Kidder County

1900 Biography - Beecher Allen

BEECHER ALLEN, county auditor of Kidder county, is one of the rising young men of that locality. He is proprietor of a fine farm near Steele and has made a success of that line of work. He is a popular and efficient public official and commands respect wherever he is known.

Our subject was born on a farm in Jefferson county, Missouri, April 13, 1870. His father, Alfred Augustus Allen, was a physician during his active business career. He was of English-Irish descent. The great-grandfather of our subject was born in Vermont and was of Puritan stock. The mother of our subject, who bore the maiden name of Nancy Malay, was born in West Virginia and was of Irish descent. The families on both sides were pioneers of Illinois and there the parents of our subject were married. They went to Iowa after the Civil war and about 1868 went to Missouri, and when our subject was two years of age returned to Iowa and settled near Corning, Adams county, where the father followed his practice as a physician. He later moved to North Dakota and began farming in Kidder county and gave up his profession, taking government land twelve miles north of Steele.

Our subject was the youngest in a family of nine children and was reared in Iowa and educated in the country schools and also attended Amity College at College Springs, Iowa. He removed with his parents to North Dakota when sixteen years of age and assisted his father on the home farm until 1894, and alter attaining his majority entered a homestead claim to land adjoining his father's farm and engaged in farming in partnership with his father several years, assuming charge of the work of the place. The family moved to Sioux City, Iowa, in 1894, and our subject took a business course at the Metropolitan Business College, graduating in 1897. He farmed on twenty acres of land rented within the city limits in 1896 and in the spring of 1897 the family returned to Kidder county, North Dakota, and our subject took charge of the farm and has continued its management and now has a thoroughly improved place, one of the best in the county and operates three hundred and twenty acres of valuable land.

Mr. Allen was elected county auditor in 1898 and is now serving in that capacity. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias Lodge and in political sentiment is a Republican and is firm in his convictions.

Extracted 22 Nov 2020, by Norma Hass, from Compendium of History and Biography of North Dakota published in 1900, page 835.

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