Kidder County

1900 Biography - John S. Werner

JOHN S. WERNER is widely known as one of the prosperous business men of Dawson, Kidder county. He conducts the largest millinery and ladies' furnishings establishment in the county, and also has an extensive coal and fuel yard, and is largely interested in farming and stock raising. He owns considerable property, including tenement houses, business blocks and residences in Dawson, and has acquired his fortune since taking up his residence in North Dakota, and has gained an enviable name as a business man and citizen.

Our subject was born in the city of New York, September 26, 1862. His father, John C. Werner, was a tailor and was a native of Germany and came to America when about fourteen years of age. The mother of our subject was of German descent and was raised in Pennsylvania. His parents were married in the state of New York, and twelve children were born to them, of whom our subject was the sixth in order of birth.

Mr. Werner was raised in the city of his birth until fourteen years of age, when he removed with his parents to the country, and the father conducted a truck garden and also followed his trade. Our subject was educated in the city schools and also attended some private and boarding schools and received a good education. He left New York March 10, 1883, and went to Dawson, North Dakota, and took land sixteen miles north of the town and thereon built a claim shanty and a board barn, and he hired his first breaking done and was then without money. He worked for others for several seasons and had fair crops on his own land, but could not advance in the improvement of his place to any extent, and in 1890 he rented out the farm and moved to Dawson and established a restaurant, which he operated two years, and then engaged in the millinery and ladies' furnishing goods business, which has proven a success. He has engaged in stock raising extensively since 1889, and in 1898 established his fuel business in Dawson, and now does the most extensive business in that line in the town. He owns one hundred and sixty acres of land and keeps a farm for hay land.

Our subject was married, January 17, 1889, to Miss Mary E. Super, a native of Ohio. Mrs. Werner's father, Jacob Super, were of German descent and was a farmer by occupation. His grandfather and great-grandfather lived near Canton, Ohio. Mrs. Werner had a sister in Dakota, Mrs. S. W. Stinchcomb, and Mrs. Werner went to Dakota through the influence of her sister. She is a lady of good education and was engaged in teaching for some time. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Werner, who are named as follows: Fern C., born in 1889, and Ruth, born in 1892. Mr. Werner takes an active part in local affairs and has held various offices of trust, and is highly esteemed by all with whom he has to do. He is a Democrat in political sentiment.

Extracted 22 Nov 2020, by Norma Hass, from Compendium of History and Biography of North Dakota published in 1900, pages 718-719.

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