Kidder County

1900 Biography - Charles H. Stanley

CHARLES H. STANLEY, widely known as an attorney and real estate man of Steele, Kidder county, is a potent factor in the prosperity enjoyed by Kidder county. He is a man of wealth and popularity, well informed and generous and his public spirit has never been called in question.

Our subject was born in Jerseyville, Illinois, November 29, 1860. His father, John Stanley, was a carriage manufacturer throughout his career and made his home in the east. The grandfather of our subject, James Stanley, was a native of England and came to America and lived in Newark, New Jersey. He was a hatter by trade. The mother of our subject, Elmina Budlong, traces her ancestry to Christopher Wadsworth, who came from England in the ship "Lion" and landed at Boston in 1632. He settled in Duxbury, Massachusetts, and some of the members of the family later went to Lebanon, Connecticut, and New Lebanon, New York, and all were of Puritan stock. Christopher Wadsworth was the father of two sons, Joseph, who was born in 1636, and John, born in 1638. The mother of our subject was a descendant of Joseph Wadsworth and the poet, Longfellow, was a descendant of John Wadsworth. All the family were long-lived people and both branches took active part in the Revolutionary war and many were officers in the army.

Mr. Stanley removed with his parents to Columbia county, New York, when four years of age, and there grew to manhood and received his education. He took a special course at Troy Conference Academy at Poultney, Vermont, and took classical and scientific studies and a full commercial course. He later attended the University of Michigan and graduated with the law class of 1883 and from there went to Steele, North Dakota, where he established an office and has followed the practice of his profession there since with unbounded success. He also opened up and developed four large farms in that locality and also handles real estate. He practices in all courts and has an extensive and remunerative business.

Our subject was married, in January, 1886, to Miss Mary L. Belden, of Galesburg, Illinois. Mrs. Stanley was a daughter of Daniel Belden, a prosperous farmer. She is a lady of rare attainments and culture and attended Knox College, of Galesburg, and later became an instructor in the public schools. Five children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley, named as follows: Charles J., born in November, 1886; Martha, born in November, 1888; Jennie, born in June, 1892; Eugene, born in January, 1894, and Helen, born in September, 1898. Mr. Stanley was elected state's attorney of Kidder county in 1896 and re-elected in 1898, and is now serving on the second term in that capacity. He was a member of the World's Columbian commission, and as a member of the board who planned and had charge of the exposition, met many prominent men of the nation. He was appointed aide-de-camp on Governor Burk's staff in 1890, but resigned the commission. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias and Ancient Order of United Workmen and in political sentiment is a Republican and an earnest worker for his party and has attended most county and all state conventions for the past fifteen years.

Extracted 22 Nov 2020, by Norma Hass, from Compendium of History and Biography of North Dakota published in 1900, page 818.

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