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1850 Mortality Schedule
Marion County, Alabama Deaths
from the 1850 Marion Co. AL Mortality Schedules
(includes deaths from July, 1849 to June, 1850)
donated by: Sabra N. Sudberry
wh = white
bl = black
mu = mulatto
f = female
m = male
Name |
race & sex |
age |
born |
died |
cause |
Alexander, slave of Louisa |
bl f |
35 |
VA |
Nov 1849 |
of cold |
Astin, Robert S. |
wh m |
12 |
AL |
Jul 1849 |
unknown |
Berryhill, William |
wh m |
2 |
Nov 1849 |
jaundice |
Blanchard, Uriah H. |
wh m |
82 |
married b. NC |
Aug 1849 |
chronic illness |
Blanchard, slave of William |
bl m |
3 |
June 1850 |
flux |
Bottoms, Mary E. |
mu f |
2 |
AL |
July 1849 |
cholera (free, not slave) |
Bottoms, William |
mu m |
78 |
AL |
Oct 1849 |
fever (free, not slave) |
Bradley, Luch |
wh f |
1 mo |
April 1850 |
of cold |
Brown, Andrew |
wh m |
1 mo |
AL |
July 1849 |
flux |
Brown, slave of J.W. |
mu f |
7 |
June 1850 |
flux |
Brown, Lewis |
wh m |
4 |
AL |
July 49 |
flux |
Brown, Mike |
bl m |
11 mo |
June 1850 |
flux |
Brown, Vina |
bl f |
5 |
June 1850 |
flux |
Burlason, Ursulah M. |
mu f |
3 |
May 1850 |
burnt (free, not slave) |
Calahan, Amanda |
wh f |
19 |
AL |
Aug 1849 |
bilious fever |
Canterbury, Oliver J. |
wh m |
12 |
AL |
May 1850 |
cause unknown |
Cantrell, Elijah A. |
wh m |
2 mo |
June 1850 |
hooping cgh |
Cantrell, Marion |
wh m |
1 |
Aug 1849 |
flux |
Cantrell, Susan |
wh f |
11 mos |
TN |
Aug 1849 |
flux |
Clark, Catherine |
sh f |
7 |
AL |
Oct 1849 |
fever |
Clark, Catherine |
mu f |
37 |
AL |
Dec 1849 |
drowned (free, not slave) |
Cody, Doctor H. |
wh m |
6 |
AL |
June 1850 |
flux |
Cody, Lucinda |
wh f |
40 |
KY |
July 1849 |
consumption |
Davis, Elizabeth |
wh f |
75 |
NC |
March 1850 |
dropsy |
Dickson, Mary C. |
wh f |
11 mo |
Aug 1849 |
flux |
Dorsey, Alfred C. |
wh m |
10 |
GA |
Aug 1849 |
typhoid fever |
Dunn, Barna |
wh m |
12 |
AL |
Feb 1850 |
dropsy |
Flippo, Avey |
wh f |
35 |
TN |
Nov 1849 |
fever |
Ford, Mary E. A. |
wh f |
3 |
June 1850 |
flux |
Gillian, Thomas |
wh m |
1 |
Jul 1849 |
flux |
Goggins, Permelia |
wh f |
2 |
June 1850 |
flux |
Harris, Azel D. |
wh m |
1 |
Jul 1849 |
flux |
Harris, Lorenzo |
wh m |
2 |
Jul 1849 |
flux |
Hollis, Elizabeth |
wh f |
19 |
AL |
Sep 1849 |
fever |
Hollis, slave of Thomas |
bl m |
21 |
Dec 1849 |
cause unknown |
Houston, John G. |
wh m |
70 |
VA |
Aug 1849 |
consumption |
Hughes, Robert |
wh m |
36 |
TN, merchant |
Dec 1849 |
typhoid fever |
Jarrott, John Thomas |
wh m |
2 mo |
May 1850 |
cholera |
Jarrott, Mary |
wh f |
20 |
SC |
Apr 1850 |
fever |
Jeffreys, Elizabeth |
mu f |
74 |
VA |
Feb 1850 |
old age |
Lowery, Reuben |
wh m |
35 |
SC, farmer |
May 1850 |
scarlet fever |
McGouner, Samuel |
wh m |
42 |
NC |
Oct 1849 |
cause unknown |
McNichols, Grandison |
wh m |
2 |
AL |
Sep 1849 |
quinsey |
McNutt, Henry J. |
wh m |
2 |
Oct 1849 |
croup |
McNutt, Martha |
wh f |
3 |
July 1849 |
croup |
Melson, Fanny |
wh f |
15 |
Oct 1849 |
cold |
Minor, Mary Ann |
wh f |
3 |
May 1850 |
hooping cgh |
Montgomery, John |
mu m |
73 |
Conn |
Nov 1849 |
dropsy (free, not slave) |
Moore, Zilpha |
wh f |
78 |
married, b. SC |
Jun 1850 |
palsey |
Morrison, John N. |
wh m |
9 |
Jun 1850 |
flux |
Morrison, Sarah Ann |
wh f |
30 |
Jun 1850 |
flux |
Neal, Licungus |
wh m |
17 |
b. MS |
May 1850 |
pneumonia |
Northcut, Woodson |
wh m |
53 |
married, b. VA |
Dec 1849 |
sudden |
Osbern, Elizabeth |
wh f |
3 |
Jun 1850 |
flux |
Osbern, George |
wh m |
2 |
Jul 1849 |
flux |
Osbern, Lafayette |
wh m |
1 |
Jul 1849 |
flux |
Osbern, Susan |
wh f |
2 |
Jul 1849 |
flux |
Palmer, Patience M. |
wh f |
11 mo |
Jul 1849 |
flux |
Phillips, Susan |
wh f |
1 |
Aug 1849 |
hooping cgh |
Scott, Margaret |
wh f |
1 |
Jun 1850 |
flux |
Sherwood, Joseph E. |
mu m |
6 mo |
Aug 1849 |
inflamation (free, not slave) |
Sims, Paralee M. J. |
wh f |
2 |
Jun 1850 |
typhoid fever |
Sisemore, Daniel |
wh m |
50 |
TN |
Jun 1850 |
fever |
Sisemore, Lydia |
bl f |
64 |
unknown |
Sep 1849 |
unknown cause |
Stidham, Isabella |
wh f |
5 |
Jun 1850 |
flux |
Summor, Elijah & Elisha, twin males |
wh m |
1 mo |
Dec 1849 |
cause unknown |
Terrell, John D., Sr |
wh m |
77 |
NC |
May 1850 |
brain inflamation |
Terry, Sarah |
wh f |
70 |
NC |
Jul 1849 |
bowel complaint |
Thuss, Henrietta |
wh f |
1 |
Feb 1850 |
choked to death |
Watley, Mary |
wh f |
22 |
married b. AL |
Sep 1849 |
flux |
Weeks, Elizabeth |
wh f |
1 |
Aug 1849 |
cause unknown |
Wheeler, Mary |
wh f |
60 |
married b. AL |
Sep 1849 |
fever |
White, Joab S. |
wh m |
38 |
married b. NC |
Apr 1850 |
kidney disorder |
Whitehead, Mosley |
wh f |
18 |
married b. GA |
Aug 1849 |
cause unknown |
Wood, Lidia |
wh f |
25 |
b. MS |
Apr 1850 |
pneumonia |
Wood, Lydia Ann |
wh f |
24 |
married |
May 1850 |
fever |
Wood, Sidney |
wh m |
4 mo |
Apr 1850 |
croup |
Wood, Thomas J. |
wh m |
3 mo |
May 1850 |
fever |