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-- Turn of the Century Deaths--

Source for below:
The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Dec. 22, 1899 edition

'Death of S.K. Kittle.'
"Solomon K. Kittle died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J.O. Johnston, in Baltimore, Md., Sunday, Dec. 17, aged 78 years and 29 days. The body was brought here to his old home Tuesday for burial, the funeral being held in the M.E. Church at 2 o'clock p.m., Rev. R.A. Kemp conducting the services."

In another section of the paper:

"Died in Baltimore, MD Dec. 17, 1899 Solomon K. Kittle age 78 formerly of Rising Sun, buried Dec. 19 at Rising Sun. Was Auditor and Clerk of Ohio County 'many years ago.'"

'Card of Thanks'
"For ourselves, and on behalf of our brother and sisters who could not be present, we desire to express our heartfelt appreciation of the kindness and sympathy shown by many, and the loving services rendered by other friends, at the funeral of our father, Solomon K. Kittle, on Tuesday, December 19, 1899. Sincerely, Edward B. Kittle, George M. Kittle"

"Mr. Calvin Monroe died in the Boone county infirmary last Saturday of heart disease, aged about 70 years. He was an old soldier, having served in Co. C, Seventh Indiana. The Society of Company C sent Undertaker Harris to Burlington Sunday morning and had the remains brought here for burial beside his wife who died several years ago, the Society bearing all the expense. Mr. Monroe drew a pension for a long while, but for some reason was dropped from the rolls. Recently he was re-instated and would have drawn a pension in February had he lived."

--Source for below:
The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Dec. 28, 1900 edition

"In this city, December 25, Ed. LeClerc aged 22 years. He was a member of Rising Sun Lodge, No. 8, I.O. of A., and the Order had charge of the funeral."

"Mrs. Emily Brooking Blackmore, aged 80 years, died, last week, at Warsaw, Ky. Five children survive her."

--Source for below:
The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Jan. 5, 1900 edition

"In Aurora, December 28, Captain David Lostutter, aged 62 years, of Brights disease. He served three years in the union army, enlisting at Rising Sun. For many years he was engaged in business in Rising Sun, but for thirty years had lived in Aurora, and was book keeper of the Distillery there; afterwards he served four years as Clerk of Dearborn county. He was a genial man and good citizen. He leaves a wife and one son."
"A number of citizens from here attended the funeral of Capt. David Lostutter, at Aurora, Sunday."

"In Dayton, Ohio, Dec. 23, Mrs. Clementa Love Walker, aged 85 years, formerly of Rising Sun. Buried at Madison, Ind. She leaves a daughter and two sons."

'Ohio County'
"Died suddenly Dec. 25, near Bear Branch C.D. Richards. Buried at Olive Branch."

--Source for below:
The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Jan. 11, 1901 edition

"Horace Hewitt and wife attended the funeral of Jonas Clore at Grant Wednesday. Mr. Clore was the grandfather of Mrs. Hewitt. Mr. Clore was about 80 years of age."

"Mrs. E. J. Hall, of near Allensville, is spending the week in Rising Sun, called here by the death of her grand-daughter."

"George E. Downey and wife of Aurora were down to the funeral of Mrs. Davis Tuesday."

"In this city, Jan. 5, Fanny Johnson, wife of Paul A. Davis, aged 29 years. Her husband and an infant daughter survive. She was a devoted wife and mother, daughter and sister, possessed of all the womanly virtues, and her death in early life is deplored by all who knew her."

"In this city, Jan. 6, Sumner C. Gaskell, aged 75 years. His aged wife survives. Mr. G. was a well known citizen of Ohio county. He removed from Salem ridge to Rising Sun but a short time ago. The F. & A.M. had charge of the funeral."

"Near this city, Jan. 8, Miss Thompson, aged 23 years."

"In this city, Jan. 9, Mrs. Flora Thompson, wife of Albert Thompson."

"In this city, Jan. 10, Mrs. Mary Ann Scoggin, widow of the late Levi Scoggin, aged 78 years. She was a lifelong resident of Rising Sun, and was a woman of many good characteristics."

Everything I have is on the web. I do not have access to additional information

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