Death of Roger M. Hagerman July 20, 1944
Source: Round Lake Graphic, Round Lake , Nobles County , Minnesota . Thursday, July 20, 1944. Pg. 1.Pvt. Roger M. Hagerman Killed in Action in New Guinea Monday, July 3rd

Submitted by: Colleen Fury Boose
- Notification of His Death Received by His Parents Here Tuesday.
One of the First to Enter Service Here, His is the First Death Reported.
Brewster lost the first of splendid young men in the service of their country, Pvt. Roger HAGERMAN, a member of the U.S. army, according to a telegraph message from the war department received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James L. HAGERMAN, Tuesday morning. The message stated that he had been killed in action in New Guinea , July3, and that other information, if available, will be given Mr. and Mrs. HAGERMAN by letter from Washington .
Roger, who was 27 years old was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. HAGERMAN. He was married to the former Ruth JOHNSON in Worthington November 19, 194(sic). They have one child, Karen Ruth, born May 29 of this year. Both wife and daughter are residing with Mrs. Hagerman'’ mother, Mrs. Caroline JOHNSON, at Worthington . A brother, Millard is at home here.
Roger was one of the first from this community to enter the armed forces, leaving here in June, 1941, for induction into the army with Harris NELSON, son of Mrs. Mary NELSON of this city. Aln(sic) throughout their training period Roger and Harris have been in the same camp, and were (sic) together in New Guinea , according to recent letters and pictures received by the two families.
He received his basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. September of last year he went into training in Hawaii for jungle warfare, going to New Guinea January of this year.
Roger attended Brewster high school, and was employed at a filling station before entering the service.
The last word received by family here were two letters received last Saturday, One, sent to his brother, Millard, was dated June 30th, and the other to his mother was dated June 28th.
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