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Clay Township, Dearborn County Indiana


This is a list of the delegates for Clay Township for the 1859 Convention.

Source: The Lawrenceburg Register, July 17, 1859 edition.

John Mathews         H. B. Goff
M. Frank            A. Helm


--Below is information concerning the Millers Mill located in Dillsboro, Indiana. The information was submitted by Susan D. Engle. Thank you Susan!

"MILLER'S MILL" (1830's-1901)

This newspaper clipping, currently in Susan Engle's possession, is among family papers, pertaining to the Miller family of Dillsboro, Dearborn County, Indiana.

{Curly Brackets} indicate my editorial comments.

Susan D. Engle-- June 2001

The Enquirer, Cincinnati, Saturday March 23, 1901
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Special dispatch to the Enquirer.
Dillsboro, Ind., March 22.

-The accompanying picture is a reproduction of the old stone flouring mill which for so many years has stood about two miles north of here on Hogan Creek, and but a few rods south of the B. and O. Railroad.

The mill was built by W. and E. Miller soon after their arrival from England. A large stone in the west wall of the building bears the following inscription, which is rudely carved: "Built by W. and E. Miller in 1839."

Originally the mill was driven by an overshot wheel, which was 15 feet high, with wood bull wheel and an upright shaft, also of wood.

For several years the mill contained but two pairs of burrs, one for grinding wheat, and one for grinding corn.


In 1850 two more pairs of burrs were added, and machinery to bolt flour was put in. Two years later a wooden overshot wheel was put in which was six feet wide and sixteen feet high.

The water required to run the mill was brought by a narrow mill race from a dam about 500 yards north of the mill. When the old O. and M. Railroad was built there was a bitter legal fight between the promoters of the railroad and the proprietors of the mill over the territory traversed by the little mill race, but the mill people were victorious.

The original proprietor of the old mill, W. Miller*, operated the plant until his death, about 20* years ago, when it was taken in charge by his son Robert W. Miller, and later by another son, Enoch D. Miller.

When the vast Miller estate was divided the old mill fell to the share of Mrs. Emily Miller Schmolsmire. She had the mill remodeled, put in new machinery, a new bolting and cleaning apparatus, but retained the old burr system of grinding. It had been in operation but a few weeks when the flood, which visited Hogan Creek four years ago, washed the mill dam away. Later the B. and O. Railroad purchased the right to turn off the water from the mill, and thus the once busy hum of the Hogan mill has been silenced perhaps, forever.

About a year ago the property was purchased by Mr. William Ruhlman. A short distance from the mill stands a sun dial which is 336 years old, it having been brought from England by the Millers almost a hundred years ago.

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*{William B. Miller, born Feb 9, 1812 England; died Feb 6 1889;
buried Mt. Tabor Cemetery, Dearborn Co., Indiana}


--Below are links with information concerning towns in Clay Township.
The items were contributed by Barb Boese and were taken from the book:

By Rev. Judge A. J. Cotton, Philom.
Thanks Barb!



... Britton Family Cemetery also known as Smith Family Cemetery ( marked but unnamed on map section 19, NE of SR 262@ Martin Road)
... Conaway(Section 28 on map)
... New Oakdale Cemetery AKA Dillsboro Cemetery(Section 12 on map), Old Oakdale Cemetery, (Section 11) (Old and New Cemeteries separated by Beatty Road)
... Spangler Cemetery(Section 23 on map)
... Windsor Cemetery(Section 1 on map)
... Old Presbyterian Cemetery ( Not shown on Map)

NOTE: Most all of the above links take you to the "Find a Grave Website". All have a map showing the location of that particular Cemetery. Select "HYBRID" and "ZOOM IN TO MAX, and it can be an amazing picture of the placement of the tombstones from above. Also you can select the "INTERMENTS" and get the "NAMES" and many have photographs of the individual tombstones.

  There are 6 Cemeteries and Burial Places named in "Dearborn County, Indiana, Cemetery Records, Volume C" By Milton A. Massing. From that list, 5 were found containing information, located in Clay Township (Shown on the Left)

Most of the links on the left, to the individual cemeteries have partial lists of interments, others may have photographs of the cemetery. If you can not find a surname you are looking for in the partial list, then contact Pete Nocks. He has the full set of 4 Volumes of "Dearborn County, Indiana, Cemetery Records" by Milton Massing. These books cover every township in Dearborn County, Except "Harrison, Logan, and Miller" Townships. These books contain Names of Cemeteries, Names of interments, Photographs, and other vital information

Clay Township

Clay Township
Dillsboro Church---
Can anyone identify it or give a location?
Source..Penny Postcard
Date Unknown..
  Dillsboro Health Resort
Date unknown...
Source...Penny Postcard

Thanks to the volunteers who submitted the information at these links!

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