Republican Observer
March 2, 1911
page 5 column 2 & 3
Transcribed by LA

Archie Osborne had employment in Templein's saw mill this week.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Bible spent Sunday with their son, Fred.
Barney Fry will work for W. N. ible the coming year.
Will DeVault, Gladys Osborn, Orlie Fuller, Ross Kline and Avenelle Bible are ill with the measles.
Revival meetings at Concord closed Sunday night. Several from this place are attending the meetings at Smith Hollow.
Seville from here attended the funeral fo Bemjamin Adelman, of Germantown, last Saturday. Mr. Adelman will be greatly missed as he has always been an active, honest business man and has done as much for the building up of Westford as any many in the town.

Mrs. Mae Huffman, of Rockbridge, is spending a few days at the home of her brother. W.A. Lawton.
Wm. Ghastin and family spent Sunday at Henry Pauls'.
Mrs. F.D. Reed spent Saturday at J. W. Davis'.
Eva Pauls, Anna Marks and Lelia McCollum attended the wild west show at Richland Center Saturday.
Glen Rist, who has been very ill, is improving.
Edith Cramer spent Sunday at L. F. Pauls.
Osa Barnett spent a number of days last week with her friend, Nettie Brown.
Chas Smith and wife spent Thursday in Richland Center.
Lennie Mick is employed at Hallie Smith's.
Will Fitzgerald has moved his family to the upper L.F. Pauls. farm.
Several from here attended the benefit social at Gotham last Thursday night.

The school play will be given in the hall Friday night.
Carl Hammond sold his trotting horse, Dr. H., this week.
The farmers institute was well attended and much enjoyed.
J.D. Powers left Monday for his home in Reedsburg.

The Yuba orchestra furnished music for the dance at Hub City Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher visited their daughter, Mrs. M. Sandmire, Thursday.
Frank Snorek has sold his interest in the saloon to his partner, Emil Pacil.
Harvey Seely, of LaFarge, spent several days here last week.
Allie Dederick and Robert Novy transacted business in Hillsboro Monday.
A large crowd attended the sale at Joe Machovec's Saturday.
Dr. Bender is very busy and says there are lots of sickness in the neighborhood.
Grace McCoyne spent a few days at home from her school duties near Cazenovia.
Emil Kolash and wife spent Sunday at the Pliner home.
Len Elliott's children, who have been very ill, are somewhat improved.

Joe Heurese and daughter, Nora, spent last week visiting relatives at Black River Falls.
Amos Fry is moving on the C.H. Starkey farm.
School closed Thursday after a successful term taught by Glennie Norman.
The Pleasant Ridge cheese factory patrons held their annual meeting at the cheese factory Thursday and the following officers were elected: Wm. Winder, cheesemaker and salesman; Chas. Williams, treas.; C.H. Starkey, sec.
Mrs. Bertha Scallon went to Bear Creek Friday to see her mother, Mrs. Larken, who is very ill.
Miss Helen Miller spent Wednesday with her friend, Mrs. Mike McDonald, of Wheat Hollow.
C. Quackenbush and family spent Sunday at Neptune.
Miss Nellie Denman, who has been employed at Richland Center, had returned home.
Opal Miller visited at Loyd last week.
About twenty-five ladies of this community gave Mrs. Amos Fry a surprise Saturday, February 18th, in honor of her birthday.