The report of the Grand Records gives the following statistics for the year; Initiated, 420; withdrawn, 120; suspended, 640; violated the pledge, 181; expelled, 185; died, 21; present membership, 2151; members of social temples, 2236. The financial report showed that the liabilities of the Grand Temple above its assets were $305.43, which is a much better showing than last year. The next meeting will be held at Milwaukee in June, 1884.