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Webmaster:  Allison Saxman

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The Alabama AlGenWeb Archives

Sept the 4 1861

Knoxville Tenn

Dear father & mother & all of the connections
I can inform you that I am well but hav been sick for the last 3
days but have got well  All the boys nearly has had the dereah there is a
great many got the measles in camps  they are sending them out to the
horspittle this eavning from the fact it looks like Rain  they ar mity
well treated thare  I am very well satisfied here with our location  I am
no getting to beleave that we will not get to bvee in nery Battle  I would
like to get to Bee in one small Battle  we hear the news here everyday & I
think oure folks will be in Posession of Washington Sity in
less that 10 dyas & that will nearly wind up the Shoe  Johnson is now in
merylan with 160 thousand men & Buregard on the other side & when the make
the atact the are agoing to make it on evry side & edge at the same time
the northaners is deserting gest as fast as they can & coming over to the
South  Meriland has unanousley in the field for us  I see some every day
her that I no  I saw 5 Texans here today that I youst to no  Jame Astons
son James wil bee here sometime this week  part of his Reigment is here
know  I have not heard from Sheals sinc I have been here  I want you to
wright to mee if you hav heard from him sinc I left  I would wright to him
but I hav forgot the county & Post offis whare he livs   I want you to
wright to me name of the offis   where you wright to mee gest Direct your
letters to mee care of Capt Powers Company K 15 Reigment Ala Vol  this is
some shorter a ways than I sent Before  so good by

A M Aston

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Send comments about this page to:  Allison M. Saxman


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©2002- 2009 by Allison M. Saxman & J.W. Johnson