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Church and Cemeteries...
Church's and Cemeteries of Carroll County, Mississippi |
Teoc Presbyterian
Church Cemetery
(also called Malmaison or White Church Cemetery)
Location: Leave Carrollton Courthouse
on Hwy. 35, go north about 4 miles. Take first left on gravel road. Go 5 or 6
miles. Church & cemetery on south side of road. Signal tower will be in
sight. Sign says "Teoc Presbyterian". Sec. 5, Tnsp. 19, R 3 E.
Copied by: Laurence & Ethel Bibus on Feb. 28, 1981 and May 10, 1981.
This is an index
of this cemetery printed with permission from the Carroll County Cemetery book
by Ethel Bibus. If you are interested in further information about the people
buried in this cemetery, you can purchase the Carroll County Cemetery book
through Pioneer Publishing Co., P.O. Box 408, Carrollton,
Mississippi 38917. Be sure and tell them you heard about the book through the
Carroll County, MSGenWeb site!
If you have
additional information to add to this page, please let me know and we will post
it here.
Betty Anne Beam
Francis M. Beam
Acy Allen Blount
Milton D. Blount
George W. Blount
Vallon Mabry Blount
William C. Carpenter
Mattie L. Carpenter
Katie Chapman
Nannie Chapman
Mary J. Chapman
James Henderson Chapman
Thomas Chapman
Charles D. Clolinger
Annie Daniels
William Oliver Denton
Willie R. Blount Dunn
Johnnie H. Dunn
Samuel N. Gray
John Leflore Green
Marvin Council Goff
Lillie M. Thornburg Gwaltney
Mary A. Harbin
Hubert A. Heffner
Delma R. Heffner
Glenda Dean Heffner
Sam H. Heffner
Allie O. Heffner
Arlee Heffner
Herschel L. Henderson
B.H. Hughes
Mary R. Hughes
James Dennis Hughes
Robbie Hughes
Iva Pauline Hughes
Dottie Grace Hughes
Richard S. Hughes
Annie Florence Meeks Hughes
Noble Harold Jackson
Emma Beatrice Jackson
Arthur L. Jackson
Mary Feaky Jackson
James A. Jackson
Willie Elton Jenkins
Linda Kent
Irvin Arnold Kent
Daisy Knight
Sarah Drucilla Meeks
David Russell Meeks
Winnie Meeks
Olive L. Meeks
Markus L. Meeks
Billie Huntley Meeks
Sarah Elizabeth Meeks
Wm. Rayner Meeks
Iler P. Meeks
William B. Meeks
Mildred Cole Meeks
Robert Lee Meeks
Viola W. Meeks
Arney H. Meeks
Sue Terney Meeks
Marcus Temple Meeks
Lily Virginia Meeks
Willie Louise Williford Mullen
Rhett Oliver Murphy
Maggie Lee Odom
Myrtle H. Parham
John E. Parham
Hazel Catherine Parham
Christopher James Parsons
Flora Bell Pope
Lillian Frances Randall
Viola Rouse
Vivian Dunn Smith
David E. Smith, Sr.
E.F. Taylor
Ora Thompson
E.G. Thompson
William P. Thornburg
Ludie M. Thornburg
Charles Conrad Williford
David Earl Williford
Pink H. Williford
Earl Southworth Williford
Kittie L. Williford
John Henry Williford
William Joseph Williford
Bessie Williford
Martha A. Williford
Ludie B. Williford
J.V. Williford
Percy M. Williford
Robert Newton Williford
Sallie Erwin Williford
Edward Lee Williford
Hattie L. Williford
Martha Inez Williford
Paul C. Williford
J.A. Williford
Jimmie E. Kent Williford
Alice Williford
Alice B. Willhite
George W. Willhite
Cora T. Willhite
James L. Willhite
Lucille H. Weeks
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Carroll County

I am
John Hansen,
volunteer County Coordinator for Carroll County, Mississippi. I have
family lines from here and hence my interest in establishing as much
information as possible on early Carroll County History.
Web Site:
Carroll County, Mississippi Genealogical and Historical Web Site was brought
online in 1998, and is sponsored by the
MSGenWeb Project,
a part of the
USGenWeb Project.
This website has been developed to provide research and family history
resources for Carroll County, Mississippi ancestry.
New resources are added as made available, so check back often for new