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Church and Cemeteries...
Church's and Cemeteries of Carroll County, Mississippi |
Old Liberty Cemetery
This cemetery is also known as Lott Cemetery.

Indexed Jul 7, 2000 by Robert L. Heath.
Berry Ambrose
Born 1818
Died February 28, 1858
Elizabeth Ambrose
Born 1786
Died May 16, 1856
B.G. Beck
Co G, 5 Miss Cav, C.S.A.
no dates
Jacob W. Corley
Co I, 3 Miss Regt, C.S.A.
Willie D. Chambley
Born February 28, 1876
Died November 10, 1962
In God we trust
George Lake DeLoach Sr.
Born January 29, l881
Died January 3, 1974
Resting his work is finished
Mary Ida DeLoach
Born October 11, 1858
Died January 17, 1929
Gone to God to rest forever more
William Arnold DeLoach
Born December 8, 1932
Died March 5, 1996
Gone but not forgotten
Son of M. G. and S. Ford
Born March 25, 1854
Died January 8, 1855
Daughter of M. G. and S. Ford
Born August 13, 1852
Died January 14, 1858
Prentice Lemley
no dates
Sudie Lemley
no dates
Aaron Lott
Born January 14, 1779
Died July 12, 1856
He joined the Baptist Church
Martha Lott
Born in the year 1779
Died February 7, 1856
Joined the Baptist Church 1826
Andrew Lott
Born January 7, 1827 in S.C.
Jane Russell Born 1832 in S.C.
Some day we shall be together in a better home never to be parted again
Allice W.
Daughter of D.D. and M.E. Loden
Born January 1, 1822
Died February 3, 1827
W. M. Misskelley
Born October 15, 1838
Died May 5, 1923
A friend to his Country and a believer in Christ (Foot marker)
W. N. Misskelly
Co. B, 34 Miss Inf, C.S.A.
no dates
Margaret Misskelly
Consort of W.N. Misskelly
Born June 5, 1840
Died September 2, 1875
She was a kind and affectionate wife-a fond Mother and a friend to all
Mary Ann Jane, his wife
Born January 1, 1848
Note by g-grandson Robert L. Heath: Mary Ann Lott Holland (not Mary Ann Jane) was W.N. Misskelley second wife. Her first husband was Newton Holland who died in 1872. Mary Ann Lott Holland Misskelley died about 1926.
Two grave widths to the left of W.N. Misskelley’s marker is a foot stone with M.A.M.
Please note: The tombstones for the O’Neal family or families cannot be read with any accuracy, many are broken dates, names and etc. cannot be read. Also some markers have O"Neal, Oneal, ONeal
Silas M Oneal
Born November 25, 182?
Died September 15, 185?
Aged 31 yrs 9 mos 20 days
Silas Oneal
Died August 23, 1855
Aged about 36 years
Mary, Wife of S. O’Neal
Died December 23, 1849
Aged about 70 years
Miller A. Oneal
Marker broken and unreadable
Francis J., Daughter of Oneal
Born September 15, 184?
Died March 5, 1853
Age 15 yrs 3 mos 15 days
ASAE, Son of Eli and Elizabeth Oneal
Born December 17, 1838
Died January 18, 1864
Barney J., Son of Eli and E. Oneal
Born January 27, 1828
Died May 21, 1847
Hangfero N., Son of Eli and Elizabeth O’Neal
Born January 5, 1841
Died May 12, ?
George R., Son of Eli and E. Oneal
Born March 6, 1936
September 23, 1855
His left hand is under my head and his right hand doth embrace me
William, Son of Eli and E. Oneal
Born February 13, 1824
Died 185?
Neice Richmond
no dates
Matthew Richmond
Co A, 42 Miss Inf, C.S.A.
no dates
George W. Wiggins
Born in Edgecomb Co. N.C. Nov 12, 1828
Died October 22, 1855
Aged 26 yrs 11 mos 10 days
Mary Davinson
Infant Daughter of S. C. Williams
Born April 24, 1854
Died January 18, 1855
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Carroll County

I am
John Hansen,
volunteer County Coordinator for Carroll County, Mississippi. I have
family lines from here and hence my interest in establishing as much
information as possible on early Carroll County History.
Web Site:
Carroll County, Mississippi Genealogical and Historical Web Site was brought
online in 1998, and is sponsored by the
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This website has been developed to provide research and family history
resources for Carroll County, Mississippi ancestry.
New resources are added as made available, so check back often for new