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-- Turn of the Century --
Miscellaneous Items

The miscellaneous newspaper articles below will, hopefully, help us understand how our ancestors of the time lived. This page contains items concerning the people and places of Ohio County.

Source for below:
The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Dec. 15, 1899 edition

"The Ladies' Aid Society of Trinity M.E. Church and others met at the residence of Sylvester Gould, Indianapolis, December 7th, to celebrate the 67th(?) birthday of Grandma Gould, with well-filled baskets. The day was spent pleasantly quilting and doing other work for the benefit of the church, and all wished grandpa and grandma Gould many more happy birthdays. These old people formerly lived in Ohio county."

"John F. Althoff has purchased the store and real estate of John F. Vinap(?) at Bear Branch, to take possession the beginning of the farm year in 1900."

"J.W. Brook now has his sawmill located on the Thuermer farm for the winter campaign."

Source for below:
The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Dec. 23, 1899 edition

"Mrs. Hiram Fisk, who fell and broke her thigh some time ago, is very poorly, and it is doubtful whether she will recover from the injury."

"The glee and mandolin clubs of Indiana University left Bloomington Friday for their annual Christmas tour. Mr. Edward Wolfe Davis, of this city, is first tenor and also secretary of the club."

"Mr. W.H. Clark has purchased 25 feet next to the postoffice building on Main street from the Stewart estate. Mr. Clark expects to erect a modern two-story brick building which will be used for a confectionery and bakery."

"Mr. William Dugle and daughter, Miss Anna, were called to Blanchester, Ohio, last week by the serious illness of his brother."

"Mr. and Mrs. W.F. North and three children have moved here from Patriot and occupy Mrs. Baker's residence on West Main street."

"The large crowds that have thronged W.H. Clark's department store this week have been regaled with delightful music furnished by an Edison phonograph with horn attachment. Mr. Clark's enterprise in furnishing such choice entertainment for his customers is to be commended."

'School Notes'

"Miss Wade, teacher of room 2, has been sick this week and Miss Buchanan has been teaching her room."

Source for below:
The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Jan. 5, 1900 edition

"Robert Scott Thompson filed his bond and entered upon the duties of the office of County Treasurer January 1, 1900. He served satisfactorily as Recorder of the county, was an efficient public officer, and will no doubt serve as creditable in the new position assigned to him by the people."

"On Monday, William H. Elliott stepped down and out as Treasurer of Ohio county, after making a full and complete settlement with the county. Mr. Elliot has made an efficient, faithful and accommodating public officer, and retires with the confidence and respect of all our citizens.
Mr. Elliott has been chosen president of the new bank, and will divide his time between the bank duties and watching the boys at the store of Elliott and Clark."

"The remainder of the family of Dr. R.G. Simpson will be leave Rising Sun in a short time to join their father in Southern California."

"Roy Lemmon broke his arm near his wrist while skating Monday."

"List of Letters remaining uncalled for in the Post Office, at Rising Sun, Ind., Jan. 4, 1900: James Clark, Ada Elklor, L. House. Persons calling for above please ask for advertised letters."

Source for below:
The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Jan. 12, 1900 edition

"M.F. Morrison is building a carriage and repair shop on the corner of Walnut and Fifth streets."

"P.T. Hartford will make some improvements in the building on Main street, equiping it for a public hall, with stage fixtures for shows, after it is vacated by Heyn & Bro."

"Dr. John Elfers has been very sick."

"Mrs. Levi Scoggin is very feeble."

"Wm. Collins has been very sick."

"Mildren Woodburn has moved into the Nelson property, just above Anderson's confectionery."

"William H. Elliott has sold his interest in the Elliott & Clark grocery to Jacob Myers, of near this city."

Source for below:
The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Dec. 21, 1900 edition

"Roy Pate, formerly of this city, is employed as salesman with Mabley and Carew, Cincinnati."

'Golden Wedding'

"Sylvester Gould and wife celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage at Indianapolis December 15, 1900. Sylvester Gould and Rebecca J. Vanosdol were married in Ohio county; they removed to Osgood, later to Columbus, and eleven years ago moved to Indianapolis. He is 73 years of age, and she is 68. Mrs. Gould's mother is still living, aged 93 years, at the old homestead in Ohio county, in good health for one of her age. Their five children and eight grand-children were present, together with other relatives from a distance, and the day and evening was spent very pleasantly, and many handsome presents were given the happy couple."

Source for below:
The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Dec. 28, 1900 edition

"Macie Withrow, Dillsboro, Dec., 26, attempted to commit suicide by shooting herself in the temple, and will probably die."

"Mary Toohy of the telephone exchange is sick at her home on Fourth street."

"City Council, December 26, all present except the Mayor. S.M. Seward was selected to preside for the evening. The following bills were allowed, viz: Cecil Hewitt, putting in coal....$.25; Ross Harwood, lettering signs....$1.00; Standard Oil Co., gasoline....$18.65; W.R. Dorrel, night watchman....$4.00; George Durbin, street work....$1.25; Henry Durbin, street work....$7.50. Total allowances....$32.65

Dr. George A. Stevenson was re-elected Secretary of the City Board of Health by a unanimous vote, there being no other candidate. It was decided to lease a gravel pit for ten years, at a cost of $150.00 for the term, the Mayor to draw up the necessary papers."

Source for below:
The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Jan. 11, 1901 edition

"Edward E. North and family have removed to this city from Patriot, and occupy a part of Mrs. Barbour's residence on High street."

"John Huff and family are moving today from their residence on Front street to a farm just below Patriot."

"Miss M.K. Giles, the expert photographer, is visiting relatives in Owen county, Ky."

This page was created and information compiled by Kathleen Esposito
© 2000 Kathleen Esposito
All rights reserved

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