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Church and Cemeteries...
Church's and Cemeteries of Carroll County, Mississippi |
Wilson-Wade Cemetery

All the headstones, except Walter Wilson Wade, are missing. Roscoe Wilson Cox, and others who had seen the headstones in the past, identified the location and said that there were about fifteen headstones. Indentations in the ground further confirmed the location of it.
The dates below are from Family records.
Fannie Wilson
no dates
Thompson Wilson
Nov. 1863
Walter Wilson Wade
Apr. 16, 1870
Jul. 8, 1872
H. S. Wilson
no dates
Mary Dye Land
no dates
Lawrence T. Wilson
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Carroll County

I am
John Hansen,
volunteer County Coordinator for Carroll County, Mississippi. I have
family lines from here and hence my interest in establishing as much
information as possible on early Carroll County History.
Web Site:
Carroll County, Mississippi Genealogical and Historical Web Site was brought
online in 1998, and is sponsored by the
MSGenWeb Project,
a part of the
USGenWeb Project.
This website has been developed to provide research and family history
resources for Carroll County, Mississippi ancestry.
New resources are added as made available, so check back often for new