North Dakota History and People - Outlines of American History
Volume II
The E. J. Clarke Publishing Company
1917 - Chicago
Ole A.
Kaldor, the present efficient and popular county treasurer of Traill county, is one
of the best known residents of Hillsboro. His birth occurred in Norway on the 8th of May,
1873, and he is a son of Anders and Anna Kaldor, also natives of that country. The family
removed to America in 1873 and coming at once to the northwest, located on a homestead
in Traill county. North Dakota. The father devoted his time to the improvement and operation of that place until 1910, when he removed to Hillsboro, where both he and his wife
are now living, enjoying a period of leisure made possible by their former efficient labor.
Four of their seven children survive and all are residents of Traill county.
Ole A. Kaldor attended the common schools in the acquirement of his early education
and was later a student in a business college at Minneapolis. He remained on the home farm
until ho became of age and then went to Ward county, this state, where he lived on a
homestead. Through assisting his father with the work of the home farm he became thoroughly familiar with agricultural pursuits and was very successful in the cultivation of
his land. At the end of eight years he sold that place and, returning to Traill county, pur-
chased the Kaldor homestead on section 20, Norway township, which comprises two hundred
and forty acres of splendidly improved land. After living there for three years he removed
to Hillsboro, where he has since resided. He is now filling the office of county treasurer and
is making an excellent record in that capacity, being systematic, prompt and accurate in the
discharge of his duties. His integrity has always been above question, and the confidence
which his constituents have placed in him is well deserved.
In 1901 occurred the marriage of Mr. Kaldor and Miss Lena Veikley, who was also born
in Norway. They are the parents of three children, May Adelia, Archie J., and Floyd O.
Mr. Kaldor is a stanch adherent of the republican party and has served on the school board
and has held other township offices. Both he and his wife hold membership in the Lutheran
Free church, and their influence is invariably given on the side of right and progress. Both
have a wide acquaintance and their genuine worth is attested by the fact that those who
have been the most intimately associated with them are their warmest friends.
North Dakota History and People - Outlines of American History
Volume II
The E. J. Clarke Publishing Company
1917 - Chicago
Theodore Kaldor, of Hillsboro, a
prominent representative of the legal profession in
Traill county, where he has practiced continuously since admitted to the bar in 1901. His
ability is evidenced by the large clientage accorded him. Moreover, his life record stands
in contradistinction to the old adage that a prophet is not without honor save in his own
country, for Mr. Kaldor is a native of Traill county, his birth having occurred on his father's
farm in Norway township. August 8. 1875. His parents, Christian O. and Ragnhild Kaldor,
were both natives of Oier, Gudbrandsdal, Norway, and both came to the United States in
1868. They were married in Freeborn county, Minnesota, where the father followed farming for two years, and on the 22d of June, 1871, came to Traill county, where he was among
the first to take up a homestead. He continued to reside thereon, his attention being
given to its further development and improvement imtil his death, which occurred in 1909.
His widow still resides upon that place.
After mastering the branches of learning taught in the common schools Theodore
Kaldor attended Concordia College at Moorhead, Minnesota, and in 1896 was graduated
from the Mayville State Normal School. He continued his education at the University of
Minnesota, where he completed a course in the law department with the class of 1901, at
which time the LL.B. degree was conferred upon him. During vacation periods up to that
time he had worked upon his father's farm and in outdoor life gained that vigor and
strength which has constituted a basic element of his professional success. After thorough
training for the bar he at once opened an office in Hillsboro. where he has since remained,
and while advancement at the bar is proverbially slow, he has nevertheless made steady
progress and his ability has gained him distinction, for in the trial of various important
cases he has given proof of his rcsourcefulness, his comprehensive knowledge of the law and
his ready and almost intuitive understanding of the workings of justice. Aside from his
law practice he is interested in farming and banking, being connected with two banks and
owning eight hundred acres of farm lands in this state, most of which is near his home
On the 27th of June, 1905. Mr. Kaldor was united in marriage to Miss Nettie Larson,
a daughter of Necoli and Christine Larson, pioneer settlers of Traill county. Mr. and Mrs.
Kaldor are the parents of two children. Chaunoey Theodore and Harvey Nathaniel, aged
respectively seven and five years.
Mr. Kaldor and his wife are members of the Lutheran church and he is identified with
the Masonic fraternity and the Sons of Norway. In politics he has always been a republican
and on various occasions his fellow citizens have manifested their confidence in his trustworthiness and ability by electing him to public office. For six years, from 1904 until
1910, he was states attorney of Traill county, and during the past five years he has been a member of the board of education of Hillsboro and has also been a member of the board of
park commissioners since the creation of the park district four years ago, being president
of the park board during the last two years. He was likewise city attorney for two years.
Mr. Kaldor labors earnestly and effectively as an official and as a private citizen to further
the best interests of the community in which he resides.
From the Compendium of History and Biography of North Dakota (1900), Page 250:
"WILLIAM A. KELLY, clerk of the district court, is one of the prominent young men of Traill county. He is thoroughly qualified for the position which he holds, and has devoted much of his career to office work of this character, becoming proficient in public record work. He resides in Hillsboro and has attained an assured position as a citizen of active public spirit and energetic character.
Our subject was born in Waterford, Racine county, Wisconsin, March 10, 1861, and was the youngest in a family of ten children, born to Thomas and Ann (McWilliams) Kelley. His parents were born in North Ireland and there is a Scotch strain running through the family. His parents are now deceased. His father was a mason by trade, and provided our subject with good educational advantages.
Mr. Kelly attended the common schools, and at the age of fifteen years entered the seminary at Rochester, Wisconsin, a mile and a half from their home. He taught school at intervals during three years and attended the seminary, beginning teaching at the age of sixteen years. He taught four years in Wisconsin, and after the death of his father, in 1880, he was his mother's support, and moved farther westward. During the winter of 1881-82 he taught near Beaver Falls, Minnesota, and in the spring of 1882 went to Caledonia, Traill county, North Dakota, where his brothers and sisters resided, and where he secured a position in the office of register of deeds. Work in the court house continued until 1886, working in the capacity of deputy register of deeds, deputy treasurer and
deputy auditor, and in the fall of 1886 he was a successful candidate for county superintendent of schools. The legislature had passed the township school system, and our subject had the responsibility of re-organization. In the first session of the North Dakota legislature he was elected first assistant engrossing and enrolling clerk, and at the second sesion of that body he was elected enrolling and engrossing clerk, and was elected to that oftice for the third session. In 1895 he was placed in charge of a corps of clerks for the purpose of enrolling the code as reported from the board of compilation. He had previously worked in the office of tne secretary of state transcribing a copy of the corporation records for North and South Dakota, and in 1891 he received an appointment from the government to assist in securing the amount of the recorded indebtedness of the state. He purchased the "Halstad Reporter" at Halstad, Minnesota, in 1893, and operated the same one and a half years, and later conducted an insurance and collection business in Caledonia. He was elected to his present office, without opposition, in the fall of 1898, and has gained the confidence of the people of Traill county.
Our subject was married, October 15, 18S9, to Miss Lizzie [editor note: Elizabeth} Cleveland, a native of Maine. Mrs. Kelly is a lady of excellent education, and was a teacher in the public schools. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly are the parents of two children, Clarence D. [editor note: Clarence David "Bud"] and Alice M. Mr. Kelly assisted in the organization
of Company L, First Regiment of Infantry, National Guard of North Dakota, in the fall of 1898, and was commissioned first lieutenant. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias, and politically is an ardent Republican, and has attended all state conventions of his party since taking up his residence in North Dakota."
William Kelly Burial
Elizabeth Kelly Burial
Clarence D. Kelly Burial
From Portland, North Dakota Diamond Jubilee, 1882-1957:
"Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kern
Jacob Kern came to Portland in 1882.
In April, that year, he married Lena Gilbertson,
born in Norway, September 14,
Mr. Kern was sheriff of Traill County,
when the county seat was Caledonia.
He was in the machinery business in
Portland, and later the coal and insurance
business. He died in 1935. In 1938
Mrs. Kern went to Bozeman, Montana
to live with her daughter. She died in
1949. Their children were: Melville, William,
Lewis and Lillian."
Burial, Tombstone, Family Links
James was born 6 October 1833 and died 31 August 1926 in Traill County.
He enlisted as a Private on 10 August 1864 into Company D, Minnesota 11th Infantry Regiment and mustered out on 26 June 1865 at St. Paul, Minnesota. He started receiving his pension on 31 July 1876.
In the 1900 and 1920 Federal Census reports he is living in Hillsboro.
James secured a land patent in Section 10, Township 145, Range 53.
James is buried in Hillsboro #1 Cemetery.
Burial, Tombstone Picture.
Born May 5, 1890 in Hillsboro, North Dakota
Died July 4, 1968 in Los Angeles, California
Commissioned from U. S. Naval Academy 1911
Advanced through grades to Rear Admiral 1943
Student, Naval War College 1923-24
Aide & Flag Lieutenant to Commander-in-Chief,
Battle Fleet 1925-26
Aide & Flag Lieutenant to Commander-in-Chief,
U.S. Fleet 1926-27
Commanding Officer, USS DOYEN 1927-28
Assistant Naval Attaché, London 1928-30
Senior Aide in The White House 1934-35
Served with 3rd Naval District 1937-39
Commander, Destroyer Squadron-FIVE 1939-41
Assistant Director of Naval Intelligence 1941-43
Commander, Battleship Division TWO, Pacific
Fleet 1943-44
Commander, Panama Sea Frontier, Commandant
15th Naval District & Commander, South East Pacific Sea Frontier 1944-45
Commander, Battleship Division NINE 1945
Commander, 3rd Fleet 1945-46
Retired as Vice Admiral February 1947
Legion of Merit (Three) - Bronze Star
Richmond Kingman and Caroline Brown; Hillsboro, North Dakota
Before WWII, he was Commander, Destroyer Squadron
5 in the Asiatic Fleet. Amphibious commander in WWII, he commanded
the task force which took Betio and also served in the Aleutians.
He was buried with full military honors in Section 30 of Arlington
National Cemetery. His wife, Adelaide Bledsoe Cormack Kingman, born
in Muskogee, Oklahoma, on 12 May 1901, died in Los Angeles, California,
on 27 January 1999, is buried with him.
Burial, Tombstone Picture, Family Links
Adapted and transcribed from the Transcribed from the Arlington National Cemetery website by Mike Peterson.
In 1988, Newsweek magazine chose Agnes Geelan as an American hero, citing her peace activism. She was then 92 years old.
Geelan was my hero, too, and that of many women and men throughout her native North Dakota and the country.
She was born near Hatton, N.D., on May 19, 1896, the daughter of Norwegian immigrant homesteaders named Kjorlie [Note: Harold and Jane Kjorlie, 1900 Census, Garfield, Traill County, North Dakota]. While in school in Hatton, she was a classmate of aviation pioneer Carl Ben Eielson.
A graduate of Mayville State College in 1915, Geelan went on to teach for 18 years. She also attended Concordia College in the 1920s and later attended Dakota Business College in Fargo.
In 1918, she worked for women’s suffrage with the League of Women Voters and during World War II conducted the campaign for war bond sales that she later came to regret.
While teaching in Enderlin, N.D., she met Elric Geelan, who was born in 1897 in Fond Du Lac, Wis. He was a railroad foreman for the Soo Line. They married on May 28, 1926. Agnes always spoke of Elric’s caring and support for her various endeavors. He died in 1966.
Geelan began her political career as an officer in the ladies auxiliary of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen in 1931. In 1935, she was elected president of North Dakota’s American Legion auxiliary.
She was the first female mayor in the state when she was elected mayor of Enderlin in 1946. In 1950, she became the first woman elected to the North Dakota Senate.
Geelan made unsuccessful runs for Congress in 1948 and 1956, when she was the first North Dakota woman to be endorsed by a major party. She was one of the so-called insurgents, the state politicians who maneuvered the Nonpartisan League into the Democratic Party at the NPL state convention in 1956.
In 1966, Geelan was appointed to the North Dakota Workmen’s Compensation Commission by Gov. William Guy. She left the bureau in 1964 to care for her ailing husband and was named to the position when he died. She retired in 1971 after being appointed a delegate to the state’s Constitutional Convention.
After retiring, she returned to college and North Dakota State University. By the age of 88, she had completed three books: “The Dakota Maverick,” a biography of U.S. Sen. William Langer, and two novels, “Pine Cove Revisited” and “The Ministers’ Daughters.”
Geelan took her first step for peace in 1951 when as a state senator she voted for a resolution asking the U.S. to pull American soldiers out to Korea.
In 1988, she asked the North Dakota congressional delegation to arrange for her to observe American and Soviet arms negotiations in Geneva. The Reagan administration rejected her request, but through the office of Sen. Kent Conrad, she was invited to the U.N.’s session on disarmament in June 1988. She was also invited to attend the U.N. secretary general’s reception.
Throughout the years, Geelan won many awards, but it was after the events at the U.N. that she was named a Newsweek American hero.
Agnes Geelan died March 10, 1993, after a long and exceedingly productive life.
Author: Andrea Hunter Halgrimson, Fargo InForum 22 May 2011, Source: Fargo Forum files.
Tillman was born on 1 February 1892 in Horace, Cass County to Nels and Tilla Kjos. Siblings included Bertha, Louis, Clara, and Nils Edward.
Tillman joined the U. S. Marine Corps from Traill county on 6 August 1917; sent to Parris Island, South Carolina for recruit training and then served in 46th Company, Norfolk, Virginia to 12 June 1918; then 58th Company 13 July 1918 then Company B, Headquarters Overseas Depot, Quantico, Virginia to 7 August 1918; Company C, 6th Separate Battalion, to 14 August 1918. He arrived in France on 27 August 1918 and served in 80th Company, 6th Regiment until his death. As a Corporal he died on 2 November 1918 as a result of wounds by the enemy at Meuse—Argonne (Champagne).
Burial, Tombstone Photo.
Bernt was born in Portland on 9 April 1891 to Bjorn Larson
and Talletta Olson Kleveland. Bjorn was born in Norway in 1839 and Talletta in Iowa in 1860. Bernt's siblings included, at least: Knute, Lars, Randi, Torborg, George, Henry, Lettie, Ida (Eda) (1893-), Nels, Thomas, Martin (1898-1951), and Bertha.
Much of the family stayed in Traill County. Bjorn arrived in America in 1879. The parents settled in North Mayville Township in 1879 at Township 146, Range 52, Section 31. Both parents became naturalized citizens in 1886. There is a short bio of the parents on Page 62 along with portraits of Bjorn and Talletta in the Mayville History - 1881-1956 but Bernt is not mentioned.
From the "Roster of Men and Women Who Served in the Army or Naval Service (including the Marine Corps) of the United States or its Allies
from the State of North Dakota in the World War, 1917-1918:" KLEVELAND. BERNT RANDOLPH. Army number 2,110,983: registrant, Traill county; born, Mayville, N. Dak., April 29, 1891, of NorwegianAmerican parents; occupation, farmer; inducted at Hillsboro on Sept. 22, 1917; sent to Camp Dodge, Iowa; served in Company K, 352nd Infantry, to Nov. 28, 1917; Company M. 348th Infantry, to April 14, 1918; Company E, 39th Infantry [4th Division], to death. Grade: Private 1st Class, June 17, 1918; overseas from May 10, 1918, to death. Engagement: Offensive: Aisne-Marne. Wounded, about Aug. 5, 1918; died of wounds, about Sept. 7, 1918; buried, Grave 9, Row 6, Block C, Oise-Aisne American Cemetery [and Memorial, Seringes-et.
Nesles, Aisne, France. [Fere-en-Tardenois, Departement de l'Aisne, Picardie, France].
Bernt's Burial
Thanks to Susan Bell Hammond a Great-Niece of Bernt Kleveland
North Dakota History and People - Outlines of American History
Volume II
The E. J. Clarke Publishing Company
1917 - Chicago
Andrew Knudson, who is making an excellent record as cashier of the Galesburg State
Bank of Galesburg, Traill county, is a native of Norway and displays the excellent qualities
characteristic of his race. He was born on the 28th of March, 1860, a son of Knud and
Barbara Knudson, the former of whom died in that country, while the latter is still living
there. They were the parents of twelve children, of whom four are deceased.
Andrew Knudson attended the common schools in the acquirement of an education and
remained at home until he was nineteen years of age, when, having heard much concerning
the unusual opportunities offered to a young man in the United States, he emigrated to this
country. He first located in Wisconsin and remained there for about two years, working
during the summers and attending school during the winters, thus perfecting his knowledge of
English. At the end of that time he went to Minnesota, where he spent a year, but in
1881 he came to Traill county. North Dakota, where he has since lived. He homesteaded land
on section 20, Galesburg township, and concentrated his energies upon its improvement and
cultivation until 1902, when he removed to Galesburg. In 1901 he had aided in organizing the
Galesburg State Bank, of which he became a director. In 1905 the bank was sold and in 1907
he was made cashier, in which capacity he has since served. He has been judicious in the
management of its affairs, following a progressive policy tempered by a conservatism that
safeguards the interests of depositors and stockholders. He also finds time to supervise the
operation of his fine farm of four hundred acres, from which he derives a gratifying addition
to his income. He is also a stockholder in the Farmers Elevator and in the Traill County
Telephone Company, of which he is a director.
Mr. Knudson was married in 1906 to Miss Christine Agotness, who was born in Norway
but was brought to America when but four years of age. They both hold membership in the
Lutheran church and he is connected with the Sons of Norway. His political allegiance is
given to the republican party and he has served as assessor and as treasurer of Galesburg
township. He has been a resident of Traill county for thirty-five years and during that time
has done all in his power to further the advancement of the community along not only
material but also moral and civic lines.
A difficult research project because of the various names. His given name in some records is Tosten, Torsten, or Thomas. Because he used two alias in the civil war, his surname has been difficult to trace. The pension records are the only records which mention both Kopseng and Thompson. His alias' were Thomas Thompson, Thomas Thompson Kopseng, and Thomas T. Kopseng. One service record indicates he may have used the surname Thomas or Thomasson.
Tosten was born 5 April 1825 in Norway and died 8 April 1898 in Traill County.
He enlisted as a Private from Spring Valley, Wisconsin 9 January 1861 and mustered in Company G, 13th Wisconsin Infantry on 1 September 1861 and mustered out on 29 July 1865. According to the Wisconsin Adjutant General's Report, 1886, Vol I: 759, he was taken prisoner as a Private in Company G, 13th Wisconsin Infantry on 31 December 1864 at Paint Rock Bridge, Alabama. He was held in Cahaba Prison (also known as Castle Morgan, located near Selma) in Alabama apparently until his discharge on 29 July 1865, after the end of the war in April 1865. He started receiving his pension on 28 August 1885. His wife, Martha, started receiving widow's pension in North Dakota on 24 October 1908.
In the North Dakota 1885 Census he is living in Trail County. He is in the 1890 Veterans Federal Census under the name Thomas Thomson and living in Hatton.
From Norwegians in the Civil War; Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum: "KOPSENG, Torsten. Born “Torsten Torstensen Kopseng” on 5 Apr 1825 in Sigdal, Buskerud, Norway, son of Torsten Kristensen Kopseng and Ingrid Kristoffersdatter Narum. He came to America on “Porsgrund”, sailing from Porsgrunn, Telemark, arriving in New York on 7 Jul 1848. He came to the Muskego settlement in Wisconsin and the next year moved on to Jefferson Prairie, Rock County, Wisconsin. Civil War: Enrolled 1861. Private. Said to have been in Andersonville prison. Discharged 1865. Post war: Moved to Iowa. Married on 24 Sep 1865 in Winneshiek County, Iowa, to Marthe Torstensdatter Berg (1837-1922). Eight children. Moved in 1878 to near Mayville, Traill County, North Dakota. Worked as a blacksmith. Died there in April 1898. Sources: (Ulvestad p303) (Naeseth ’48-469)."
Also from Norwegians in the Civil War; Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum: "THOMPSON, Thomas. WI 13th Inf Co G. Residence: Spring Valley, Rock County, Wisconsin. “Torsten Torstensen Kopseng”, born 15 Apr 1825 in Eggedal, Norway, a son of Torsten Christiansen Kopseng and Ingerid Christoffersdatter Narum. He was an uncle of another soldier, Stengrim Hanson Bergerud. Civil War: Blacksmith. Age 38. Unmarried. Blue eyes, brown hair, florid complexion, 5’10”. Enlisted for three years on 1 Sep 1861 at Spring Valley. Mustered 17 Oct 1861 at Janesville, Wisconsin. Private. Re-enlisted for three years on 23 Jan 1864 and re-mustered 30 Jan 1864 at Nashville, Tennessee. Re-enlistment bounty $400. Captured by the enemy on 31 Dec 1864 at Pain Rock Bridge, Alabama. Mustered out on 29 Jul 1865 at Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. Post war: On 24 Sep 1865, he married Marte Torstensdatter Berg. They lived in Madison Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa. In 1875, they moved to the vicinity of Mayville, Traill County, North Dakota. They had eight children, four of whom died in Iowa. Thom Thompson Kopseng died 8 Apr 1898 in Traill County, and was buried in Bruflat Cemetery in Viking township, Traill County. Sources: (WHS Series 1200 box 65-15; red book vol 18, p146) (Letter: Rosie Goettelman, Decorah IA) (1890 Veterans and Widows Census, North Dakota, No.123, roll 59)."
Tosten is buried in Bruflat Cemetery.
Burial, Tombstone Picture.
North Dakota History and People - Outlines of American History
Volume II
The E. J. Clarke Publishing Company
1917 - Chicago
Hon. Anton T. Kraabel, whose name figures on the pages of North
Dakota's history in
connection with the office of lieutenant governor, and who in business circles has won a
substantial position as a hardware dealer of Clifford, was born in Norway, October 16,
1862, a son of Torger [link has photo] and Ragnhild (Brekke) Kraabel [link has photo], who came to the United States in
1867 and established their home at Coon Valley, Wisconsin. The father was a carpenter
and contractor and was prominently identified with building interests in Wisconsin up to
the time of his retirement from active business life in 1896. He then removed to Clifford,
North Dakota, and took up his abode with his son Anton, with whom he lived until his
death, which occurred in the year 1904, his wife passing away in 1903.
Anton T. Kraabel was but five years of age when the family came to the new world
and in the common schools acquired his education. He was twenty years of age, when, in
1882, he came to North Dakota, spending the first year after his arrival in Portland, Traill
county, where he secured a clerkship in a hardware store. In the fall of 1883 he removed to
Clifford to take charge of the lumberyards of the firm of Beidler & Robinson. After two
years he embarked in the general mercantile business at Clifford and subsequently opened
a hardware store, operating the two business concerns separately. For the last thirty
years he has figured as the leading business man of Clifford, controlling important com-
mercial interests. His trade has steadily grown and he has kept in touch with advanced
commercial methods. He has ever closely studied the needs of the people and has main-
tained the highest standards in the personnel of the house, in the character of goods
carried and in the treatment accorded patrons.
In 1892 Mr. Kraabel was married to Miss Mary Oswold, of Viroqua, Wisconsin, and this
union has been blessed with seven children as follows: Torger Oswold, who is a graduate
of Luther College at Decorah, Iowa; Ragnar Evald and Alf McKinley, who are students in
Luther College, and Elvida Constance, Thelma Aloise, Ragnhild Kline and Maynord Orvis,
all of whom are at home.
In politics Mr. Kraabel is a stanch republican, recognized for many years as one of
the prominent party leaders in his section of the state. For several years he served as
township clerk and township treasurer, also as a member of the school board and in 1902
he was elected to the state legislature, while in 1904 he was elected to the state senate
and in 1906 was reelected from the central district. Other high political honors awaited
him in his election to the office of lieutenant governor of North Dakota in 1912. He has had
much to do with shaping the political history of the state and his infiuence has been a
potent factor in promoting the public good. He and his family are members of the Lutheran
church and his activities have furthered public advancement along many lines, his work
being ever an element of reform, of progress and improvement.