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Pioneers of Carroll County
Francis Asbury Eubanks

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His name was Francis Asbury Eubanks.
All I know is that he died when my Great Grandfather, Bicknell Thomas Eubanks b.
March 14 1876 Aberdeen MS(?) was very young. I'm assuming he was born around
1841-44 because I've been told Francis was about 35 when he died and his wife
ran a boarding house in Aberdeen after his death. I also know that he fought in
the Civil War and
this is the info I have collected on that:
Search Results
Search Terms: EUBANKS (598), FRANCIS (39624)
Database: Civil War Muster Rolls
Combined Matches: 1
Surname Given Name Middle Initial Company Unit Rank - Induction Rank -
Discharge Notes Box # Extraction # Record #
Eubanks Francis A. E 1 Battalion (Miller's) Mississippi Cavalry. Private
Private 000232 0012 00002845
Viewing records 1-1 of 1
First Mississippi Cavalry Battalion
The following information is taken directly from Units of the Confederate States
Army by Joseph H. Crute, Jr. Published
by Derwent Books; Midlothian, Virginia. (c)1987.
1st Cavalry Battalion was formed during the summer of 1861 and served in the
Western Department and the Army of the Mississippi. It took an active part in
the fight at Belmont, then on April 2, 1862 merged into Lindsay's Mississippi
Cavalry Regiment. Lieutenant Colonel John H. Miller and Major D. C. Herndon were
in command.
Look at 1st Bn,Miss. Sharp Shooters (Lindsey'/Pinion's) and Miller's in the
above link.
The reason I am e-mailing you is a lot of the men in his Battalion were supposed
to be from Carroll County. I've also collected some info on the census files
that point a Francis Eubank/ Eubanks as well as a Frank Eubank/Eubanks in
Carroll County. But some how none of the dates seem to match up. Here is the
stuff I found in Census info:
Search Terms: EUBANK (54), FRANCIS (2300)
Database: Mississippi Census, 1805-90
Combined Matches: 2
Year Surname Given Name (s) County State Page Township or Other Info Record
Type Database ID# 1850 EUBANK FRANCIS Carroll County MS pg#248 Southern Division
Federal Population Schedule MS 1850 Federal Census Index ID#MSS5a543805
1860 EUBANK FRANCIS Carroll County MS pg#287 Police Dist. 4 Slave schedule MS
1860 Slave Schedule ID# MS3188162
Year Surname Given Name (s) County State Page Township or Other Info Record
Type Database ID# 1870 EUBANKS FRANK Attala County MS 012 Kosciusko P.O. Federal
Population Schedule MS 1870 Federal Census Index MS31068446
1860 EUBANKS FRANK Carroll County MS 896 Vaiden Federal Population Schedule MS
1860 Federal Census Index MS54024531
Year Surname Given Name (s) County State Page Township or Other Info Record
Type Database ID# 1870 EUBANK FRANK Carroll County MS 536 Carrollton P.O.
Federal Population Schedule MS 1870 Federal Census Index MS31068422
Year Surname Given Name (s) County State Page Township or Other Info Record
Type Database ID# 1840 EUBANKS FRANCIS Carroll County MS 043 No Township Listed
Federal Population Schedule MS 1840 Federal Census Index MSS4a849270
1840 EUBANKS FRANCIS Carroll County MS 3 Federal Population Schedule
MS 1840 Federal Census Index MSS4a849267
1840 EUBANKS FRANCIS Carroll County MS 3 Federal Population Schedule
MS 1840 Federal Census Index MSS4a849271
1841 EUBANKS FRANCIS Carroll County MS No Township Listed
MS 1841 State Census Index MSS4a849269
1845 EUBANKS FRANCIS Carroll County MS No Township Listed
MS 1845 State Census Index MSS4a849268
1870 EUBANKS FRANCIS Carroll County MS 555 Carrollton P.O. Federal Population
Schedule MS 1870 Federal Census Index MS31068445
I really don't know where else to go from here. I think I've given you most of
the pertinent information. Please let me know if you have any questions or if
you can help me in any way. Thanks!
Valerie Anne Eubanks
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Carroll County

I am
John Hansen,
volunteer County Coordinator for Carroll County, Mississippi. I have
family lines from here and hence my interest in establishing as much
information as possible on early Carroll County History.
Web Site:
Carroll County, Mississippi Genealogical and Historical Web Site was brought
online in 1998, and is sponsored by the
MSGenWeb Project,
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USGenWeb Project.
This website has been developed to provide research and family history
resources for Carroll County, Mississippi ancestry.
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