Ray McKaig Produces 35 Bushels of Valuable Seed Near Ft. Rice.
“Sweet Clover
Ranch” as the name of a Morton county farm does not seem appropriate but the
facts in connection with one of the principal products of the farm, located near
Ft. Rice, and owned by Ray McKaig, proved that the name is well chosen. A sweet
clover crop raised on ten acres of the place just threshed yielded 35 bushels of
seed which is worth $640. The net profit of the crop to Mr. McKaig was about
The sweet clover was first planted in 1914 and last year twelve
loads of excellent hay were secured from the tract. Thirty-two dollars worth of
seed was bought in the first place. It was planted on high land and particular
attention was not given to the selection of a desirable kind of soil, same being
spotted with gumbo. A good stand was immediately secured and the aggregate yield
this year was 35 bushels of the precious seed. Much of the crop of seed was sold
before it was threshed at $18 per bushel.
Successful raising of sweet
clover is just another of Morton county’s diversified farming successes and is
one of the things that will sure bring about $100 an acre land.
Extracted 12 Nov 2019 by Norma Hass from North Dakota Farmer, Lisbon ND, 1916 Nov 05 issue, pages 20-21.
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