Kidder County

1900 Biography - Frank J. Eberl

FRANK J. EBERL, a well-known and progressive farmer of Kidder county, whose home is located in township 140, range 72, was born in Wisconsin March 1, 1868. His father, Michael Eberl, was born in Germany and was a brewer. He came to America in 1860, and in Wisconsin was married to Lydia Fermling. She was also a native of Germany, coming to America in 1860. They were the parents of nine children, of whom Frank J. was the eldest. He was reared on the farm and went to work at the age of eight years, receiving limited schooling. When he was eleven years old his mother died and the family scattered, the children working out for themselves.

Mr. Eberl worked out until 1886 in Wisconsin and in that year came to Kidder county, North Dakota. He worked in different parts of the county for the first three years, and in 1889 took a tree claim and started farming for himself. In 1890 he took a pre-emption claim, and in 1893 converted this into a homestead claim. His means were very modest to begin with, but he has worked hard, and by careful management and good judgment has developed an excellent property. He is the owner of one hundred and sixty acres of land, and annually operates about one hundred and eighty acres in crops. He has a complete set of good farm buildings, his barn and granary being the best buildings of the kind in the county.

Mr. Eberl is a Republican in his political views and has taken an active interest in matters of a public nature. He attends all the conventions of his party in the county and is a well-known party man. He is esteemed and respected throughout the county for his industry, integrity and good fellowship. He is a member of the A. O. U. W.

Extracted 22 Nov 2020, by Norma Hass, from Compendium of History and Biography of North Dakota published in 1900, page 1397.

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