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Winfield doctors The Journal-Record - Bicentennial Edition Thursday, July 1, 1976 Section C, Page 4 WINFIELD'S DOCTORS - FROM DR. WHITLEY IN PAST TO PRESENT DAY The first doctor to practice here was the Dr. WHITLEY who had wanted the depot located near his home. As stated he lived two miles east of here and two mile then was "equal to ten" now in the time it took to travel it. So doctors began moving into town. A Dr. IVEY was here for a very sort time. A Dr. WHEELER and Dr. J. R. EARNEST had an office together at one time. Dr. EARNEST came here from Mississippi. He rode a mule in making calls that had one white foot. He did this for a number of years. He son, Lynwood, studied medicine and then practiced here for years. He and his father served this section until their deaths. People called the son "Dr. Lynwood" to distinguish him from his father. He was the husband of Mrs. Matie EARNEST the teacher. Dr. J. F. EARNEST's son-in-law, Dr. Vanderva HILL practiced medicine here for a few years before moving to Oklahoma. Dr. John RANDOLPH came here from Fayette and practiced several years. Dr. W. J. McCRAY came to us from Guin. There was a Dr. MORTON here for a short time. Then we've had Dr. R. L. HILL, Mr. MC. (sic) HOLLIS, Dr. R. H. BARNES, Dr. Edwin COUCH, deceased, and Dr. R. J. SMITH. In 1952, Dr. HILL, Dr. HOLLIS, and Dr. COUCH wee our doctors. In 1949 a small modern hospital was built. The people of the town built it. Those who could, put large sums of money into the building of the facility. Some individuals furnished rooms;clubs and church organization(sic) furnished rooms; a lot of men donated work and when finished we were proud of it. Now there is a newer and more modern hospital in Winfield, Rankin Fite Memorial. The formal opening was July 1964. The Clinic building was built in 1953 and opened in January of 1954. Since that time Winfield has another clinic behind the hospital facility. Dr. James GABA, Dr. Edwin COUCH, Dr. Wm. GABA, Dr. Henry M. LABICHE and Dr. Aubry L. SEWELL were the staff around 1964 or 65. Dr. Aubry L. SEWELL is the only one of these that remains with today's medical staff in Winfield. Dr. James SHAMBLIN, Dr. John OVERTON, Dr. R. K. SEGHAL, and Dr. Ajay PARGHI make up the rest of the medical staff at present. |
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