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Turn of the Century Holidays

Home For The Holidays

--Source for below: The Lawrenceburg Press
Thurs., Jan. 4, 1900 edition

"Charles Wolff, employed in a stove foundry at Piqua, O., spent the past week here with his mother and sisters."

"S(?).R. Connor visited his parents in Ohio county last week."

"Mr. Elsle of Logan, O., was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Ella Hiett, the past week."

"Herman Ferger of Chattanooga was here the last day of 1899 and the first day of 1900 renewing old acquaintances."

"Fred and Will Moeller were down from Cincinnati from Friday until Monday visiting relatives and hunting rabbits."

"Gussie Poellmann of Cincinnati spent several days last week with his grandmother, Mrs. L. Poellmann."

"Mr. and Mrs. Fred Demann and son Clemens of Vevay spent several days last week with relatives and friends here."

'Moores Hill.'
"Miss Rebecca Jones of Cincinnati spent Christmas with her mother, Mrs., Mary Jones."

"Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Lowe of Cincinnati spent the holidays here with relatives."

"Miss Katherine Haire and her brother have returned from spending the holidays with their mother at Louisville."

"John Dieffenbach of Mattoon, Ills., after five years absence, is again here with his mother."

"Mrs. Belle Grubbs and son Lorain, after spending the holidays visiting Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Cottingham, returned to Cincinnati Monday."

Source for below: The Lawrenceburg Press
Thurs., Dec. 27, 1900 edition

"Mrs. Nannie Wingate of Cincinnati is gladdening the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Hornberger's by a few day's visit."

"Miss Alice Dennis and niece, Miss May Dennis, left Friday to spend a week at their respective homes at Cole's Corner and Bennington."

"Mr. and Mrs. E.D. Moore left Christmas morning for New Albany to spend a few days with their son, Rev. L.D. Moore and wife."

cont. Source for below: The Lawrenceburg Press
Thurs., Dec. 27, 1900 edition

"Miss Minnette Harlan, supervisor of music and penmanship in the public schools, is enjoying the holiday vacation at her home at Osgood."

"Mr. and Mrs. S.K. Gold, son Earl and daughter Mabel enjoyed Christmas at Harrison at the home of Mrs. Gold's mother, Mrs. Mary E. Thomas."

"There was a family reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Huth on Christmas day, their son Frank being here from Bloomington, Ills., and their daughter Lizzie(?) from Cincinnati."

From Newtown: "William Koch is home from Shelbyville enjoying a few days around the family fireside."

--Source for below: The Lawrenceburg Press
Thurs., Jan. 3, 1901 edition

"Mrs. Philip Stein and her two children spent the holidays with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Leppert, in Cincinnati."

"Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirsch entertained Thursday evening in honor of their daughter Elizabeth, who is home from a Cincinnati hospital to spend the holidays."

"Professor J.O. Churchill, superintendent of schools at Cheyenne, Wyo, was the guest of his sister, Mrs. J.E. Schooley, part of last week. Professor Churchill is a native of this county, having been born and reared near Moores Hill. He has more than a local reputation in educational circles."

Source: The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Jan. 4, 1901 edition
'Dearborn County'
"Frank Wright and family of Jonesboro, Ind., have been visiting relatives in Washington and Clay townships."

--Source for below: The Lawrenceburg Press
Thurs., Jan. 10, 1901 edition

"George Randel is here from Champaign, Ills., visiting relatives and friends."

"Mrs. Lizzie Rolphing of Osman, Ills., has returned to her home after a pleasant visit here with relatives and friends."

"Mrs. Stewart of Norwood, O., and Miss Emma York of Linwood have returned to their homes after a pleasant visit here."


Dearborn County Schools Christmas Exercises

--Source for below: The Lawrenceburg Press
Thurs., Jan. 4, 1900

'Moores Hill.'
"Purnell Kerr was the happy recipient of $15 Christmas from his uncle in California."

"Christmas tree exercises were held by the Methodist and Presbyterian Sunday schools on Christmas eve and Christmas night. They were well attended and all who took part acquitted themselves with credit."

"Miss Maggie Ulrich gave a splendid entertainment for her scholars and visitors and presented each pupil with a present--the girls with dolls and the boys trumpets."

--Source for below: The Lawrenceburg Press
Thurs., Dec. 20, 1900 edition
"Christmas exercises will be held in all the rooms at the public schools tomorrow afternoon. Visitors will be cordially welcomed."

"Christmas sermon at the Presbyterian church next Sunday at 10:30. Parents having little ones to be baptized may present them at this service. The public is cordially invited."

"The annual Christmas entertainment of the Presbyterian Sunday school will be held in the church Monday evening. There will be a Santa Claus and other attractions. Admission free. Everybody invited."

Source: The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Dec. 21, 1900 edition
"During the holiday season it will be well to remember the little ones, and make it a joyful season to them. With professed Christians the Christmas season is the greatest of the year. Memories cluster around it that are very precious. The family reunions that are enjoyed are especially to be encouraged and participated in by all. With many families this will be the last full family gathering, for ere another year has elapsed some loved one will be called hence, no more to meet in the charming family circle--no more to gather around the family hearthstone."

Source: The Lawrenceburg Press
Thurs., Dec. 27, 1900 edition
from Newtown: "Sam Marshall presented his wife a handsome gold watch...(?) for a Christmas present."

Source: The Lawrenceburg Press
Thurs., Jan. 3, 1901 edition
"L B Daniel was the recipient of a large diamond ring from his good wife. It is engraved with Masonic emplems of the 32d degree. Mrs. Daniel in turn received a fine diamond ring from her husband."

Source: The Lawrenceburg Press
Thurs., Jan. 10, 1901 edition
"Miss Perle, who teaches in district no. 1, had a grand time Friday. She had a tree all decorated and old Santa Claus came in and gave the scholars a nice treat. They say the other three lady teachers also treated their scholars."

New Years

--Source for below: The Lawrenceburg Press
Thurs., Jan. 4, 1900 edition

'Marsh's Predictions.'
"Record Breaking Floods Promised For 1900.
W.W. Marsh, the Winton Place weather prophet, predicts that the precipitaiton in 1900 will be the heaviest on record, and will cause disastrous floods throughout Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, and West Virginia. Februrary and March will ???? worst floods. January will be the worst storm month. An early spring, he says, will be followed by a hot, sultry summer."

"Miami Fire company held its watch meeting as usual New Year's eve, but owing to the old year going out on Sunday night the festivities were rather quiet. Only members of the company and Goetze's band were present."

"John Ringloff entertained a number of friends with a euchre party at his home on Shipping street New Year's eve."

"The dance given at Oester's hall Monday night was largely attended. Miss Sophia Ringer was awarded first prize as the finest dressed lady and George Fox as the finest dressed gent."

Source: The Lawrenceburg Press
Thurs., Jan. 3, 1901 edition
"Miami Fire company entertained about 200 guests at its watch meeting in Liedertafel opera house Monday night. The supper was unusually appetizing and satisfying. The gardeners 100 years hence will not furnish any choicer celery than the famous article produced by Peter Endress. Joy reigned supreme, and the hour of midnight came all too soon for the happy, light hearted guests."

Source: The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Jan. 4, 1901 edition
"To mark the birth of the new century in France, the last day of the year was proclaimed a general holiday."

New Year's Day

Written by C.E.K.
Source: Rising Sun Recorder
Friday, December 28, 1900 edition

Like the North Star of the universe, like the Alpha and the Omega, is the dawn of New Year's Day a realm of reckoning and esteem for the past and a glance into the future. With a business-like regularity the day records on the pages of history the close of a decade and the beginning of a new year of promise and hope. Good intentions, which oftimes mark the appearance of a new year, are as a whole well meaning and made in good faith, yet occasionally blighted by obstacle and failure. It sets anew the sails of man and enables him to oil up his conscience for another twelve month period. Upon the yearly occasion at this time is assigned a double duty in view of entering into a new century. The looking back on the past hundred years of history and progress gives new life and vigor to one's soul to begin the events of the new epoch.
It is a day of reminiscence, on which the most romantic and ancient of incidents are appropriately brought to mind; a time on which the oldest citizens are often called upon to narrate the many events and adventures of their vast experience of the world; when the bibulously inclined make new resolves; when youth and society pay tribute to the dawn of the new year by social calls and happy wishes of success and prosperity.
New Year's Day by custom, brings to mind a day of commemoration, and the idea of its celebration, which as a holiday is possibly as old as civilization itself. The custom of celebrating by some religious observance, generally accompanied by festive rejoicing, the first day of the year, appears to have prevailed among most of the ancient nations. Though time has not recorded the date of its first observance, it is known that the early Jews, Romans, Chinese, and even the Egyptians and Mohamedans, although differing as to the time from which they reckoned the commencement of the year, all regarded it with special interest. It has always been a day of merriment, from primitive times to the present.
In Rome, the year anciently began in March. The great diversity of opinion among the Christians made the day of entering upon the new year difficult to establish, owing to the communication between the leaders of the church being impracticable, and to the inability to secure unanimity as to a definite date. Both as to time and manner of celebrating, considerable variety prevailed.
Christmas day, the Annunciation, (March 25) Easter Day, and March 1st, have all at different times or places shared with the first of January the honor of opening the New Year or Century; nor was it until the advanced years of the sixteenth century that the latter date was universally accepted as the first day of the calendar year. It has, and possibly always will be a day of eminence, and a national holiday of merry-making and sport, although the fathers of the church, including Chrysostom, Ambrose, Augustine, Peter Chrysologus, and others, tried vainly to establish it a day of fasting and prayer. The Christians forbid the pagan festival and insisted that it be a day of humiliation. The mandate, however, was but partially observed. The festal character of the day, generally speaking, has been still preserved, though the day is also observed as a day of prayer and thanksgiving. The latter observances have more or less been properly attached to it in view of the fact that the first of January is known as the eighth day after the nativity of our Saviour, the commemoration of His spiritual purification of circumcision.
In substance, the observance of New Year's Day, both socially and religiously, appears to have remained the same from early ages. It is impossible to attach to it a purely religious practice, in view of its character. The idea and thought of bidding adieu to the old and clasping in warm hands and hearts of welcome the new, naturally invites a revelry and flow of good "spirits" and jollification.
Social feasting seems to have been universal, and the interchange of presents, to, from the earliest recorded celebrations. In the early writings of Suetonius and Tactitus references are frequently made of their practice of bringing of New Year's gifts. The custom of mutual reciprocation in this manner has been continued among the Christian kingdoms since the downfall of the western empire and the rise of the modern nations, and is today of equal popularity. Many examples of this practice have been found in the British possessions during the past, and even as a part of the public expenditures of the court, down to the reign of Charles II. In the antiquarian writings of that country we find mention of this custom in all classes of society. It is somewhat eclipsed in popularity by the Christmas gifts, though the practice still subsists; and almost as much, too, in the country of France.
The Church also is very dutiful on this occasion; with merry peal of bells the New Year is welcomed. Watch-night services are popular attractions to the wayfarer of the street, whose acquaintance of the house of God is as limited as his knowledge of the altar of an African idol. In many countries the "eve," more commonly known as "Sylvester's Eve," is given a celebration of great festivity, which is prolonged until the midnight hour, when the new year is ushered in with congratulations, complimentary visits, and mutual good wishes for "A Happy New Year." This custom is more properly credited to the ancient Scotch, though it is also prevalent among the celebrities of Germany, where the form of wish is, "Pro-sit-New-Jahi"--"May the New Year be happy." This sufficiently attests the antiquity and universality of their traditional practices and customs. In many places, more popularly in our own continent, the habit of tolling the bells at midnight, and thus "ring out the old, and ring in the new," is observed, and is received somewhat pathetically.
With the religious sects, which are wont to solemize this day with special services, the Roman Catholics still close the old year with their song, "Te Deum"--and hold the anniversary with the strictest obligations.

This information was
produced and provided courtesy of:

Kathleen Esposito

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