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-- Turn of the Century --
Societies and Organizations

Source for below:
The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Dec. 23, 1899 edition

"The Epworth League elected officers Thursday night for the ensuing six months as follows: President, E.V. Newman; first vice president, Myra Hayman; second, Flora Ricketts; third, Gertrude Marble; fourth, Mabel Lynn; secretary, Emma Kemp; treasurer, Ellen Stewart; organist, Frankie Clora."
"Rising Sun Lodge No. 6, A.F. & A.M. elected officers Monday evening for the ensuing year as follows: Chas. B. Matson, W.M.; J.T. Whitmore, S.W.; H. Stewart Espey, J.W.; John W. Gary, Treasurer; Will W. Williams, Secretary; Geo. B. Gibson, W.H. Elliott and Isaac Heyn, Trustees.

Source for below:
The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Dec. 29, 1899 edition

"Officers elect of Friendship Lodge, No. 4, I.O.O.F.: Clarence Hedgood, Noble Grand; W.H. Anderson, Vice Grand; J.W. Gary, Treasurer; D.K. Walton, Secretary; G.B. Gibson, Trustee; Wm. Sholey, Representative to Grand Lodge."
"Officers elect of Rising Sun Lodge, F. & A.M., for 1900: W.M., C.B. Matson; Wardens, J.T. Whitlock and H.S. Espey; Treasurer, J.W. Gary; Secretary, W.W. Williams; Trustees, W.W.H. Elliott, G.B.Gibson and Isaac Heyn."
"Officers elect of Rising Sun Lodge, No. 404, I.O.O.F.; R.L. Thieband, Noble Grand; William Jarvis, Vice Grand; William Riggs, Secretary; Oscar Jones, Treasurer; George Gibbs, Trustee."
"Epworth League, Rising Sun officers for 1900: E.V. Newman, president; vice presidents Myra Hayman, Flora Ricketts, Gertrude Marble, Mabel Lynn; Emma Kemp, secretary; Ellen Stewart, treasurer."

Source for below:
The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Jan. 5, 1900 edition

"Officers elect of Home Lodge, No. 132, K. of P.: Chancellor Commander, R.S. Thompson; Vice Chancellor, R.G. Bennett; Prelate, Chas. E. Kelso; Master at Arms, Thomas A. Bennett; Inner Guard, William Toohy; Outer Guard, Sherman Clark; Keeper of Records and Seals, Albert B. Cooper; Master of Finance, J.D. Ward; Master of Exchequer, William H. Johnson; Trustee, William R. Cofield; Representative to Grand Lodge, R.W. Fugitt."
"The Grand Lodge of the order of I.O.A., is at Aberdeen, Ohio county."

Source for below:
The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Dec. 28, 1900 edition

"Officers elect of Eldridge Encampment, No. 27, I.O.O.F.: C.P., John K. Corson; S.W., Wm. Sholey; H.P., M.J. Seward; J.W., Geo. W. Gibbs; Scribe, Wm. C. Riggs; Treasurer, J.W. Gary."
"Officers elect of Friendship Lodge, No. 4, I.O.O.F.: N.G., Wm. Scholey; V.G., B.F. Buchanan; Secretary, S.H. Stewart; Treas'r, J.W. Gary; Rep., Wm. H. Anderson; Trustee, Morris J. Seward."
"Officers of Rising Sun Lodge, No. 6, F. & A.M., for the new year: W.M., J.W. Gary; S.W., J.T. Whitlock; J.W., H.S. Espey; T., W.H. Clark; S., W.W. Williams; Trustees-W.H. Elliott, Allen Baker, J.K. Corsop."
"The following officers were elected in I.O.O.F. Lodge, No. 404, Wednesday night for the coming year: Noble Grand, Alex. Williamson; Vice Grand, Lee Collins; Secr'y, William C. Riggs: Treasurer, Oscar Jones; Trustee, Ed. Bloss."

--Source for below:
The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Jan. 11, 1901 edition

"The public installation of officers of Lodge No. 8 Monday night was a pleasant affair, enlivened by music, after which a lunch was spread by the lady friends of the Order, and somehow rapidly disappeared-the right way. A number of the I.O.A.'s from Lodge No. 9 came down."
"Officers of Ben North Post, W.R.C.: President, Fanay A. Coles; vice-presidents--Eliza J. Scoggin, Mary A. Fischer; secretary, Harriet Hannberg; treasurer, Belle H. Lemmon; chaplain, Albertine Thompson; conductor, Martha Williamson; guard, Elizabeth Lemmon; assistant guard, Kate Campbel."

This page was created and information compiled by Kathleen Esposito
© 2000 Kathleen Esposito
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