From the Compendium of History and Biography of North Dakota (1900), Page 361:
"THOR G. DAHL, one of the well known and influential business men of Hillsboro, is engaged in the abstract business there and is also part owner of the Hillsboro Roller Mills. He was born in Bratsberg, Christian Sands Stift, Norway, September 1, 1857, and was the youngest in a family of eight children.
Mr. Dahl's parents, Gunlcik and Liv (Bleka) Dale, were natives of Norway, and the mother still lives and makes her home there. Our subject was given a liberal education and prepared himself for teaching, and when nineteen years of age went to Christiania and completed a commercial course and
then applied himself for about one year to office work. He then came to America in 1879 to try his fortunes in the New World and at once went to Freeborn county, Minnesota, and taught a Norwegian school in Albert Lea. He attended a high school in the city one year and with the education gained in his native land had a good start. He then went to Portland, Traill county, North Dakota, in the spring of 1882, and spent four years clerking in a general merchandise store, during which time he secured a homestead in Steele county, that state. He went to Portland in 1885, after proving up on his land, and then began work for the Breed & Lennen Lumber Company, and was in their employ about three years, when he purchased the yard and conducted the business for about five years. He was elected register of deeds of Traill county, and with his family removed to the county seat, and served four years. He purchased a set of abstract books in the fall of 1894 and has since conducted abstracting. He purchased a half interest in the Hillsboro Roller Mills in February, 1897, a mill of seventy-five barrels capacity.
Our subject was married, in 1885, to Ingeborg E. Lee. Eight children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Dahl, named as follows: Gerhard; Nora; Elmer, deceased; Inga; Lottie; Elmer and Roy twins; and Herman. Mr. Dahl is a member of the Lutheran church and in political sentiment is a Republican. He is prominent in affairs of his party and attends county and state conventions as a delegate."
Burial, Tombstone Picture.
Walter was born in Danforth, Iroquois County, Illinois on 18 October 1895 to Stephen and Clara Thompson Daschner. He was one of six children; Irene, George, Frank William (1900), Mabel, and Florence (1912).
Walter was inducted into the U. S. Army on 22 July 1918 at Hillsboro. He was sent to Camp Custer in Michigan serving in 42nd Company, 11th Battalion, 160th Depot Brigade until 18 August 1918 and then Battery D, 40th Field Artillery to his death of pneumonia at Camp Custer on 17 October 1918 at Camp Custer.
Walter's Burial, Tombstone Photos, Links to Some Family Members
Wilson was born in July 1842 in Pennsylvania.
He enlisted as a Private into Company C, 4th Wisconsin Cavalry from Sheboygan Falls on 27 May 1861 and mustered out on 28 May 1866. He started receiving his pension on 19 January 1891 in North Dakota.
In the 1885 and 1890 Census reports he is living in Clifford, Traill County and in 1900 he with two children are living in Edendale, Steele County. Living with them is fellow civil war veteran James C. Putnam. Both Deets and Putnam may have moved to Canada.
North Dakota History and People - Outlines of American History
Volume II
The E. J. Clarke Publishing Company
1917 - Chicago
The business interests of Clifford find a worthy representative
in William Domier,
who is a dealer in agricultural implements and has various other active connections with
business affairs. In fact his interests are so broad in their scope and important in their
nature as to further in large measure the material development of the community. Mr.
Domier was born in Norway, January 23, 1859, a son of Henry [link includes an obituary] and Carrie (Running) [Kari Rudningen - link includes an obituary]
Domier. who came to the United States in 1866 and settled in Goodhue county, Minnesota,
where they spent fifteen years. In 1881 they arrived in North Dakota, taking up their abode in Roseville township, Traill county, where Mr. Domier secured a homestead claim on
which he resided until his death in 1902. His widow survived him for seven ytars, passing
away in 1909.
William Domier [link includes obituary] pursued his education in the district schools of Minnesota, being but
a lad of seven years when the family crossed the Atlantic. At a very early age, however,
he became a wage earner, working as chore boy for neighboring farmers and doing general
farm work as early as his ninth or tenth year. He is truly a self-made man, for from that
time forward he has depended solely upon his own resources. In 1882 he began farming
on his own account, homesteading one hundred and sixty acres on section 20, Roseville
township. Traill county. There he resided for three years, after which he sold that prop-
erty and went to Nelson county, where he purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land,
there carrying on general farming for eleven years. He next took up his abode in Steele
county, where he purchased one hundred and sixty acres and for nine years he resided in
that county, carrying on general agricultural pursuits. In 1905 he removed to Clifford to
become manager for the Goose River Implement Company, in which connection he has since
continued. He still owns his farm in Steele county, located eight miles west of Clifford.
He is regarded as one of the substantial residents of the town in which he resides, for
aside from his farming and mercantile interests he is a stockholder in the Farmers Elevator
Company and in the Traill County Telephone Company. His business connections are of
an important character and have won him place among the representative and valued
residents of this part of the state.
In 1881 Mr. Domier was married to Miss Josephine Quelle [link has correct name spelling], a native of Norway, who
died November 29, 1911. Mr. Domier is a member of the Norwegian Lutheran church. His
political allegiance has always been given to the republican party since age brought him
the right of franchise. He has served as a member of the town board and for many years
he was chairman of the board, while living in Steele county. He takes a deep and helpful
interest in community affairs, casting his influence always on the side of progress and
improvement and his efforts in behalf of public welfare have been productive of excellent
Michael was born about 1844 in New York and died 11 January 1924 in Traill County.
He enlisted as a Private on 27 March 1865 into Company G, 154th Indiana Infantry Regiment and mustered out on 4 August 1865 at Winchester, Virginia. He started receiving his pension on 2 January 1897 in North Dakota.
In the 1920 Census he is living in Blanchard.
He is buried in Hillsboro #1 Cemetery.
Burial, Tombstone Picture.