Kidder County

1900 Biography - Frank B. Brundage

FRANK B. BRUNDAGE, one of the few successful farmers and stock raisers of township 140, range 72, in Kidder county, is a gentleman of energetic spirit and good management. He was born in Grand Rapids, Wisconsin, May 22, 1858.

The father of our subject, John N. Brundage, was an editor and publisher of several Wisconsin papers, including the "Wood County Reporter" and the "Grand Rapids Tribune." He served one year in the Civil war and was quartermaster in the Forty-fourth Wisconsin. The mother of our subject bore the maiden name of Harriet Ingraham, and was born in Ohio. The parents of our subject were married in Wisconsin, and five children were born to them, of whom our subject was the second in order of birth.

Mr. Brundage was raised in Grand Rapids and graduated from the high school and State University of Wisconsin in the classical department, and then taught school two terms, and in the spring of 1881 went to Kidder county, North Dakota, and located at Dawson. He entered claim to government land two miles north of Dawson and began farming. He built a small shanty and a board barn and his first farming was done with oxen. He continued wheat raising until 1897, when he started sheep culture, and he has made a success of diversified farming. He now has a farm of three hundred and twenty acres, and operates six hundred and forty acres and on his home farm has a complete set of substantial buildings, and he also has all machinery for the economical conduct of the place, and about twelve work horses, and keeps twenty horses on the farm. He now has four hundred and fifty head of sheep, and has one of the finest farms in the vicinity of Dawson.

Mr. Brundage was among the very first settlers of Kidder county, and there were but three or four buildings in Dawson when he located near there. He is a member of the Knights of the Maccabees, and is a gentleman of broad ideas, and keeps pace with the times and stands for Democratic principles politically.

Extracted 22 Nov 2020, by Norma Hass, from Compendium of History and Biography of North Dakota published in 1900, pages 858-859.

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