Kidder County

1900 Biography - Robert N. Mahin

ROBERT NEWTON MAHIN, Sr. Persistent and honest industry always meets with success. In the life of this gentleman the leading characteristic is industry and with this he has ever coupled honesty and integrity of word and deed, and he is now proprietor of one of the fine farms of Kidder county, North Dakota, his home being located in township 140, range 70.

Our subject was born on a farm in Indiana in 1858. His father, Jabiz Mahin, was born in Ohio and was of Scotch descent, and was a soldier of the Civil war and participated in Morgan's raid. He was a farmer by occupation. The mother of our subject, who bore the maiden name of Abagail Augusta Knowlton, was a native of Maine. The parents of our subject were married in Indiana and reared a family of eight children, of whom our subject was the fourth in order of birth.

Mr. Mahin grew to manhood in Tippecanoe county, Indiana, near the battlefield of Tippecanoe, and attended the country schools. At the age of twenty-one he left home and worked at farm labor three years and in 1882 went to North Dakota and settled in Kidder county, where he entered claim to land and began farming. He built a claim shanty and had a team and plow and lived alone on his farm seven years and his first crop was forty-five acres of wheat and ten acres of oats, which was a good yield, but was followed by a poor yield the next season. He worked for others the first two years in North Dakota and thus provided means with which to make his start at farming his own land. He now owns three hundred and twenty acres of land, of which two hundred acres are under cultivation, and he has a complete set of substantial and commodious buildings and all equipments for operating a model farm, and has engaged in grain raising principally.

Our subject was married, in 1889, to Miss Susan Gutcher. Mrs. Mahin was born in Ohio in 1857 and was a daughter of Andrew Gutcher, a native of Germany. She was raised in Louisville, Ohio. One child has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Mahin, Robert N., who was born in Kidder county, North Dakota, December 25, 1895. Mr. Mahin is a Republican politically, and is a man of firm convictions and takes an active part in local affairs of importance.

Extracted 22 Nov 2020, by Norma Hass, from Compendium of History and Biography of North Dakota published in 1900, page 895.

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