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Church and Cemeteries...
Church's and Cemeteries of Carroll County, Mississippi |
Sidon Cemetery - LeFlore
Location: Adjacent to Hwy 49E at Sidon, Miss., approximately 7 miles south of Greenwood, Miss.
Copied by: Anne Laura Ward McPherson (Mrs. Perry G.), Sidon, Miss., on Oct. 21,
This is an index
of this cemetery printed with permission from the Carroll County Cemetery book
by Ethel Bibus. If you are interested in further information about the people
buried in this cemetery, you can purchase the Carroll County Cemetery book
through Pioneer Publishing Co., P.O. Box 408, Carrollton,
Mississippi 38917. Be sure and tell them you heard about the book through the
Carroll County, MSGenWeb site!
If you have
additional information to add to this page, please let me know and we will post
it here.
Elva Willard Alford
Thamie M. Allen
Jennie Allen
Amos W. Allen
Mosel Allen
A.J. Allen
Sallie Jones Allen
Mary Ella Allen
Edwin Walter August Amelung
George Byron Barefoot
Ed Barefoot
Wayne Dean Barefoot
Arlando Barefoot
Lee A. Bennett
John Thomas Berberetta
Robert Blanchard
Mary Alice Blanchard
Maggie Blanchard
Fannie Blanchard
Ronald O. Blanchard
Lewis U. Boone
Mrs. M.B. Bowers
Maggie Bowers
John Bowers
George Franklin Bowers
Katie Elma Bowers
Robert Earl Bowers
Audley W. Branch
Mary M. Branch
Jesse Bryan Brown
Jesse Bryan Brown, Jr.
Mary W. Brown
Bennie Stricklin Brown
Grady Brown
Lillian Brown
Dewey T. Brown
Solon Irvin Brown
Lily Bell Brown
John Warren Carnley
Georgia A. Carter
Sammie R. Carter
Tom Smith Carter
James A. Carter
William S. Chatham
Charles A. Christensen
Peter Christensen
Albert T. Christensen
Audolph David Christensen
William J. Christensen
Helen Carter Christensen
Ollie Price Clark
Medora Stanard Clark
Paul W. Clay, Jr.
James D. Cooksey
Lucille B. Cooksey
Grady Smith DeFoore
Gray G. DeFoore
S.A. DeFoore
G.A. DeFoore
Etta DeFoore
Dixie Dicken
Allie Dicken
Ethel Campbell Elliott
Myrle Evans
Edward W. Evans
Agustus L. Ezell
Alice Ezell
Ida A. Findley
David Thomas Findley
Wilford Gaines
Harriet T. Garaway
Lucy George
Charles E. Gray
Charles E. Gray, Jr.
Tommy T. Hall
Anna Marie Hall
Thomas R. Hall
Alma Hill Hargrove
Thomas H. Hargrove
H.H. Harrell
Peggy Marie Harris
Dr. Jerone L. Harrison
Laura B. Harrison
May Hendricks Hatch
Asa Jones Hatch
W.W. Hatch
John B. Hathcock
John B. Hathcock
Esther F. Hathcock
Lula White Haynie
George L. Haynie
William S. Hendricks
Minnie Wiggins Hendricks
Irvin Lee Hendricks
D.T. Hill
C. Elizabeth Hill
Joe Franklin Hill
Ollie Lee Hill
Charles Holmes
Curtis Hopson
George C. Jackson
Charles R. Jarman
Louise G. Jarman
Joseph P. Jarman
Walter Jayness
Charley C. Johnson
J.D. Johnson
Gordon E. Jones
Julia Mounger Jones
Eugene B. Jones
Mattie Emma Dunning Jones
John Denmark Kelley
Dr. T.C. Kelley
Robert E. Kelley
Mabel E. Kelley
J.E. Kendall
Emma Kersh
J.L. Kersh
Walter P. Kersh
Bennye Kersh
Edward Kersh
Lamar Ryan King
Edna Smith King
Fred L. Lavender
Sarah Frances Lavender
F.W. Lavender
J.B. Lee
Pearl Lee
John E. Lindsey
Gertrude A. Lindsey
Thomas J. Lindsey
Lottie Lipe Lindsey
Thomas J. Lindsey
Stephen Roy Loper
Sam C. Loper
Gertrude T. Loper
Gladys Marie
Suzann Marie
Mildred M. Marshall
Frank Edwin Marshall
Mary W. McCormick
W.S. McCormick
J.E. McCormick
J.B. McCormick
Royce C. McKay
Mattie J. McKay
Doyle Ray McKay
Ola Lee McMath
John W. McMath
Mary Tommie McMillan
Joseph G. Melton
Michael Glenn Miller
Donald M. Miller
Donnie P. Miller
Louise Gray Morgan
Harvey Herbert Morgan
Martha Thompson Murrell
John Jones Nabors
Thomas R.C. Nabors
Alpha W. Niven
Thomas J. Niven
Bessie Niven
Nuet O'Bryant
Luella Orre
Allen Sharkey Pate
Volena Peckinpaugh
William Sid Peebles
Lucille T. Peebles
Claire Pauline Peebles
Eugen Frank Pentecost
George W. Pentecost
Emma F. Pentecost
Albert N. Pentecost
Ronal Earl Pigg
Ida Otto Pike
Steve E. Pike
Mable May Pike
Robert E. Pike
Lee Pike
Lottie Pike
Margaret Jane Pike
J.A. Pike
Steve E. Pike
Nancy Pike
Oliver Whitford Price
R.C. Price
John Randolph Prophet
Lillie W. Prophet
Robert Martin Prophet
Walter Richmond Prophet
Robert Frank Prophet
Marion Prophet
William A. Prophet
Nola Prophet
Mrs. I.E. Prophet
Stuart Prophet
Lewis C. Prophet
Annie DeFoore Prophet
N.H. Pruett
Ethel Pruett
J.M. Ricks
J.S. Robinson
Alfred B. Robinson
W.R. Robinson
Alfred Robinson
Irene Robinson
Mary Catherine Rosamond
Florence O'Bryant Rushing
Nannie Bell Sanders
J. Stanny Sanders
Maude L. Sanders
Kenneth Mack Scott
Clara Shivers
Walter Clark Simpson
Mary Frances DeFoore Simpson
Ocie Ola Smith
Ocie Brown Smith
Hattie Lee Smith
Ann Judson Smith
Willie V. Smith
Sallie D. Smith
G.L. Smith
Frank Smith
Thomas Holton Smith
Edna Fife Smith
Sadie Kathleen Ellis Smith Spencer
Willie McMath Stephenson
Richard Stephenson
Maggie Stone Stephenson
Dora DeFoore Stevenson
Andrew T. Stevenson
Robert Henry Swanzy
J.M. Swanzy
Willie May Swanzy
Minnie Duke Swanzy
Lisa Ann Swindle
Wyatt F. Swindle
Tommie H. Timberlake
Maude O'Bryant Thompson
Thomas Monroe Thompson
Floyd C. Thompson
Thomas M. Thompson
Almer Monroe Thompson
Andrew J. Towery
Mary C. Towery
Howard A. Trapp
Chloris F. Trapp
John Earl Vest
Floyd L. Vest
Mary Vonworbt
Lulugene Jones Walker
Joseph Marian Watt
Alto Irvin Watt
Lizzie Lavender White
Edward Jackson White
Mary M. White
Mary M. White
Charliette White
Ethel L. White
Lucy Luckett Whitehead
Joseph J. Wiggins
Pearlie Wiggins
Clyde Wiggins
George W. Wilburn
Luther S. Wood
Alice Hatch Wood
not finished 243
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Carroll County

I am
John Hansen,
volunteer County Coordinator for Carroll County, Mississippi. I have
family lines from here and hence my interest in establishing as much
information as possible on early Carroll County History.
Web Site:
Carroll County, Mississippi Genealogical and Historical Web Site was brought
online in 1998, and is sponsored by the
MSGenWeb Project,
a part of the
USGenWeb Project.
This website has been developed to provide research and family history
resources for Carroll County, Mississippi ancestry.
New resources are added as made available, so check back often for new