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Church and Cemeteries...
Church's and Cemeteries of Carroll County, Mississippi |
Drake Burying
Location: On
land now owned by Rev. Norris Corley. From McCarley go east along C & G
railroad track for about one mile. To the north on hillside pasture stands on
very tall cedar. This lone tree marks the Drake burial ground. Once old red
cedars marked a number of graves but were cut by Mr. Corley before being told by
Mr. Cass Howard (1899- 1972) that they marked burial places of members of the
Drake families. We submit as further proof, the following: Years ago Mr. Will
Neill told me that his Drake ancestors were buried on the family property east
of McCarley. Carroll County Land Deed records show this area patented by the
Drakes from the US Government in 1836 and W.F. Hamilton in his account of
Carroll Co. families says that Col. Joseph Drake, on returning from the War
Between the States, settled on his plantation east of Carrollton and died there.
There are no usual markers.
Submitted by:
Ethel Bibus (Mrs. L.H.) on Sept. 2, 1985.
Printed with permission from the Carroll County Cemetery book
by Ethel Bibus. If you are interested in further information about the people
buried in any of these cemeteries, you can purchase the Carroll County Cemetery book
through Pioneer Publishing Co., P.O. Box 408, Carrollton,
Mississippi 38917. Be sure and tell them you heard about the book through the
Carroll County, MSGenWeb site!
If you have
additional information to add to this page, please let me know and we will post
it here.
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Carroll County

I am
John Hansen,
volunteer County Coordinator for Carroll County, Mississippi. I have
family lines from here and hence my interest in establishing as much
information as possible on early Carroll County History.
Web Site:
Carroll County, Mississippi Genealogical and Historical Web Site was brought
online in 1998, and is sponsored by the
MSGenWeb Project,
a part of the
USGenWeb Project.
This website has been developed to provide research and family history
resources for Carroll County, Mississippi ancestry.
New resources are added as made available, so check back often for new