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-- Turn of the Century --
Miscellaneous Items

Source for below:
The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Dec. 15, 1899 edition


"The wonders of the long distance telephone are almost beyond belief. Recently the force in the Advertiser office, Montgomery, Ala., was enabled to hear some songs from Indianapolis, 700 miles distant, as plain as if in a hall. "The Telephone Girl," "Georgia Camp Meeting," and good night, thanks, etc., from Mobile, Memphis, and other places."

"One hundred years ago--December 14, 1799--George Washington died--bled to death for a cold!"

Source for below:
The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Dec. 23, 1899 edition


"Cranberries, dried California peaches and apples; sweet potatoes, raisins, currants, and everyghing that goes to make up a nice Christmas dinner at Bradford's court house grocery."

"Nuts, oranges, bananas, apples and other good things for Christmas at Bradford's court house grocery."


"The barber shops were open last Sunday, the first time for several years, although it has been no trouble to get a shave on Sunday at any of the shops during the past year."

"The roads along the line of the new pikes are in a miserable condition. Piles of stone are heaped up in the middle of the road which makes it dangerous for travel. This state of affairs has driven trade away from Rising Sun that rightfully belongs here. Some restrictions should have been put on the contractor."

River and Steamboat Items...

"After reaching a 25 foot stage the river began falling Wednesday."

"Capt. Chas. Owens was on the State of Kansas when she burned."

"Another big rise in the river is reported at the headwaters of the Ohio."

"Mr. Fred Peyton, one of the most popular clerks on the river, is now head clerk on the Buckeye State."

Source for below:
The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Dec. 29, 1899 edition

"On Tuesday 1000 pounds of tabacco was delivered in Rising Sun from Cleves, Ohio."

"While Mr. Foulk is with us, we will make a splendid offer for ten days only, beginning January 1st and ending January 10, 1900. We give you absolutely free one 10 by 20 Platinotype with each order of one dozen Cabinets. Kelso Photograph Gallery, two doors above Anderson's Confectionery."

"D.K. Walton will until New Years day, 1900, make one Imperial Cabinet Photograph of any person of school age and over for the small price of 25 cents."

The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Jan. 5, 1900 edition

'River and Steamboat Items...

"The steamboat W. F. Nesbit was sunk some distance above Cincinnati--a large field of floating ice cutting a hole forty feet long in her hull. No loss of life or freight. She will be raised when the river falls.

'Men's Advantage in Clothing'...

"To assert that men dress better than women is probably to most persons an unorthodox claim," writes Mary Wagar-Fisher. "Their dress is more rational, more in harmony with the outlines of the body, and more in abeyance to its importance and needs. It is free from the bows and loops, the flounces and ruffles, and the countless trivial furbelows and impertiences that give to women's attire a 'spotty' confused appearance, breaking up and spoiling the effect of unity.

"Men's feet are always better dressed than women's, because for one thing they are more in evidence, and they are far less distorted in shape, because their shoes more nearly conform to the natural shape of the foot. The tailor, it is true, often builds up his man, but it is in the direction of symmetry, of good proportion, while the dresmaker, as a rule, hasn't an eyelash for anything more than fashion, which, to her mind, is 'style,' and nothing is too hideous, too inartistic, to be worn if it only be 'fashionable.'"

Best Selling Books...

"The January number of Bookman gives the following six books as the best selling ones during the month of December: Mr. Ford's "Janice Meredith," Winston Churchill's "Richard Carvel," Mr. Major's "When Knighthood Was in Flower," Mr. Westcott's "David Harum," Marion Crawford's "Via Crucis," and Mr. Dunne's latest volume on "Dooley." These are all American books and four of them are historical romances."

The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Jan. 11, 1901 edition

"The State, county and city tax in Rising Sun is $2.20 on each $100, and $2.00 on each poll."
Continued on Page 2 .........

This page was created and information compiled by Kathleen Esposito
© 2000 Kathleen Esposito
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