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-- Home For The Holidays --

Source for below:
The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Dec. 15, 1899 edition

'Coles Corner'
"Chas. Morris, who has been employed at New Carlisle, Ind. for the last several months, returned home Saturday. He reports a heavy snow in the northern part of the State."

-- Source for below:
The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Dec. 23, 1899 edition

"Mr. Harry Clark, traveling salesman, is spending a week here with his family and friends.
"Miss Fay Scott is home from Cincinnati, where she has been employed in a wholesale millinery store."
"Mr. Harry G. Matson, of the U.S. revenue office, Lawrenceburg, spent Sunday here with the home folks."
"Miss Emma Buchanan, teacher in the Lafayette High School, is home for a week's visit with relatives and friends."
"Messrs. Burke Elfers and Hale Keeney, students in the Indiana University, are home for the holiday vacation."
"Miss Alma Downey, who is attending Hamilton College, Lexington, Ky., arrived home Friday evening for the holiday vacation."
"Mr. L.S. Tibbals, traveling salesman for a wholesale drug house of Louisville, is here to spend the holidays with his family and friends."
"Mrs. W.F. Stegemiller and daughter Miss Marguerite, left Friday for Lawrenceburg and Cincinnati, where they will spend the holidays with relatives."
"Dr. and Mrs. W.J. Sullivan and son, Master Russell, and Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Blades, of Covington, arrived Friday evening to spend the Christmas holidays with relatives and friends."
"Principal E.H. Gibbs and family will spend the holidays with his parents at Milltown, Ind."

--Source for below:
The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Dec. 29, 1899 edition

"Dr. James Corson was home from Indianapolis Thursday and Friday of this week."

"Grant Hemphill of Cincinnati was down visiting his parents this week."

"R.K. Bedgood is home from Lafayette for the holiday school vacation."

"John L. Davis of Greensburg was here this week visiting his parents."

Mrs. J.N. Jerman of Canaan, Ind., has been visiting her parents here."

"Harry Newman of Chicago is visiting his mother and children here."

"Emma Buchanan came home from Lafayette to spend holiday week."

"Emerett Calahan is home from Anderson, Ind., for the holidays."

"Estella Rodgers of Montgomery, Mo., is visiting relatives here."

"Hassie Overholt is spending holiday week here with her mother."

"Louis Heyn is home from Cincinnati, for a holiday vacation."

"Mr. Knapp spent Christmas with Cincinnati relatives."

"Essey Lotton is home from Springfield, O., for a visit."

"Hugh Perkins is home from college for the holidays."

"Wm. Scott is home for the holidays."

--Source for below:
The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Jan. 5, 1900 edition

"P.Y. Tumy, of Hartwell, Ohio was the guest of W.H. and J.W. Whitlock on Sunday and new year's day."

"Capt. Wm. Lostutter of Harvey, Ill., is visiting relatives here this week."

"John Lostutter, of Owensboro, Ky., has been visiting relatives here."

"Joseph Talbott is home from Champaign, Ill."

--Source for below:
The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Dec. 21, 1900 edition

"Lela Hall is home from New Paris, where she has been engaged in millinery trimming."

"Sarah Waldo is expected home about Christmas for the winter vacation."

--Source for below:
The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Dec. 28, 1900 edition

"Mrs. Harry Peck and baby spent the holidays with her parents in Jefferson county."

"Russell K. Bedgood is home from Lafayette during the holiday school vacation."

"Hugh Perkins is home to spend the holidays, from college at Terre Haute."

"Emma Buchanan is home from Lafayette, for the holiday school vacation."

Dr. Chas. L. Vanosdol of Dillsboro was a visitor here Tuesday."

"Sarah Waldo arrived home Christmas day from Delaware, Ohio."

"Hassie Overholt is home from Delhi, O., for the school vacation."

"Nettie Marble is at home for her mid-winter vacation."

"Cynthia Coles is at home from the State Capital."

"Albert Corson is home from Indianapolis."

"Horace Shaw came home on Christmas."

"Hale Keeney is home from college."

"Frank Stevenson is home from Scipio, Ind., for the holiday vacation."

"Alma Downey is home from Lexington, Ky., college, for the holidays."

Everything I have is on the web. I do not have access to additional information

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