North Dakota


(Picture By Carolyn Duemig)

See the Notes below concerning
the Old St. John's Catholic Cemetery and various St. Mary's cemeteries.

View Old St Mary Cemetery in a Larger Map
(This is general area where this cemetery is identified. See Notes below.)

Ronald Kremer Cemetery Transcriptions
St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery Abandoned
Old St. John's Catholic Cemetery

Transcriptions At FindAGrave.com

(June 2011) It's possible there are three cemeteries with Saint Mary in the name. One is located at the south end of 4th Street North in Hague. The sign is "ST MARY CEMETERY". It is referenced in "Kremer Transcriptions" as St. Mary's Catholic, at findagrave.com as Saint Marys and referenced on this website as St. Mary.

Another St. Marys is identified in contemporary maps as St. Marys and is found directly west of Hague at the intersection of 96th Street, SE and 17th Avenue SE. On findagrave.com this is identified as Old Saint Marys. This is on this website as Old St. Mary.

It is quite possible there is a third cemetery (not physically found by this writer) with two names or they/it could be the same as Old St. Mary above. "Kremer Transcriptions" lists a St. Mary's Catholic Abandoned but also identifies some of the same burials as being in Old St. John's Catholic Cemetery; however, they are identified as being in two different locations; St. Mary's in Township 129 and Old St. John's in Township 130. In both cases the locations appear to be in the same area as the above Old St. Mary. Kremer lists Old St. John's as recorded by Phyllis Hertz Feser in 1980. He lists St. Mary's Catholic Abandoned as recorded by him in 1992. The German-Russian Heritage Society indicates this cemetery is Old St. John's Cemetery. This writer highly suspects that Old St. Mary, St. Mary's Catholic Abandoned, and Old St. John's are all the same cemetery. Until someone has the ability to walk these cemeteries, record burials, and compare burials this writer will maintain three cemeteries on this website with the third cemetery identified as Old St. John's Catholic Cemetery.

NDGenWeb Emmons County, North Dakota

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